new software available
@Frederick-Rochette that is literally a bug fix
A new release is also the best time to report bugs if you are affected, so if something happen get back to the forum, send logs, and contact us.
T Tieutieu referenced this topic on
@Marius-Jacobsen-Eggerud said in new software available:
SOFTWARE UPDATE 2.33.12 - Q1 2024
Release Notes:
Three new watch faces - they are still useless in everyday life.
“Map ruler” tool to measure the distance in a straight line to any location on the map (VERTICAL and RACE) - Nice
Reminder to resume/end activity during pause at abnormal speed - Nice, but doesn’t work today. I end my activity at gym and forgot to turn off. I was in car and nothing happens.
New “High Contrast” map for Race - Can you show example, because I can’t see that?
Other improvements in the release: - Ok. niceSupport for emojis in notifications PHASE 1 (with some limitations still) - iOS or just Android?
Better Raise to wake (RACE) - Nice, I can see that
Improvements in the display of laps in the activity summary -
Improved UI speed, even smoother UI - You did a nice job here. It works great, it would be nice to optimize the maps to make them lag/stutter less.
Bug fix in training widget data
Bug fix to disconnect HR during an activity without needing HR belt
Bug fix for obtaining Running Estimate and Lactate (RACE)
GNSS data improvements
OHR data improvements
Sleep tracking improvements
Speed improvements with Suunto app sync - It seems to me that it is slower but more precise and only once is enough.
Bug fixes that improve stabilityThe rest needs to be tested.
@karmazynowycukiereczek said in new software available:
Reminder to resume/end activity during pause at abnormal speed - Nice, but doesn’t work today. I end my activity at gym and forgot to turn off. I was in car and nothing happens.
I guess this is for GPS related activities (run, hikes etc). I don’t think you’re tracking gps in gym, isn’t it ?
@sartoric is it an option to activate/desactive or always activated ? (the feature :Reminder to resume/end activity during pause at abnormal speed)
@Antoine always working, you cannot control it.
What´s wrong with suunto, always on display dont work during activity in this “update” , battery mode set it enable but watch ignore it. I am very disappointed with this expected update.
@Tieutieu said in new software available:
vor 4 Tagen@Frederick-Rochette I guess/hope it’s among bugs corrections
Suunto’s devices at home :
How is now the OHR data, especially during strength sports? Still too low?
@jannis I’ve not tried and don’t intend to test it soon (I will someday but I don’t expect big changes on me - no OHR has ever been working good on me ; For intensity activities - cycling/trail running… - I always use a Hr Belt)
For daily and sleep HR tracking, It was working fine before update. I can’t tell it’s better thant before. -
@jannis I don‘t know what you mean with intense sports… for me the OHR of my SV works in the same way like before during trail running… but I didn’t tested it now with poles… but I don‘t expect a different behavior now because I believe that the problems in some situations like running with poles are not software based
@SuperFlo75 there are indeed some watches with OHR which are quite well, like from Apple, the newest sensor from Garmin or even the Huawei watches. The Suunto race showed always too low heart rate, especially during strength training, like 40 Bpm too less than it’s actually is. Maybe this latest update fixed this problem.
@jannis I know that other brands use other heart rate sensors, and the function might be different or better than the sensor in SV or SR… that‘s what I mean that I‘m not sure if this problem is really software-related! For me, the OHR works well… I use it 24/7… when I go trail running, it works good enough, I also tested with the chest belt and compared… but when I use poles, while trail running or while doing cross country skiing, the OHR seems to be affected by the impact of the poles, and in this situation, the chest belt is better. I think it is not possible to make this better with software? But I only can talk about my experience and my opinion… and I don‘t have any experience with other brands like Polar or Garmin.
“Reminder to resume/end activity during pause at abnormal speed”I think this feature is discussed in more detail elsewhere but I can’t find it.
I often have the screen locked whilst walking & its during this activity that I occasionally forget to end so I get the “end activity” prompt when I drive away (it’s a standard part of my running warm down routine so never an issue when running).
If the screen was locked before the prompt there is no way to actually end the activity as I’m unable to unlock the screen (long lower button press does nothing) so I have to soft reset the watch.
However, If the screen was unlocked before the prompt I can end activity as usual.
The activity is always saved after the soft reset but it’s a bit of a faff so I thought it worth mentioning.
@Mattg576 nice, I never lock my watch so did not see this
Maybe already known to Suunto, not sure.
@Mattg576 Are you able to unlock the watch after the message has disappeared?
I lock my watch at the start of a windsurf session. When speeds increase I get the abnormal speed warning everytime after a start or pause. I ignore the message and after the session I am able to unlock the watch and end the activity properly. -
@surfboomerang I’ve always found the Race to be completely locked up & unable to navigate away from that screen in the ‘locked before the prompt’ scenario so can’t do anything further without a soft reset.
Slight difference in my situation is that I don’t want my drive home to be recorded as part of the activity whereas in your windsurfing you do (& we’re currently unable to crop the activity on SA like you can in Strava).