Unable to connect / sync vertical with suunto app since last update
@Matze said in Unable to connect / sync vertical with suunto app since last update:
Everyone says that it is soooo difficult to fix and there are so many different models and variables etc.
But given the fact that the sync bug is directly connected to the firmware update the bug should be easy to isolate… worst case scenario, just revert back the sync module to the previous firmware and than fix the bug without letting people waiting.
This exactly is what I don’t understand.
Why don’t the go back to the old version of sync module if the problem is too difficult to solve within a short period of time?
Afterwards they would have all the time they need to work on an improved version if they still want to. But not at the cost of their users.
I mean it should be in suunto‘s best interest not to let people wait to long. It’s obvious that a lot of people are affected and that this has negative effects for the company‘s image.
I think we are all here because in principle we thought that buying a suunto would be a good idea. I would like to share this belief in future again.
why don’t they simply fix this bug?
maybe the bug isn’t that simple to find and fix?
I’m a mechanical guy with some high level and passive insights in software … sometimes the rootcause for a bug isn’t where you would expect it.
the same applies for mechanics, by the way -
Hi all again. I need a user that has tried multiple phones (more than one) and his activities won’t sync.
Before anyone asks why I ask this so late, I have asked this a couple of times , and the people that have been identified with the issue are not replying in the chat or providing a contact so we can investigate this issue.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos Maby you can ask this your customer support :D. I tried tell them lot off time my problems, no help. I tried 3 iphone (7, 12 mini and 15) and android. But i already change my Vertical to Garmin so i dont have watch anymore.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos I tried with 3 phones, sync always failed. I can help you with any of your questions (but quickly because the watch is being send tomorrow to repair)
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos hi, I also tried with my Pixel and with two types of Samsung phones. Still with the same problem.
OK, I see and I can understand that in general, but my point was slightly different.
They have changed the sync process in 2.33.12 to speed it up. This led to the sync issue.
If it’s not possible to fix this (or at least very difficult and time consuming) a simple but straightforward solution would be to take back the changes they have made with the sync process as before no one had any issues with that.
So why not do that?
just thinking out loud… if it would be that easy, wouldn’t they have tried already?several others, and I would assume the majority of users, do not experience this (unfortunate) issue. what if it is related but not the reason?
I tried with 2 Samsung phones without success. I tried with 2 wifi networks (home & work) and I thought it was the cause… but it is not …
On 30th April at work, I was able to synchronize 2 activities , 2 hours after arrival and after lunch, a 20 minutes walk in less than 30 seconds. Back at home, my 40 minutes cycling trip was synchonized in the evening. But running, walking of 1st May could not be synchronized at home. Today at work, after 3 hours, nothing happened ( for 3 activities). So synchronization is done or not at random …
(Hard re-set of the watch, new Suunto Apps download on 2 mobiles, new Bluetooth setting done, 2 different Internet providers tested). My conclusion, there is something wrong in Suunto coding and nothing else…
Update @ 16h47 this 2nd May. 3 activities (of yesterday & this morning) in the end transferred few minutes ago, at my work place…
Update @21h00. Back home, I managed to synchronize cycle back home activity with the transfer of a new map. So it is very bizarreand for sure something wrong in the Suunto code.
OK, I see, it can be complicated!
In the end it’s not under all circumstances necessary to know why 2.33.12 does not work.
One thing is certain: Under 2.30.38 there were no issues with sync.
So I think if I could downgrade to 2.30.38 everything should work again. At least there’s a high probability (given that they didn’t change other things as well).
I am very sure they are on it.
I didn’t check if we have previous firmware available here to downgrade, but yes that could be an option. -
If something has changed in the data structure (so how data are sent to the app) very probably downgrade isn’t a possibility
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos I have tried on an iPhone and an iPad. Would also be able to try on an Android phone, if needed.
An update (also to keep the topic on top): reinstalling the Suunto app on Pixel 7a didn’t help. The behavior is still the same - whenever the watch attempts to sync the activities to the app, the connection drops almost immediately. I hope a fix is found soon, as the issue is really frustrating.
Hey guys, after a month of having a non-able-to-sync watch, I’ve decided to send it back for a warranty exchange/repair.
I’ll let you know how the procedure is goingCheers
Yeah keep us updated, that would be great
Weren‘t they looking for one of the non working watches here? I have in mind that you offered to send yours.
Does anybody of you know if this has led to any specific consequences?
I am still keeping my watch (oh my god, I must be a real suunto fan then ;-)), but have to admit that I am close to give up…
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos asked for my logs, email and phone so that the repair team from suunto know that my watch is affected. -
Yesterday, I had the idea to delete all the activities but the last one (all already synced to the SA) from the watch (Race), to check if the sync issue could be caused by the old activities stored in the watch and recorded before the firmware update (2.33.12). After deleting, the “basic syncing” (that is: gps performance, weather, etc … without new activities) performed without problems. This morning I recorded a short activity and the sync performed again with no problem. Then, I recorded another short activity and the sync was OK again.
Before deleting the old activities (from the watch) I had problem also with the “basic syncing”: the BT connection dropped often and sync restarted several times before completing the operation. -
Interested to see how it continues for you, although I’m not confident based on past experiences. Many people here, including myself, have done a hard reset which wipes everything off the watch. It has however not fixed the sync issues.
I don’t know how SA manages the sync process, however, other synching programs, as for example FreeFileSync, or cloud-based ones, as Google Drive, Dropbox, Owncloud, etc …, create and update an hidden database file that records the status of the synching process, if that file at same point became corrupt the whole synching process can be affected, because there are conflicts between the database copies on the client and on the server.
IF this is the case (I’m guessing), maybe that the hard reset by itself isn’t able to solve such conflict(s), since SA should be able repair/re-create the database and realign the activities.