Suunto app not linking to Strava
Suunto app can’t seem to link to my Strava account. It goes through the whole redirect and login and authorization on Strava but after confirming it just resets to the connect page and Strava isn’t linked. There was a post with a workaround from last year but I can’t seem to make that work since the login to Strava is on the Suunto app. Anyway, curious if anyone has a solution to this one or if the app just needs an update or something. Cheers.
@alexhparker Strava is having issues.
Same issue here. I was fighting it for 2 hours straight before visiting the forum. Before it was a sync problem now can’t even connect it to Strava the app (Suunto). Probably they will fix it soon enough
From Hammerhead Karoo 3 -> Suunto -it works
-> Strava -it works -
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