Suunto Ocean general discussion
@Maximfreediver Usually just multiply by 2 if you need the step cadence
Suunto has always been showing the full rotation/revolution (2 steps).
@Maximfreediver yes, different philosophies.
I upgraded from the S9PP to the Ocean pretty much when it came out. I really like it except for a couple of things. I probably would have gone for the Vertical Titanium Solar if it were not for the fact that I’m a casual diver as well.
My absolute biggest complaint is that the firmware shuts off the display during workouts to prevent burn in and to save power. To me this is false economy and really is inconvenient. The two places where this is extremely annoying is when I’m doing some sort of timed workout like streching I have an interval set for holding an exercise for 30s or a minute and the display cuts out and I don’t know how much time I have. The other place where this makes the watch practically useless is when I want to do bike ride and have the watch on the handlebars. The display cuts off I can’t just glance down to see how fast I’m going, what my HR is. This is just broken behaviour. The display shouldat least have the option to stay on when exercising. I’ve gone back to using the S9PP for the kinds of workouts where I need the display to stay on. However, Suunto really doesn’t make it convenient to switch back and forth between watches.
I wish that the diving firmware was separate from the multisport firmware so that the watch could keep pace with the other multisport watches like the vertical while still undergoing the extra testing needed for a safety device like a dive computer. I really would like ZoneSense…
A notably missing feature is no Dive planner either in app or in the watch.
When diving at altitude you must set the altitude manually – why? The watch knows your altitude plus it should use your previous altitude during the day when computing the NDL. e.g. if you start the day at sea level then travel to 2000m for a dive, the watch should automatically factor that in to the dissolved nitrogen.
I saw on a picture somewhere a tide guide as one of the watch face complications but I haven’t found it yet. This is one of my feature requests.
On the map there are no numbers on topo lines. However, if you zoom out to get context to figure out which way is up, the topo lines disappear. I think that they could do something like render the topo line with a shaded edge showing which way is up. As it is, it is really hard to use.
When doing structured workouts, I think it would be better if they used the ascent and descent widget for diving and color to tell you when your HR, Power, or pace is above or below set targets. Currently they use the arc to show you your HR zone. I think it would be more useful during structured workouts if they used the outer arc to show the time until the end of that workout segment. This would be very much like how the watch works in dive mode.
I would really like to be able to set my altitude by reference to the local air pressure reading from the met office.
I wish the watch would send a notification that popped up on my phone when the watch completed charging.
I wish that you could set intensity zones in the app rather than just in the watch and that these intensity zones would transfer over when you move from watch to watch.
Regarding watch band I think it would be nice if they included a normal exercise lighter weight band with the watch in addition to the very heavy duty long length diving band. I bought one after the fact. Make it a bundle or something. The diving band is just too long, and heavy for daily use.
I would like to see some new HW Accessories:
- A USB-C charging disc, that I could plug any old USB-C cable into vs. the little disc with the pig tail. Practically everything I have is USB-C these days.
- A new dive transmitter which automatically detects O2 content for Nitrox diving. The watch uses this to set NDL and MOD.
- An advanced new dive transmitter which automatically detects both O2 and H2 content in breathing gas. From what I understand this can be done with an ultrasonic sensor.
@Ben-Woodard I think with this features I would also buy the Ocean
. Maybe some of them will arrive with newer software. AOD, altitude for diving and tide info should not be a big problem to implement and would be really helpful
@Ben-Woodard have you checked if you have AoD turned off in your Display settings? I have noticed that if it is turned off, the display also turns off during activities but with it on, the display stays on.
@altcmd yes I’ve tried it with the Always on Display. The same problem. This is my biggest annoyance with the watch.
It is most annoying when I’m cycling but also when I’m doing stretches or SuuntoPlus workouts where an activity is timed and I don’t want to change position but still watch the display count down.
I understand that Suunto knows about the problem. I hope they fix it in the next firmware release.
It is taking a while to update the firmware to support ZoneSense on the watch but sometimes it does show up in the app. That is another in thing I am looking forward to in the next firmware release but since it is a dive computer firmware releases need more testing and come more slowly.
@Ben-Woodard double check the AoD settings as they are activity specific. In each activity, you have to adjust the settings for AoD. Not sure if Ocean has some disparity with Race and Race S but the AoD setting in sports profile is independent of the general AoD watch setting.
@altcmd Where would these sport specific AoD settings be?
There is the general AoD in the watch which is under Settings - General - Display. There the AoD is just a simple (on/off) with nothing associating it with a sport.For a sport specific mode I would expect it either in the menu when you start the sport mode’s exercise options. I would think that it would be under “Battery Mode” or maybe under a new separate item like “Display” but I don’t see it anywhere just: Battery Mode, Navigation, Map, SuuntoPlus, Intensity Zones, Target, GPS, Wrist HR, Sensors, intervals, Autolap, Voice feedback Media Controls, Autopause, feeling. Or it would be a checkbox when you make a custom sport mode.
BTW I think that they should move Structured Workouts out of SuuntoPlus with the apps and then make a Workout menu with:
Intensity Zones (on/off)
Target [meaning simple target]
Intervals [meaning simple intervals]
Structured workouts [with a list of sport appropriate structured workouts that you have created] -
@Ben-Woodard when you go in to an activity, check the activity settings before starting the activity. There is a display setting there and within that is buried the said AoD setting. This has to be set one time for each activity.
@altcmd Nope. The Ocean doesn’t have that in the current firmware. Under each activity type there are only.
- Battery Mode,
- Navigation,
- Map,
- SuuntoPlus,
- Intensity Zones,
- Target,
- GPS,
- Wrist HR,
- Sensors,
- intervals,
- Autolap,
- Voice feedback
- Media Controls,
- Autopause,
- feeling.
No Display item on the Ocean in 2.36.18 which is the latest when I’m writing this…
@Ben-Woodard maybe some tester here with an Ocean and Race S can confirm if there is a difference between the watch firmwares. Sorry I don’t have an Ocean to cross-check this.
(I’m French, sorry for the translation).I am going to replace my Scubapro Galileo luna with a computer watch.
Since the SUUNTO OCEAN has the compass function, is it possible to lock a heading (bloquer un un cap en français) by pressing a button or does the compass function not allow this function for the moment ?
And what other functions are visible at the same time as the compass function ?
thank you for your replies
If you really need a compass, it is not time to buy an Ocean. Wait for the next update to make your choice.
@RIKO14 Bearings lock and options for a full compass arch have been added in the latest update.
See images below.
I hope this helps.
Hi, I have the opportunity to buy a new Ocean with full warranty for a very good price. But I’m a little worried about the display burning out. I sometimes use maps with navigation all day - 12 hour bike ride (a couple of times a year) Isn’t there a risk of burning the arrow with my location, which is static? Or a zoom number?
I have a Vertical, which I am very happy with. So there’s also the question of whether this upgrade makes sense. -
@Pavlas For Cycling you should be aware of the differences AMOLED vs MIP. Being an AMOLED Watch the Suunto will not display Values and Maps in Full Brightness all the time. You have to use Lift to wake or push a button to read. The good news is: This should prevent the screen to burn in.
@Pavlas what is a very good price?
@Pavlas I own both and normally I would be the one advocating for the preservation of MIP tech…
But, Suunto’s UI simply wants to live in AMOLED world—text crisp, colors vibrant, and gradients dynamic. It makes for a more luxurious experience and as @VoiGAS mentioned burn-in shouldn’t be of critical concern.
Congratulations on the upgrade.
@Jonathan-C @VoiGAS
Thanks for the feedback. I’m still comparing both watches. It is true that the maps on the amoled display are amazing. And I thought the Vertical had great maps too. The amoled display is very addictive. -
I am looking at this watch and saw the list of issues with a lot of the functions back in November. Are there still problems with the GPS, Altitude, heart rate, no fly, sleep, and step accuracy?