Breathing Exercise
@chrisa you could try with intervals
@isazi I thought Intervalls only work with running modes… but I will give it a try, thanks!
@chrisa they work with all custom modes having the interval screen.
@isazi works too, but the lower limit for Intervalls and recovery is 10 seconds which results in 3 breaths per minute, which is too slow for some people (especially in the beginning) and then some tend to “overbreath” but if you can handle this breath rate it’s also a good solution since you could set the inhalation and exhalation time to different values, which allows longer exhalation phases and therefore deeper relaxation. Also the number of Intervalls is limited to 50 but even at 10 seconds per Intervall this results in 1000 seconds, which is long enough for most people. It’s just great, for what you could use your Suunto Watch
@chrisa Thanks. Trying right now. It works perfectly! You made my day. What an awesome tip! Thank you very much. One more question though. The autolap alarm is vibration and sound. Can I change it to vibration only? If yes, where? Thanks again! Totally thrilled right now.
@patrick-löffler you go settings, general, tones, all off I guess.
@patrick-löffler thanks - it’s one of the great things I learned from other people here, that you can do extremely creative things with Suunto watches
@ChrisA because you seem to be very knowledgeable about this, can you suggest some place where to learn those breathing relaxation techniques? I want to improve
I’m not going to track them with the watch though, just want to learn.
@isazi Oh thanks for your warm words
, when you want to learn from a teacher I suggest to look for a local teacher. Often this can be learned in Qi Gong courses or also in Yoga or Tai chi classes in fitness studios or martial arts schools.
Qi Gong is often the easiest way to start since it has easier movement techniques (compared to Tai Chi or Yoga from which I know very less) and breathing is an fundamental part of it. There are “low quality” courses who only teach the movement, like a gymnastics style, but breathing is an integral part of all “inner arts”.
If you just want to practice breathing by yourself, there are many books and even good apps. I could recommend the books from Dr. Yang Jing Ming, a highly skilled and respected master like this:
which is also available as an app for Android an iOS with good videos.
Or better for starting:
Dr. Yang has a lot of good publications and being a physicists he also has a scientific background. He also has many videos on YouTube.
Another great book (but more on Qi Gong / Chi Kung as a whole and the Zhang Zhuang “standing like a tree” techniques) is “The way of energy” from Master Lam Kam Chuen, which I consider the best book for starting to practice Qi Gong since it is very well written and covers every aspect of life and how practicing Qi Gong techniques help e.g. to have more stamina in sport or in all day life.
@ChrisA This is such an awesome approach using a custom Yoga sports mode. I just came across this. It’s much better than Serene and customizable.
@seanvk thanks