It's 2024 - Anyone Still Training Only With An Ambit?
@wakarimasen HR zones. As I understand, these are calculated by age, weight, height, gender and that sort of parameters. That way, one can adjust HR zones.
@overgrowntrail I don’t know if this is a nice way how to communicate: “hat’s the Finns way to squeeze out folks with elder watches like the A3 and “motivtate” them that way to buy newer watches”
I think there are other reasons as well. But whatever -
@Zdeněk-Hruška Was it nice to force users to the app and stop It was not. With the app it is more difficult to plan routes, get an and keep the overview over routes/activities and sync activities. The app is a pain. And there is more, because using a PC is not entirely out anyway. One still needs SuuntoLink to sync POIs and edit sport modes. Considering the price of a watch and not all values are synced to the app (POIs, steps), the wording should be easy to understand.
@overgrowntrail my bet is that Suunto wasn’t pleased either to close Movescount, but it was certainly necessary for the Future of the Brand.
About SA, it’s far better to me than movescount. (But I’m not using my A3P anymore) -
@overgrowntrail Sorry I don’t think it’s that easy as to say they did it because of the money. For Suunto it’s probably just difficult to support watches which are 10 years old, build on the old FW, not supporting a lot of modern standards. And Movescount was probably just an obsolete platform which was getting harder and harder to maintain with no added value for the company. I am not saying their solution was the best one, not at all. And I am not here to defend Suunto. I just think that they moved on. Your watch are still usable so what is the issue? That you don’t like the app doesn’t automatically mean it’s bad.
@wakarimasen Ambit1 user here. Still works great. I’m on my fourth strap though. I went through 3 official straps and am using a different one now. I expect it will last about 1-2 years. The watch I have no idea. The battery is still great. The original waistband still works too.
Ambit 1…wow!
Ambit 3 peak! Never had any issues with that, super reliable.
I have it in use since 2015 and still use it regularly.
Vertical was meant to replace it, but in my case it does not work at the moment due to sync issue. And there’s the breadcrumb issue which in my case is relevant as well.
With ambit it’s all super easy, you can choose ‚track back‘ and you have the possibility to choose one of your recorded tracks directly on the watch as a new track to navigate.
For whatever reason suunto has decided not to implement these features on vertical, to my surprise i have to admit.
Nonetheless vertical would be a great update, given that some day everything works as it should. Keep the fingers crossed for that!
The back of my watch says Suunto Ambit. I assume this is Suunto Ambit 1. I still train with that. Everything still works fine. Sent for repair once because 1 button did not function properly, but that was repaired by Suunto.
I do have a new heart rate belt and also new straps. I have been using it since 2012. I am now looking for another watch, because I want customized training sessions on my watch.
A good map would also help me with my fear of getting lost. The navigation on the Ambit is nice, but not more than that.
Have looked at many watches but haven’t made a choice yet. -
I have a SRS for running, but for pool swimming A3P is my go-to still
for two reasons:
- drills
- Stroke recognition is just way better as it allows us to teach the watch how we swim each stroke (learn mode)
Am tempted to dust mine off…it’s the missing heart rate zones that prevents me
@herlas said in It's 2024 - Anyone Still Training Only With An Ambit?:
- Stroke recognition is just way better as it allows us to teach the watch how we swim each stroke (learn mode)
Every time I read things like that I am surprised how good the Ambit series was and also shocked why things like that got dropped … was this something that Suunto had licensed from another company and therefore it was dropped? Does anyone know?
I am still using my Ambit 3 Peak. It is perfect for all I do - ski mountaineering, swimming and trail running. I also use the push notificatino ability as well. So in fact, even though the watch is very simple - I still like it. For swimming I just use regular running mode and track the laps.
The main downside with the Ambit 3 Peak for me is the bulkiness. I am looking to upgrade to Race S or 9PP but currently having a hard time deciding and then I just stick with the Ambit 3 Peak in the meanwhile.
I used mine a few days ago on a walk around the block. I wanted to compare the tracks between the A3P and my new Race. They weren’t that different, to be honest!
Could you please describe your barometer issues? I started to get inadequate altitude figures- I assume that’s a faulty barometer. -
@ademgassymov it was pretty simple : totally wrong altitudes and ascent/descent values.
It was regularly switching from below zero elevation (-2000, -4000m…) to +5000, +6000m.It was particularly noticeable in winter.
First time my A3p was under warranty so I had the baro sensor replaced. One or two year later when it happened again I decided to switch to S9b.
I never experimented such issues with any of the other watches I’ve been using since then (s9b, and now vertical and race S).
Also using the Ambit3 Vertical sometimes. Its doing good, even if the GPS accuracy and battery lifetime are worse than the current watches.
But if it would be smaller and featuring OHR I would happily use it more often - I love the simplicity and the watch like display -
Yes, Ambit 3 Sport. Today i took them for ice skating, but its good for pool swimming because of drill mode. Also they count steps correctly and shows running efficiency. Recovery from Firstbeat and so on. Well, they are reliable and have never let me down, although they are bulkier and the battery is much weaker.
I already had 4 watches after Ambit 3 Peak - 9 Baro, Fenix 6X, Fenix 7X, and now Race S.
I still have my Ambit 3 Peak. I think the last time I charged and used it was perhaps a couple of years ago, but only to test another watch against it. Also, its accuracy is no longer on par with modern watches with dual band GPS. Both Fenix 7X and Race S are far more accurate, especially in terms of distance accuracy.
I just dusted off my Suunto Ambit 1 after 8 years to Garmin. Ambit is bulletproof and with a quick charge ready to go. Integration across (via SuuntoLink) to the App works - would love Bluetooth to Android phone. Even the HR monitor fired back up with a change in battery.