It's 2024 - Anyone Still Training Only With An Ambit?
I have a SRS for running, but for pool swimming A3P is my go-to still
for two reasons:
- drills
- Stroke recognition is just way better as it allows us to teach the watch how we swim each stroke (learn mode)
Am tempted to dust mine off…it’s the missing heart rate zones that prevents me
@herlas said in It's 2024 - Anyone Still Training Only With An Ambit?:
- Stroke recognition is just way better as it allows us to teach the watch how we swim each stroke (learn mode)
Every time I read things like that I am surprised how good the Ambit series was and also shocked why things like that got dropped … was this something that Suunto had licensed from another company and therefore it was dropped? Does anyone know?
I am still using my Ambit 3 Peak. It is perfect for all I do - ski mountaineering, swimming and trail running. I also use the push notificatino ability as well. So in fact, even though the watch is very simple - I still like it. For swimming I just use regular running mode and track the laps.
The main downside with the Ambit 3 Peak for me is the bulkiness. I am looking to upgrade to Race S or 9PP but currently having a hard time deciding and then I just stick with the Ambit 3 Peak in the meanwhile.
I used mine a few days ago on a walk around the block. I wanted to compare the tracks between the A3P and my new Race. They weren’t that different, to be honest!
Could you please describe your barometer issues? I started to get inadequate altitude figures- I assume that’s a faulty barometer. -
@ademgassymov it was pretty simple : totally wrong altitudes and ascent/descent values.
It was regularly switching from below zero elevation (-2000, -4000m…) to +5000, +6000m.It was particularly noticeable in winter.
First time my A3p was under warranty so I had the baro sensor replaced. One or two year later when it happened again I decided to switch to S9b.
I never experimented such issues with any of the other watches I’ve been using since then (s9b, and now vertical and race S).
Also using the Ambit3 Vertical sometimes. Its doing good, even if the GPS accuracy and battery lifetime are worse than the current watches.
But if it would be smaller and featuring OHR I would happily use it more often - I love the simplicity and the watch like display -
Yes, Ambit 3 Sport. Today i took them for ice skating, but its good for pool swimming because of drill mode. Also they count steps correctly and shows running efficiency. Recovery from Firstbeat and so on. Well, they are reliable and have never let me down, although they are bulkier and the battery is much weaker.
I already had 4 watches after Ambit 3 Peak - 9 Baro, Fenix 6X, Fenix 7X, and now Race S.
I still have my Ambit 3 Peak. I think the last time I charged and used it was perhaps a couple of years ago, but only to test another watch against it. Also, its accuracy is no longer on par with modern watches with dual band GPS. Both Fenix 7X and Race S are far more accurate, especially in terms of distance accuracy.
I just dusted off my Suunto Ambit 1 after 8 years to Garmin. Ambit is bulletproof and with a quick charge ready to go. Integration across (via SuuntoLink) to the App works - would love Bluetooth to Android phone. Even the HR monitor fired back up with a change in battery.
@sky-runner Observed that as well on my A3P, but found out that this behaviour is caused by availability of the GPS signal. Clouds do worsen that signal.
Do Fenix 7X and Race S share the functions of the A3P?
I am usino my A3P as a backup device during mountain activity.
From time to time I am also wearing it on a daily basis, just because I like better the unique look of it.
A suunto designed like an A3P and the capability of a SV or Ocean I would buy by all means -
@overgrowntrail said in It's 2024 - Anyone Still Training Only With An Ambit?:
Do Fenix 7X and Race S share the functions of the A3P?
Yes, of course. Functions of A3P are basic compared to modern watches and the battery life of A3P is quite short - only 20 hours in GPS mode with one second refresh. For comparison, Race S should do 50 hours in the same configuration.
But I must say I liked presence of dedicated View button on Ambit and used it often as an additional shortcut button and to switch between different map modes, and to rotate the bottom data field as well. Ambit had a dedicated waypoint screen, which was easy to switch to and see details about upcoming waypoint. That is lost in current Suunto watches.
Thanks for clarifying. Looks like the issue is in temperature sensor. Today during a hike watch had correct altitude data until I stopped the trekking exercise and had some ice climbing- then I noticed that temperature was not indicated and altitude was growing higher and higher. On my way back I launched trekking again expecting it to switch to gps altitude mode but it didn’t help - altitude was not indicating but ascent went up to 22000 meters. Now sitting at home looking at my watch I see temperature showing minus 15c while of course it’s 20+.
I’ll switch exercises to altimeter mode, turn off storm alarm and this looks like an end to barometer usage in this watch. -
Interesting, because when I had to decide what model to choose, not all models were covering the sports I was looking for. A3P was the only one back then.Very practical is the ability to store waypoints without the need to unlock the buttons first. And, even if the charging cable is historical, it is immune to water and dirt (unlike USB-whatever). Battery life could be longer, but learned to arrange with 20-30 h.
Technology moved on. Good that more is doable now, but do I need all those new bells and whistles? Eeeh, no. But I understand that the enormous price tag has to be defended somehow.