Suunto it's time to wake up !!!
@yoan2web Yes, but now you can enjoy a fancy pseudo carrousel on your menu…
I understand your grievances but as a user of Garmin watches (FR70, FR620, FR630 and Fenix5X) since 2013 I must say that not even in their current refined Structured Workout state can they undo an accidental lap button press - which jumps to the next stage. The forum post I’ve read since forever about this lacking feature always go unheeded, so I presume that it technically is a hard nut to crack. They also have no means to ‘pause’ a structured workout (or the simplified on watch “Intervals” feature). The only thing you can do is to End the workout, the same way you can End a navigation session.
Coros, in my opinion, has the most advanced Structured Workout implementation. They even let you use external Alarms (like for drinking, eating etc) [added in a 2022 FW, I think it was] at the same time. Garmin ignores any external alarms during the programmed workout - in spite of users wishing for a change during all these years.
@Inge-Nallsson Why is there no ‘Edit’ button in this forum… Must add that the last and current Garmin watch I use/used - hence how I know the current Workout state - is the FR955. The old Fenix5X I bought in 2017, purely for the maps (though it also had OHR as an upgrade from the FR630).
@Inge-Nallsson You can edit your post by clicking the 3 vertical dots
@sebchastang Ah, thank you. Didn’t see it up at the top - possibly it was cut off on my TV-screen here.
Just to throw a few thoughts into this discussion.
Firstly, there may well be a long list of internal technical changes that have gone into this update that are simply not ‘features’ so are not listed in the public notes. This is really common with releases because sometimes feature A needs internal changes B, C and D first and it’s often a good idea to release these and confirm they are stable before then releasing feature A.
Secondly, there were 2 massive updates in the FW release - improved HR and fixes for excess power consumption - which may have only impacted some models but which likely took a lot of developer resource and beta testing and which were also likely considered a priority to release. It would be really common for popular but less critical improvements or features to be bumped down the todo list as a result of such items but it doesn’t mean the team don’t want to work on them
Thirdly, this release was clearly a massive deal for Ocean owners who are now almost on a level with everyone else. I’m sure a lot of dev, qa and beta testing resource was consumed making this happen,
In the 18 months I’ve been a Suunto watch user I may not have seen the features I want most but I have seen giant leaps of improvements across the board, often in areas I didn’t know I wanted until I got them - such as improved pause screen, ZoneSense and per-activity-profile display controls
I absolutely love being able to set the display to ‘off’ for bodypump so my wrist doesn’t keep lighting up like an xmas tree with every Upright Row
I use for guided workouts and I do have a counter per interval (e. g. 3/10, etc.).
@lessthanmore : for me this makes it all the more incomprehensible that it is not managed the same way by the native structured intervals !
I don’t intend to use third party app to get that functionnality. -
I don’t understand why I get a down vote on my post.
I was asking the same some time ago but I just happened to find out that it is there when using intervals.
Obviously some people only want to vent rather than getting help.
I’ll see myself out in that case. -
@lessthanmore May have been a mistake, don’t worry about it, easy to hit the wrong caret.