SuuntoPlus Apps Development
@ultravox I did not know the song, listening now
@ultravox said in SuuntoPlus Apps Development:
from what I’ve read so far, that in this forum people who complain about the various problems do not have the right to be quite angry…
Huh, why? This forum is free for any opinion as long as it doesn’t offend any other people
And walking in other’s shoes - is a two-way street.
P.S. If we talking about DM songs I like this one
Morning playlist powered by @ultravox and @pavel-samokha
@pavel-samokha beautiful version of Personal Jesus
@isazi said in SuuntoPlus Apps Development:
I am sure @surfboomerang was not making fun of crashes, but of the disconnect that modern users have: most of us want to be in beta everything, use the latest bleeding edge technologies, and at the same time want stability and absolute dependability
If your watch crashes on production firmware with released S+ apps it’s Suunto’s fault, but if it crashes on beta software or with your own apps, you need to own the mistake.Yes, exactly this.
@ultravox said in SuuntoPlus Apps Development:
I could be wrong but it seems, from what I’ve read so far, that in this forum people who complain about the various problems do not have the right to be quite angry…
People have all the right to be angry on this forum (not that it helps though). Some people became offensive on a personal level however. That’s where the line is drawn.
Is there any update on this subject?
Something that can be revealed? -
M Mff73 referenced this topic on
Are there further plans on this topic? The selection of S+ apps is great but still limited. As a developer, I’d love to make my watch truly fit my needs, but to do this, I need a way to write software for it.
I wish we could fix software bugs as well. Especially the ones that transfers from one update to another
I’m an IT engineer and I have some ideas for some SUUNTO plus apps :
A triangulation application which shows me 3 COMPASS information = The direction of point I started from, the North Direction and the direction to one current POI. we do not need 3 directions but just 2 however there are just 2 POI which sure : the place from where we started and a POI which represent a visible point with this and a goniometer it will be super easy thanks to the watch to locate our current position on a paper map
A super BIG figure display much better as the one proposed with distance, duration or time as SUUNTO do not propose it
Hey @pavel-samokha, any news on this topic.
I love suunto and as a software engineer myself I would love to be able to contribute and experiment with my own suunto plus apps.
Regarding the risk aspect of it, I was thinking that in any case rolling back to factory settings would fix any problem on the watch and that we would be able to use a second development account if we don’t want to mess up with our main account while developing.
@ben_grossiord no specific news I can share or promise, but the topic is remembered and considered
i think, there are not so many different watch there.
Suunto could create them virtual - an you could do a first test in the virtual application - if ok, to a real device!