Suunto 9 baro - GPS track not accurate
Hi, these drops in GPS looks like you have a power saving enabled. I am here to help on this.
How does the prestart screen look like?
Also very soon comes a new GPS FW so I would encourage you to wait a TINY bit for it.
@florin2528 Lets solve this. Check my message above.
S9 has a good GPS reception I am sure, something is going not well with your setup -
@TELE-HO When I talk of bad accuracy 1/10 times, I don’t talk about crazy things, just small off track problem like @florin2528 has reported.
Power saving is off, I didn’t consider using that option since i’m not an ultra runner.
the watch has now 71% of battery, yesterday could have like 80%.I was waiting to get GPS signal before starting the run. I was running with phone(runtastic app, running for the oceans) and the distance between S9 and runtastic was getting bigger with every kilometer i made. I spend like 10 seconds on the finish before stopping the run, on an open space. Not visible on the track.
I can share the GPX file if you would like.
I can wait till 29 of june, last day for retuning the product back.
Florin -
yes that’s how I understood it -
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos said in Suunto 9 baro - GPS track not accurate:
Hi, these drops in GPS looks like you have a power saving enabled. I am here to help on this.
How does the prestart screen look like?
Also very soon comes a new GPS FW so I would encourage you to wait a TINY bit for it.
hold on, that’s a tricky way to confirm the new FW comes within two weeks
@florin2528 hmmm strange to be honest. I saw the tracks and there are drop outs on the reception.
Just to confirm once more, at the prestart screen the color is green right? -
@zhang965 yeah lets give some insight to @florin2528
I think his GPS lost randomly the signal, it’s why he had the straight line sometime and sometime not
@zhang965 yup that is suspicious here.
yes, was green.
My second run with S9 was on Sibiu 10k marathon and I din’t wait for GPS to be green and start running. I didn’t get the GPS at all. Run was recorded but with no GPS. So now, I always wait. -
@florin2528 said in Suunto 9 baro - GPS track not accurate:
I tried different paths and sometimes the tracks are decent. But 1 from 5 had accuracy issues.
not really, but along the road there are some 380v cables.
No magnetic stuff. I was thinking to buy this watch in order to get rid of phone.
Well … Let’s say that this is not an optimal environment for GPS and Compass, that’s a magnetic net
so it refers me to the case of french guy, in a cloudy day.:écision-gps/
Other question. Do you have AGPS synced?
Settings->General->About -> AGPS what does it show there?
and it’s why ask you to change the country…
because it seems GPS is under control in some countries? seems in Chian GPS has a beautiful random drift -
Software :2.6.54
Assisted GPS 2019-06-12T00:00:00Z
Product name: Suunto 9
Serial ,
hardware: 3835C3
GPS 17041,ab53bab,140
Touch: B2.0.30
Bluetooth 2.3.42
Valencell 7253 -
@florin2528 that looks ok.
Alright I don’t know how much more to help here. -
for me it’s a random GPS signal lost,
this lost might be caused by weather factor, environment factor.
next time, once connected to GPS, hold on some mins to wait the connection be stable before go.
I suggest you to return your watch next Week,so that Dimitrios might release the FW quickly.
I will have other runs and on Sunday I will change the country.
At the moment i see two options: A3 or stay with the cheap phone.RedbullXAlps will start in a couple of days, I’m wondering if they will get the same hardware/software as me.