Is Suunto App background service down?
I am in same stiuation. No strava syncing. I am using Suunto spartan sport by the way.
i tried using direct .fit download (quantified self) but that’s not working for me either (says it needs to be public, which it is).
also, activity map is not showing in the suunto app, but it shows in the browser and in the image when sharing the activity from the app.
Yep, not auto-synced my last two workouts, one yesterday afternoon, now a run this morning. Downloaded FIT file to Dropbox and uploaded manually.
Same here. Two activities in my watch are not synced to the apps. Had to use movescount with cable connection to sync the activities to strava. I thought it was my watch
Same here
morning ride is just synced to strava, but yesterday’s evening not
Now the activity from yeasterday was uploaded on Strava and also on Training Peaks.
@MaxiPalle this morning’s run arrived in TrainingPeaks, yesterdays move not yet, probably still in the Queue …
finally synced about 23 hours later.
what’s going on over there (again)?
Is down again?
Usually the sync is instant (for me) - yes this is really possbile.
But from time to time this instant sync service is messed up for some reason. Then I do the syncing manually and this would be way more comfortable if there was a Computer APP, or even better a WEB interface…
This happens for about 5% of my moves.
Come on Sunnto, you can do better and provide instant sync service -
@MatthiasKlug looks like it is down again, no sync here as well.
I can´t sync since saturday…
Seems is working now
Yes working
But strava synk is behind, I expect it to catch up tomorrow…