Push Notification
Hi there is no issue with push notifications as you can see. Perhaps you have sportstracker also installed and did some strange setup in your account there?
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos I don’t have sportstracker installed. As mentioned in one of the 2 threads about this issue, it seems to me that the problem had started when i had changed the notifications seetings, unset some (like theres about facebook) and set as low priority for some other (like new activited from followed person).
Maybe some one can try to reproduce this to validate the issue. -
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos I have no sportstracker on my phone and the setting is also correct…
I have iPhone and the notifications work for me. In the suunto app I have all notifications on.
I have installed SportsTracker but without notifications.
What I don’t find is the possibility to notify just with vibration no with vibration and sound.
Hopefully one day we could config the sounds and/or vibration in the notifications.
I changed my iphone and mentioned notifications still do not work for me. Today I received push about black friday deal, so I assume configuration is OK, just suunto servers are not sending notifications about about activities.
I received push about black friday deal too but the suunto servers are not sending notifications about activities, likes. -
@Akos-Hajas I will report this as well, I tested this and I AM getting notifications from SportsTracker but not from SA, I may need to delete SportsTracker to check this thoroughly.
@Brad_Olwin thank you
@Akos-Hajas @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos I am not getting iOS notifications from SA. I am getting them from SportsTracker, however. I will delete SportsTracker and test this but there may be some issue. The two apps are not acting independently on my iPhone. When I turn off notifications for SportsTracker they are turned off in SA and vice versa. When both are on I only get notifications from SportsTracker.
I’m getting all the push notifications I have enabled on my phone from SA, and I have the Sports Tracker app installed too, with those notifications showing up as well. Granted, I don’t have everything enabled (comments, new followers, new workout successfully uploaded), but they’ve been working without fail on my Android 9 phone.
@ianshowalter On iOS this may be an issue, not working appropriately for me. iOS handles notifications much differently than Android.
@Brad_Olwin yes it’s on iOS…
Don’t forget android user please
@Gabriel-S This thread is for iOS, I do not have an Android, you might want to start another thread for that.
@Brad_Olwin I had already start a thread on 16 feb 2019!! here => https://forum.suunto.com/topic/2009/notification-of-the-sa in the android section, it was forgotten.
The actual thread isn’t categorized as an ios one. -
Any updates on a solution to this issue? Seems like a fairly critical one to me, as notifications form part of the basic functionality of the app.
@Alistair_d +1 I can just confirm that notifications still doesn’t work for me too.
I can confirm too that notifications still doesn’t work for me…