Suunto 7
I am asking this for you guys hold on
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos said in Suunto 7:
I am asking this for you guys hold on
I’m not going anywhere @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos
In fact, I haven’t even made up my mind if I want Google Fit to begin with. My ideal solution would be, just like for @Brad_Olwin suggested, to have all the stats in Suunto app.
@NickK said in Suunto 7:
if I want Google Fit to begin with.
It’s not that bad as reported by users. I have all my data from different watches (Suunto, Amazfit, Misfit) in one app with sleep, heart rate, activities and weight.
@pilleus I have been using it for the past several weeks. Soured on it quite a bit. It very much feels like an abandoned redesign.
First, they removed previously existing features like goals.
Second, they made editing things laughably primitive and limited. For example, I can’t remove sleep recorded by an app, really? What if said app made a mistake? It’s not like they keeping tabs on sleep phases, or even time in bed vs time asleep? It’s just beginning and end. Why lock it down?
Then we have basic lack of support among data providers. Suunto and Garmin don’t push to Fit at all. Polar does half-assed job with activities and weight only. Withings does puts its data in, mostly, but only if you go and constantly fiddle with settings. Oura is the only one that appears to work, but if I’m using them, I might as well limit myself to them. Really good app and even better web based dashboard.
Last but not least, comes activity import from other sources. It’s just broken. On several occasions Health Sync/Withings conjured something that would remove day’s steps, move minutes, and heart points. Like vanish them into thin air and replace with a specific activity’s steps spread evenly over entire day. How’s that even possible? I can’t delete sleep as a user, but they can nuke whatever? SyncMyTracks would fail to import half the information half the time. You’d go for an hour threshold run only to see a small fragment of your heart rate graph and 0 heart points. It works one hour and it fails the other. What gives?
I liked the concept. I liked the clean looks. But unless there’s real support by data providers that makes hacks like SyncMyTracks and Health Sync obsolete and I actually own and can edit my own data, I don’t think Fit offers much value. At least, not in my case.
@jean-william-cousin said in Suunto 7:
@Luís-Pinto ok, so I don’t think so (else it’s very well hidden)
Not possible to change the satellites.
@NickK you’re right. No doubt.
But I am an old guy and I learned to live with a feeling of what happens in my body and the trust in my body and heart. I feel good in the morning, okay, it was a wonderful sleep. I feel tired in the morning after a short night of having fun with my friends, okay, the sleep was not sufficient.
Do I need a watch for these information?
Because I am interested in the distance I ride with the bicycle within a year and it’s hard to have the right feeling of the distance, I use a watch to record it. Nobody except me is interested in the results. Independent of the fact where all these data are stored (Strava, Garmin, Suunto, Fitbit, Fit and more) I look at it at the end of the year and then the rides will go on.
It’s just fun!
And the great guys out there who are fighting for glory and honor don’t think a second about using Google Fit.
Keep moving and have fun!
@pilleus I brought up sleep because it’s one of the most glaring and dumbest and easiest to fix things in Fit. There are plenty of others though.
I agree 100% with your attitude. But that brings us back to Fit. If it’s not good for sleep and not good for many other things, then why bother with it at all?
@NickK I could not agree more on what @Brad_Olwin suggested. For me it is strange and odd that we have to use Google Fit for some features and SA for others. If this will continue I´ll to decide if I should stick with the S7 or just use the S9. I really like the S7 and my S9 and would be able to use the both but for different situations.
@NickK sleep is shown as summary in Fit, which is enough for me. Deep sleep, time when I was not sleeping in the night and light sleep depends on the app or watch I use for tracking. It’s more guessing than analyzing.
Back to Fit and Suunto. The recorded activity is synced immediately after storing in the S7 to Fit, even before the sync to Suunto App.
A screenshot of the activity listed in Fit with the data Suunto pushed to Fit. May be the sync to Google Fit servers may have a delay so that are only the base data and the missing data will be displayed later on. I will wait some time.
It’s strange, that the recorded activity from Suunto App synced to Strava and resynced to Fit contains all data (distance, heart rate, speed, altitude and track on the map). And available immediately, no lagging, no delay.
I think that the problem is on Suunto’s side.
Okay, no changes after 5 hours. The activity is listed without speed, distance, altitude and map.
Now I will resync from Strava to Google Fit. Let’s see what will happen.
Resync from Strava, immediately updated in Fit, on phone and watch with speed, distance, map and altitude.
Map and altitude are yet missing, will be visible with a short delay, that is normal.
Here the screenshots.
Suunto, come on! It’s no problem for your developers to push all recorded data to Fit!
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos thanks for the tips about the touch to wake. I deactivated it, and can now easily go through 2 days with 2 x 1 hour gps activity and 1h listening to music without charging…
Battery sorted, I can now see what I’m missing in the WearOS SA 🧐 -
@jean-william-cousin right eh? In the end who needs touch to wake …
Oh oh I hope I didn’t get Google pissed
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos said in Suunto 7:
In the end who needs touch to wake
Not so simple. If you don’t have touch-to-wake, when a notification comes, your watch buzzes, and there’s a notification dot shown on that ambient watch face of yours, you’d have to press a button or tilt your wrist to get the screen to activate, then swipe upward for notification.
With touch, you just swipe upward, without moving your wrist or pressing anything. Very convenient when you want to read notifications while driving
Oh oh I hope I didn’t get cops pissed.
@NickK Ok. valid point. Din’t think of that honestly. I am starting to feel old.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos Nah! You are good
But I do feel that usability is vastly improved with touch-to-wake. That being said, always on screen would be even better. You pay the price of convenience with the battery. Nothing comes free.
Still, to each his own. Somebody is fine throwing his watch on the charger a few times a day. Somebody wants to charge every 2-3 days at most. At least, we have magic toggles to play with to get us where we want.
Hi all that’s using the Suunto 7! Are you satisfied with how it get’s your heart rate and distance (with no GPS)?
@Anders-Yngman better than any other of my Suunto watches with OHR (S9 and Spartan Trainer).
I am very satisfied!