Ambit 3 Peak uploading routes from website to app to watch
@Maryn I’ve no personal experience with iOS 13/MC/A3 to help you, sorry.
(With MC not long for this world and my A3P more for dedicated hiking, I’m leaving the latter paired to the equally retro/vintage i5. And I’m keeping iOS 12.4 on my active phone until we get at least a couple of months’ stability from a newer release.)
@Maryn I don’t have iPhone XR, but an iPhone SE with iOS 13.3.1 and Movescount App 2.9.7. I have an Ambit3 Vertical connected to it (before that I had an Ambit3 Run) and as I said earlier: sync is a hit and miss thing, especially for setting. I didn’t notice any issue with Moves, but syncing setting sometime never get through the watch (syncing through cable however works flawlessly).
Sometimes Movescount App shows the watch is not connected, but after Movescount App forced restart or bluetooth switch off/on solves the problem.
As I remember never had these issues prior to iOS 13. -
I’ve got both an a3p and the latest iOS on my Xs. But i have unfortunately not been actively using it. Like @Fenr1r, I only use it hiking/backpacking and between injury recovery in the fall and now winter weather, I haven’t been using it. I’ll have to do some short moves and see how stable (or not) the syncing is and report back.
Sync via MC app works, agps data also is updated via app. I needed to force to close Polar flow app. If Polar flow app is running in background then MC can’t sync/pair.
@JaapvdB Totally agree - I shifted to Suunto App a while back, and now want to add in some new routes. Doing that on the SA was easy - but there is no way to upload them to my Ambit 3! This is such a basic functionality - why is it not available, especially when they plan to discontinue MC?
I’m using the Android Suunto app
@BrianNZNL Indeed Ambit users are being left in an awkward situation, and it’s taking too long to spare some love for them. And the fact is Ambit is still being sold in many markets.
@BrianNZNL said in Ambit 3 Peak uploading routes from website to app to watch:
@JaapvdB Totally agree - I shifted to Suunto App a while back, and now want to add in some new routes. Doing that on the SA was easy - but there is no way to upload them to my Ambit 3! This is such a basic functionality - why is it not available, especially when they plan to discontinue MC?
I’m using the Android Suunto app
MC web is not going to be discontinued, at least not for ambits. It will probably change a name and lose some features (moves analysis) but will still be integral part of ambit’s ecosystem. At this moment there is no reason to use Suunto app with Ambits at all, because they barely support them. Most of the watch features are not supported at all and may never be.
It’s still unclear whether Suunto will add proper support for ambits in Suunto app. For now we know that MC will stay in some form (with settings and route/poi editing and management) and Suunto app will be used only for syncing moves from watch and data analysis. For everything else (changing watch settings and routes, POI-s etc. you will need to connect your watch to computer with cable). I started a topic with a feature request to add the full sync capability for Ambits to Suunto app and to let us use mobile route creator in it because there is no technical limitation that prevents it (it’s just Suunto’s decision) - see in my signature…
@vr2udt said in Ambit 3 Peak uploading routes from website to app to watch:
@BrianNZNL Indeed Ambit users are being left in an awkward situation, and it’s taking too long to spare some love for them. And the fact is Ambit is still being sold in many markets.
True. But unfortunately there is no much fuss about it here. I guess the reason is that everything still works as it used to, so people don’t care. But when they disable MC app completely and force users to use cable only for syncing everything beside their moves, and remove data analysis from MC web, there will be a storm.
I’d really love to see how many active users of ambits there are now. I guess it’s still a rather large number.
yes, removing watch settings from the phone is a big drawback. -
@Prenj Voted in that topic in your signature, and me too received the recent Vertical Week email from Suunto, being owner of an Ambit 3 Sport though not actively using it. Features and bells and whistles aside, I still think Ambit 3 has the sexiest form factor, and is about the right size.
That will remain possible. It’s just not clear whether we’ll only be able to sync our routes by cable from our computers or there will be sync by a mobile phone (like we can do now with MC app) and whether Suunto app route creator and poi management will be enabled for ambit users. I created a topic with this feature request (see in my signature).
@Prenj Well, possibly possible. Suunto promised a form of route management for Son of Movescount: I would hope it means at least what you suggest but we don’t know. And the OP asked about “searching” - there’s no indication as yet that Suunto will provide anything to search, let alone the capability to do so.
@Fenr1r said in Ambit3 peak (routes gpx import into watch support after transition):
@Prenj Well, possibly possible. Suunto promised a form of route management for Son of Movescount: I would hope it means at least what you suggest but we don’t know. And the OP asked about “searching” - there’s no indication as yet that Suunto will provide anything to search, let alone the capability to do so.
You are right. I’m just assuming that they would not remove anything related to navigation from MC successor. That would really be mean, and would further degrade the whole experience with the watch. But who knows… Suunto is always so secretive about their plans and roadmaps it really gets on my nerves. Dimitrios said few months ago there will be a roadmap for ambits. Still waiting.
the original post from @yura800 (for some reason wasn’t moved along with the others)
Will we (Ambit3 peak users) be able to search (e.g in movescount) and import/export routes with the watch (especially import gpx tracks into watch memory to use during trekking, mounteneering) after the transition?
I have just bought the watch and frustrated after finding the information that MC is not going to be supported soon. -
@JaapvdB (I’m replying here just for anyone like myself who may still be trying to figure this issue out with their A3P one day.)
The reason this response was key for me was because @JaapvdB mentions the MOVESLINK 2 app for the computer. I’d completely forgotten I had it, but by connecting the watch to the computer with the watch’s usb cable, I could sync my watch to Movescount, thus also syncing the new routes I wanted to add to the watch. So I’m not bothering with the Suunto or Movescount apps and can just sync with Moveslink 2 for now.
I noticed this , you can no longer create route to transfer to watch using Movescount . I’ve recently bought a Ambit 3 and this function was one of the reasons for purchase. The only current way round this is to create a gpx file with route you want on your computer then import in into movescount then onto your watch! you can actually create the gpx file on the sunnto app then transfer it to the cloud and back to your PC you just can’t do it with app directly to some watches
. obviously if they scrap movescount this method will not work either .
I confirm your experience. That is really unfortunate. As you mentioned not all watches have all options in SA. And although I have a Suunto 9 (in addition to my wife’s Ambit 3 Run - I am in charge of it, too, of course
) which is supported in a more complete manner this is really bad, because
a. It is still much easier and more comfortable to create a route with Movescount and with a proper display
b. SA still has so many bugs - if you prefer to call these inconsistencies, fine with me - that I still can’t rely on it fully. And yes, there has been a steady and ongoing development - except in the areas where it has not.No, I am not going to talk about leaving Suunto now because of whatever. Nevertheless I just bought my daughter a Garmin and no Suunto as she ‘needed’ a sportwatch, too. And yes, I am comparing for the next year or years before deciding which watch will be the next.
I tried also, and all seems OK, except we can’t put the start point on the map.
For sure Suunto is working on MC future, and for sure Suunto is not giving as much details as one wants, but, I really can’t imagine they will remove a feature like that :
without any notice somewhere, and really partially, with just disabling start point.
To me it is a bug from now, and they may solve it (or not), but saying it is on purpose … -
@Mff73 said in Ambit 3 Peak uploading routes from website to app to watch:
I tried also, and all seems OK, except we can’t put the start point on the map.
For sure Suunto is working on MC future, and for sure Suunto is not giving as much details as one wants, but, I really can’t imagine they will remove a feature like that :
without any notice somewhere, and really partially, with just disabling start point.
To me it is a bug from now, and they may solve it (or not), but saying it is on purpose …I totally agree with you!
Still the same. You cannot add the starting point when creating a route in Movescount. This is probably a bug (at least I hope so). Has this been reported to Suunto @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos?