Ambit 3 Peak Route Support for Suunto App
Unfortunately there seems to be total silence about any news regarding Ambit3s future. It’s not discontinued officially but they are certainly treating it so in last 2 years. Not a single thing added in suunto app since they added only the most basic support in it. That’s since December 2018. Lately they are gradually removing features.
In December 2019 @Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos mentioned there will be roadmap for Ambits, but after months of silence on this, I’d take this as an abandoned idea. So what’s up next for A3P? Not a clue. But I wouldn’t expect anything good. Such a shame. A3P is still unbeatable in some segments.
Is this question about routes in Ambits in general or routes in Ambits with Suunto App?
Considering Suunto’s communication (or lack of it) over past 6 or so months, it could be either, so just in case - Suuntolink syncs routes from Movescount to Ambits, while they made that information available they haven’t really pushed it to existing customers - personally believe it’s better to take this as-is and not put too much hope on getting a major Suunto App update targeting A3 & Traverse.
Sadly I think you are both right given the silence from the Suunto end. I have to say it (I never thought I would) but I am going to change brands when my Ambit becomes obsolete. There is simply nothing in the current line-up for me that offers anywhere near the functionality/durability that I have found with the Ambit. I lived in the jungle with this thing for 4 months and even in the serious humidity it never skipped a beat.
If Suunto are listening to their customers then I think they would be naive to ignore the calls for an Ambit 4 or equivalent. It would almost certainly achieve similar or greater success without the need for market research. He who pays the money calls the tune!
Hopefully they’ll at least notify us when doomsday is likely to be so that we don’t find ourselves heading out with and ineffective lump of plastic and metal strapped to our wrists. Sadly I think this is goodbye to Suunto from me. As sad as it is, I’m excited to see what’s the competition can offer.
Thanks for your replies
Am-bit between the teeth!
@Gavin-Boddy I hope that Suunto will notify us before disabling the Movescount App totally and thus removing the ability to change settings, upload routes and create workouts without a PC and cable (in fact create structured intervals at all), but I’m not optimistic and am keeping my eye on which watch to order when it happens.
Unwillingly but have to admit that Ambit has seen its best years and technology is moving on. When it comes to revenue generation Suunto has her priorities.
@vr2udt said in Ambit 3 Peak Route Support for Suunto App:
When it comes to revenue generation Suunto has her priorities.
Oh yes. I buy new watch every 2 years. I bought s9b in october 2018. I have 700 Eur reserved for that and guess what…now I have other priorities also and looks like I am not the only one
I’m very disappointed, the A3P is a watch that is still on the store, and that till couple of months ago at full price, around 400€ for the HR one… It’s not written anywhere that is a “discarded” watch… in the description are (was) clearly mentioned functions that are basically removed in the SA transition…
I hope that Suunto will do something fast to solve some problems,
I don’t think that this is a serious company attitude… -
Did you read this ? there is something specific in Suunto website FAQ too
@sartoric I’m trying to follow the situation, and the transition forum too
Honestly I didn’t find any news in the forum and in the website, so your post sounds like
“didn’t you read that it will not be supported?” -
@francescobaldi the only official information is the one from Suunto. So far we had Ambit support in Suuntolink, so that you can sync routes and configuration from MC to your watch, and activities to SA. Hopefully SA support for Ambits will improve further in the future. But I have the feeling that covid slowed things down.
Sorry for being harsh, but to call it a slowdown, there should be some movement. There was none since 2018. So basicly, development for A3P was totally dead for 19 months already.
well … suuntolink for ambits doesn’t look as “nothing”, I mean is part of the processcould something more be done ? sure
@Prenj I meant in general. We used to have lots of beta versions of the app until covid.
@sartoric said in Ambit 3 Peak Route Support for Suunto App:
well … suuntolink for ambits doesn’t look as “nothing”could something more be done ? sure
LOL. OK, let’s pretend we really got something we didn’t already have
@isazi said in Ambit 3 Peak Route Support for Suunto App:
@Prenj I meant in general. We used to have lots of beta versions of the app until covid.
I get that and that’s good. I’m just frustrated because of really unfair treatment of A3P by suunto.
@Prenj said in Ambit 3 Peak Route Support for Suunto App:
I get that and that’s good. I’m just frustrated because of really unfair treatment of A3P by suunto.
I think we begin to understand
@Prenj said in Ambit 3 Peak Route Support for Suunto App:
@isazi said in Ambit 3 Peak Route Support for Suunto App:
@Prenj I meant in general. We used to have lots of beta versions of the app until covid.
I get that and that’s good. I’m just frustrated because of really unfair treatment of A3P by suunto.
I think that to implement the basic control functions that was in the movescount app in the SA, before discontinuing it sould have been the minimum done.
there are too much holes in this process… I’m sorry -
@Mff73 said in Ambit 3 Peak Route Support for Suunto App:
ust frustrated because of real
After reading all posts, I’m still confused: do you think we’ll ever see route planning/uploading and sport mode editing in the Suunto App for Ambit 3 Series?! Can’t be that of a problem??!?!
@tomhaegler said in Ambit 3 Peak Route Support for Suunto App:
@Mff73 said in Ambit 3 Peak Route Support for Suunto App:
ust frustrated because of real
You quoted me, but not with the whole content.
this part of “confusion” is not from me.
Here is the complete thread
@Mff73 said in Ambit 3 Peak Route Support for Suunto App:
@Prenj said in Ambit 3 Peak Route Support for Suunto App:
I get that and that’s good. I’m just frustrated because of really unfair treatment of A3P by suunto.
I think we begin to understand
And to answer you question : no idea about suunto plans about A3 and SA.
@tomhaegler To be honest, I don’t believe there will be new functionalities in Suunto app for A3P ever. We’d be fools to believe otherwise after year and a half of zero lines of code added for A3P in Suunto app. I’m not happy about it, but that’s what it is. Well competition still thinks that there is a demand for watches that offer what A3P once offered (hint: Garmin Instinct Solar).