Ambit3 Peak ambient pressure calibrating question
@Emir-Karisik hi! i know.
just having all devices on the same table and all have been within around 0,5 hPa except the ambit, it was 3 hPa higher. i contacted the support if that is in range, they told me, that’s too much off. thank you!
Yep, sure. Absolute is absolutebut you can change Sea level one
is it possible to correct sea level pressure without changing the altitude value? how do you do that?
I don’t have the A3, but a friend does and I remember he can do it.
And the manual says “Sea level pressure: Set the sea level pressure reference value manually.” -
@sartoric ah ok. this lets you set the altitude with the current sea level pressure for example from a weather station. so changing the barometer, changes the altitude too. thx again. i got a reply from Suunto. a 3 hPa difference between some other barometers should not be. i should send it in. but thx very much for looking for it.
from suunto!!! (corrected it) thx
Hey @mario_b Curious if the issue was resolved when you got your A3P back. I have an almost identical issue where my A3P reads the pressure higher. I figured it was maybe because my local weather station is far enough away that I’m getting that difference and I also live next to a large lake while the station is a few kilometers inland. But it’s a peculiar issue and curious if you ended up having your A3P read the same as the other barometers you were referring.
Umer -
Hi @Umer-Javed!
The watch now works perfectly.
I use the Metar data from the next airport. I checkt a view times and it always nailed it.
cheers Mario
Glad it worked for you, Mario!
Funnily enough I was considering reaching out to customer support because my watch baro was off while I was standing next to the airport at around the runway elevation and checking the latest METAR on a stable weather day… then I realized I had never checked the ambient pressure value in the service menu against something else. Interestingly my watch is apparently recording ambient pressure correctly, it was matching an older Garmin eTrex I have… I’m not sure why this ~3 hPa discrepancy between the METAR and the A3P. Interestingly, using the FusedAlti my A3P was giving me the correct runway elevation, almost to the meter.
This rekindled my childhood interest in flying lol so I’m definitely going to try checking my watch against other nearby airports/METAR. Should be a fun experiment hah…
@Umer-Javed sounds good! my watch also showed the ambient pressure too high. compared to other ambits. at around 2hPa. when altitude is the same, the pressure should also be the same.
(but i have to say, it’s a “nice” to have, when it fits, specially when you are using the watch without GPS too. (i don’t track every evening hike). so it’s nice to look on your phone in a brake while hiking. and see if the barometer fits the next airport value. but i would not care anymore about it. over time, it could get inaccurate too.
FusedAlti uses the GPS to calibrate the barometer. so even if your barometer is not working correctly the gps calibrates it to the same value. but i am glad i bought it. i think such a simple “workhorse” watch will never be build again. -
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