Ambit 3 Peak : Keep Movescount or change for SUUNTO app ?
@lohtse as I said previously, I encourage you to try using new app first. That’s better than make conclusions “based on comments on the forum” (BTW which comments show the date is messed up or not present half the time?)
@Prenj said in Ambit 3 Peak : Keep Movescount or change for SUUNTO app ?:
@lohtse yes! And did you notice how they suggest users to pass their watches to someone else LOL
Just so we buy more!! Sorry but my Ambit 3 Peak has been through god knows how many conflicts and up countless mountains as well as down hundreds of caves and just keeps going… Suuntos new range would not stand up to the hell the ambits can go through and before you say how do you know. Had a clients who had and S9 and after two days on the mountains it was damaged and scratched to hell… where as the A3P of mine was fine…
I don’t need colour displays or shed loads of smart watch apps… Most folks who really enjoy the mountains don’t either we just need a watch like the Ambits.SIMPLE
@pavel-samokha said in Ambit 3 Peak : Keep Movescount or change for SUUNTO app ?:
@lohtse as I said previously, I encourage you to try using new app first. That’s better than make conclusions “based on comments on the forum” (BTW which comments show the date is messed up or not present half the time?)
I have tried the suunto app… It is useless for my needs. as too comments I had spent nearly 4 hours reading thread after thread so feel free to do a search or read them and you will fine the comments
or may be someone will point you too them… But on a side note I do know that some of my data is different between the two apps… Even routes some times had been different yet when I export the gpx i=and imported it in to Memory map or Basecamp they match with movescount yet suunto app they had slight differences.
@Prenj Can you point me where do Suunto suggest to pass Ambits to someone else?
@lohtse Sometimes being different than what you are used to doesn’t mean useless or worse. Basically most of the functions you’re used to in MC still available to you. You can create routes and sync them, you can sync your moves to the app and analyze.
@pavel-samokha Sorry to butt in but I was just looking at this. It might have another meaning but, if so, it’s beyond me.
Your previous watch can live on and inspire others to discover their love for sports and the outdoors. Many Spartan, Ambit and Traverse watches are still reliable companions, if you are transitioning to a new watch, we encourage you to think of how you can give your previous one a new home. Think friends or family, a local sports club or team that might be able to make use of it.
@Fenr1r Nice story, mr. Stevenson
I guess when POIs arrive or something else is fixed, you’ll still have a story explaining everything
@pavel-samokha said in Ambit 3 Peak : Keep Movescount or change for SUUNTO app ?:
you’ll still have a story explaining everything
Well, you did ask for one …
I offer a conjecture as to how we got to now, with a couple of the very few announcements, apparently demonstrating policy shifts, from an otherwise (understandably) opaque system. Is it particularly unreasonable?
As to the future, who knows? But yeah, I’ll make something up if you ask again nicely. (Even if you didn’t ask me.) Maybe Sci-Fi next time.
@Fenr1r said in Ambit 3 Peak : Keep Movescount or change for SUUNTO app ?:
Your previous watch can live on and inspire others to discover their love for sports and the outdoors. Many Spartan, Ambit and Traverse watches are still reliable companions, if you are transitioning to a new watch, we encourage you to think of how you can give your previous one a new home. Think friends or family, a local sports club or team that might be able to make use of it.
So I’m again confused - 1) Suunto cripples watches so customers buy new ones 2) Suunto suggest users to pass watches to someone else. How’s that? Why not sell someone else new ones? Where is the profit for Suunto?
Yeah, I know you’ll find some explanation. But isn’t it easier just to see sustainability support gesture in the paragraph you quoted?
Have a good night everyone, I really hope you’ll be still able to use your Ambits, as well as I am mine.
@pavel-samokha I think you’ve got me wrong. Once more: I’m not arguing for new watch cajolery as policy. Nothin’ 'bout new watches. I’m neither @Prenj, nor @lohtse in this. Just @Fenr1r, offering a possible explanation here, answering your request for a specific reference there. Hopefully helpful, debate-enabling stuff.
As for that hand-on idea: seems fine by me. They could also, of course, have initiated their own trade-in scheme by which S,A&T owners send in their watches (a good test for how many truly considered them nerfed/borked) for a 50-70% discount on a newer model. Suunto could then distribute/refurbish/recycle the old ones as they saw fit. But the environmental impact of repeat shipping vs alternative benefit is beyond me. So pass 'em on: why not?
I think the explanation here is more than Suunto cut themselves w/ Occam’s razor and they are trying to stop the bleeding.
I don’t for the life of me see how this isn’t (mis)management not wanting to devote development resources to the older tech while trying to move forward with the fitness tracker and training crowd. The Spartan and S9 are a totally different platform across the board from the Ambit series from what they said early on regarding the UI, technology, etc. If you have X number of developers and you need everyone of them on the current product line, all you can do is abandon the old platform and salvage what you can going forward.
And while a company the size of Apple just pulls old tech off the shelves and shoves it off somewhere either in the recycle bin or some 4th party discount reseller, Suunto is going to try and make a few bucks selling thru stock on Ambit3’s still in the supply line.
While I don’t agree w/ that direction, I can understand it I guess. I’m still waiting, twiddling my thumbs, for either S9 feature build out, or to see a fully functional combination of tools for managing my A3P. Don’t care if it’s 2 products, yes inconvenient, but if it works I’ll be happy enough w/ it.
The lack of clarity, direction, poor implementation, and the communication of all of this has been probably the worst I’ve ever seen from a company.
Opensource the A3P usb/bluetooth protocol to talk to the watch and watch me build POI management in a month or less. Gauntlet down.
It does however, I suppose, speak to the quality of Suunto watches and the UI design on the watch given I’m still considering an S9 over any competitor products.
@lohtse said in Ambit 3 Peak : Keep Movescount or change for SUUNTO app ?:
I don’t need colour displays or shed loads of smart watch apps… Most folks who really enjoy the mountains don’t either we just need a watch like the Ambits.SIMPLE
You are so arrogant and full of yourself. Next time I want to enjoy a mountain I’ll ask for your permission.
@chrish said in Ambit 3 Peak : Keep Movescount or change for SUUNTO app ?:
And while a company the size of Apple just pulls
Do you really think Suunto is apple?
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos Don’t think he does at all. It’s a comparative sentence (1st clause set up by “while”): “While a company the size of Apple … , Suunto …” The comma is the separation/differentiation point before a different entity and contrasting behavior. I.e., “Suunto [not the size of Apple] is going to …”
@Fenr1r oh my bad. Sorry
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos Hey, it’s Monday. I’ve already poured scalding coffee on myself. And not recreationally.
No worries, but that was my point. Apple can just toss their old stuff. Suunto however can’t afford to do that and its quite frankly wasteful. I’d still sell my old product line.
But I’d also support it fully as well if I were still actively sell them. The honest and decent thing to do is leave and keep MC fully 100% functional until you stop selling devices you aren’t going to support on that platform and THEN wind it down. Water under the bridge though. Done deal.
@pavel-samokha That is the reason why I moved to S9B. I wanted to be able to sync routes, modify settings, etc. when not in front of a computer. The reason why I switched my A2 for an A3P. So, when all this digital transition started and they left this out, I felt outraged.