System update – PXDZ.201119.005.A1
@olymay I do however respectively disagree with you on the price drop opinion that items after a year drop in MSRP regularly. That doesn’t tend to hold true for well selling tech. Look at things like Polar H10 or OH1+ sensor or Garmin’s watches from 2019 even. Still the same MSRP. However it’s fine to disagree. Also I’ve got no issue with Suunto as a company. I think the 5 and 9 have been really excellent devices for the market they target and I love they are still supporting them through Suunto plus features. No brand save for maybe Apple updates three year old wearable tech with new features. Those owners have gotten really great bang for their buck. I’ve only been addressing my concerns with the Suunto 7. Not once in any other posting have I critiqued suuntos efforts with any other devices.
@brotzfrog10 It’s entirely possible that are different strategies for different companies.
So what was the price at launch in the US? as $399 pretty close to the launch price here in the UK (once you have added in US sales tax etc). Most tech products sell at the same numbers, just with the symbol at the front changed.
@brotzfrog10 You can’t compare a Suunto 7 to Polar or Garmin, they are simply not in the same category. The S7 is a WearOS device (albeit a WearOS device with outstanding Suunto fitness smarts inside it).
Like @Hughesy-and-Annalise I have had a number of WearOS devices and I have never paid full retail price for any of them, despite buying them all within 3 months of launch.
Even Apple run offers and sales of the kit not too long after launch.If you do insist on using Garmin and Polar as a comparison, again they run sales, offers, and promotions constantly.
In fact, as with almost everything in life, if you have a little patience and know where to look, you rarely need to pay full price for anything (unless you want it the instant it is launched).
And fair point, you have only gone after the S7, but you have gone after it with some zeal. One would almost think an S7 slept with your wife/husband!
@olymay the launch price in the US was $499 but all US channels that I’ve come a crossed now have the list price at $399 with various sales occurring off that $399 price (being its the new base price).
@olymay I have that zeal for it because I just feel like it’s such an incredible missed opportunity! I really enjoy the sunnto brand and the Suunto training app and had they just ported those options into the 7 I really feel like they would of had one of if not the best smart watch on the market. Something no one else to this point could have really competed with on training and smart watch features. It’s because of my zeal for the Suunto brand that I’m so disappointed in their handcuffing of the Suunto 7.
@brotzfrog10 I feel like you and I both want the same thing, external sensor support. However I feel we have both about it in differing ways, with your posts often coming across as angry and aggressive.
I can honestly understand your frustrations, I really can, but if we as users want Suunto to listen to us, then getting all ranty on a forum is not going to work.
The more users that request this feature the more chance we have of Suunto adding it. Or maybe we don’t’ If they are set on this configuration then they are set on it. Maybe with the S7 V2?? Who knows. But we can still provide our feedback (in a non-ranty way).
@olymay that’s a fair critique. I certainly want the feature and hopefully we are being heard. I think what made me get on a rant from the beginning was a couple of the moderators and people connected with Suunto saying this wasn’t a feature that the target market for the watch wanted. That to me that seems absolutely ridiculous and made me start thinking maybe Suunto doesn’t really know what to do with the 7. Had the response just been it’s certainly something we hear users want and are looking into as we enhance the user experience for 7 owners (just a nice PC answer) I wouldn’t have been nearly as irritated.
@brotzfrog10 The moderators, testers, and developers are more connected with Suunto than you or I are and are more likely to know Suunto’s plans and intentions.
It doesn’t matter if we agree or not, we should always do so with respect and manners.
I happen to agree that the S7 shouldn’t be marketed at the casuals and soccer mums, as it is too big and expensive for them (and they are all blinkered to Samsung, Apple, or Fossil anyway). I believe it should be aimed at the fitness enthusiast who wants the features of a Suunto/Garmin/Polar but also wants a proper smartwatch, and doesn’t want to switch devices during the day to get this (I say this from a selfish standpoint as this is exactly the bracket I fall into
It could be a a killer watch, but as this is the first WearOS device Suunto have ever made, maybe they went in softly softly gently gently to start with, test the water as it were.
Maybe there will be more added to the S7 soon, or there will be a follow up device that really nails it. Only Suunto knows.For the time being, I honestly love my S7, even more so after the recent update. And I will keep my fingers crossed for external sensor support in the Suunto App soon
Ey guys can we focus in the update more than in what you want for the watch? there is a topic for that. (in case of sensor support)
Just following up on my first impressions, as I’ve ran 4 or 5 times under this update now (with NO problems at all).
I’m generally using “Best” and I’ve followed a route with Waypoints every time (cos I like doing that - force myself to not just pick the same old street loops automatically all the time)…
…Getting about 12% per hour drain - with maybe an average of about 8 Waypoints being notified (I think this pops it out of low power mode?), plus roughly 10 auto lap notifications per hour…doesnt seem to make much difference to me whether I enable Airplane mode or not (I don’t run with Phone).I’ve tried one WALK with ‘Good’ GPS and I think that was about half as power hungry per hour, but I’d like to test that more before concluding.
A few requests I’d like to see, all pretty minor really >>
The “next Waypoint” alert should be enabled/disabled via an option. I can understand why some people would want notifying how far away the next Waypoint is immediately after passing one, but my use case for them is that this info is NEVER something that has been useful or of interest. I like the ‘pre warning’ you get about 100metres before, and I like the warning AT the notification, but then to get a beep maybe 3 seconds later telling me that in 897metres there’s a left turn isn’t very useful to me!
I assume this has always been like this, but the ‘lap’ counter that pops up on the auto lap notification doesn’t seem to be particularly well defined. It’s “too white” and I can barely read it.
Similarly pretty poor UI decisions seem to have been made with some tiny numbers particularly on the map screen. The scale marker (200metres etc etc) is TINY…I think it should be larger all the time, but definitely should grow temporarily at least when the + or - scale button is pressed. There are some tiny numbers that appear on this screen also, that I’ve no idea what they are as they’re definitely too small to read mid run!
The “get ready to start” screen, where you can swipe down to reveal the map prior to starting an activity…can this map also take advantage of the compass, rather than being fixed to North Up ?
Some spurious leading 0’s could be removed for readability. When running in min/km, then its very rare to be going slower than 9m59s/km…yet there’s ALWAYS a leading 0 displayed. It makes knowing whether the number is a 5:xx/km or 6:xx/km quite difficult to determine when running at night (I KNOW when its 4:xx/km!). Would prefer the 0 to be dropped and fatten the font (would also like to see the elapsed time down the bottom grow in size a bit if possible).
More Waypoint types PLEASE! (arrows especially!).
Ability to add existing POI’s directly into a route - I’ve worked out in a certain click-sequence I can see at least one standalone POI when I go to the routes screen…so it becomes a hint of where to click to create one actually in the route, but I don’t know what I click to do that. It would be good to be able to enable a ‘POI layer’ when editing routes.
Thats about it really. It all feels super reliable and stable to me. The Waypoint alerting thing is so good that after the first two runs I did, I’ve not even looked at the actual maps - although they’ll definitely come in useful when I start to head back out to trails and less familiar routes once we’re “allowed” to start returning towards more normal behaviours.
Next this weekend I think will be time to test a few runs on ‘good’ GPS and also with no route following, and monitor battery usage…I suspect I’ll see improvement when not following routes, due to my current approach of using Waypoints and getting 3 “non low power” notifications per change of direction (when I want just 2!).
Oh yeah…
- I think the off route notification should be about half as far as it is.
It seems it’s about 100m as the crow flies, but in real terms that can be quite far away.
Again, ideally a configurable…50m/100m/200metres…but I got a feeling that half the current distance would still filter out any bad GPS moments, but also notify early enough to prevent going too far wrong.
@nigel-taylor-0 agree with you here , have done a few more runs and by the time I get notified, the 100m is like a bit too far stating the obvious for me.
For me I get 6% battery drain per hour following the route with a few waypoints. I run with phone though and using the Good GPS option.
Good to see that even with not running with phone and using Best option, that the battery drain is what you’ve stated. Still fairly decent battery life. And the standby drain overnight is pretty minimal so with a run or two, I’m still getting bang on about two days of Smartwatch usage.
Pretty happy myself with it all.
@hughesy-and-annalise is battery drain different with a phone connected? I thought the Suunto app used the builtin chip regardless? In fact, I would have thought battery drain would be worse with a connected phone what with pushing notifications and such.
@aleksander-h said in System update – PXDZ.201119.005.A1:
@hughesy-and-annalise is battery drain different with a phone connected? I thought the Suunto app used the builtin chip regardless? In fact, I would have thought battery drain would be worse with a connected phone what with pushing notifications and such.
Correct, S7 in Airplane mode if you are carrying a phone, you will improve S7 battery life.
@aleksander-h not worse at all mate, as @Brad_Olwin said if you leave it in flight mode it will get slighter better battery life. Notifications i receive after my run though, which is strange, perhaps because the Suunto workout app is at the front of the watch running. Or i just don’t notice the notification because i’m dead from running haha.
@nigel-taylor-0 I think if you were on a bike you would not want the waypoint closer as you would be moving much faster. Probably set at the best compromise for now.
@brad_olwin said in System update – PXDZ.201119.005.A1:
@nigel-taylor-0 I think if you were on a bike you would not want the waypoint closer as you would be moving much faster. Probably set at the best compromise for now.
For going off-route? Yes that would make sense.
Then maybe a better solution would be to retain 100metres off course alerting for cycling activities and drop to 50metres (or potentially less) for running?
(the ‘pre POI alert’ should maybe be variable based on activity too…if running then getting a pre-alert about 30 seconds ahead of a POI is plenty of notice (if you’re using POI’s/Waypoints as reminders for direction changes) - whereas on a bike that might be quite late - if you have to consider changing lanes in traffic etc).
@brad_olwin said in System update – PXDZ.201119.005.A1:
@aleksander-h said in System update – PXDZ.201119.005.A1:
@hughesy-and-annalise is battery drain different with a phone connected? I thought the Suunto app used the builtin chip regardless? In fact, I would have thought battery drain would be worse with a connected phone what with pushing notifications and such.
Correct, S7 in Airplane mode if you are carrying a phone, you will improve S7 battery life.
Is this significant?
ie - S7 in Airplane mode if you are NOT carrying a phone, will that make a difference??
I’ve not ran for more than hour since getting S7 as I was kind of in a downtime so its difficult to tell for sure - I don’t run with phone, and I’ve tried to do various combos of airplane mode / not airplane mode etc and I don’t really see any difference - its something like 10-12% per hour regardless (and same even if I have 10 to 15 Waypoint notifications inside that hour). I kind of expected there to be noticeable difference going Airplane.
(I’m on BEST mode - planning on a couple of experiments with GOOD this weekend).
@hughesy-and-annalise - you didn’t notice. If connected to data, notifications since the latest update, now come in and show as preview (if that is your notification setting) and will then disappear to notification queue, and be available there.
You can action preview when it comes up.In 2 minds on this - as quite like that didn’t disturb at all other than a vibration…But probably the correct action.
@nigel-taylor-0 You should notice a bit of a difference - its probably around an extra 3hrs of cotinous tracking activity. But yes across an hour session can be difficult to note as is around 1% which you will not always notice:
as could be timing (i.e. battery percentage ready to drop as launch app, so lose a percent straight away)
and especially if using maps etc, as their impact on battery is much higher.Much higher impact tends to be use between Best and Good setting on GPS.
Will also notice it much more if usually use Best GPS and connected to phone, and then move to Good GPS and GPS only mode (i.e. not connected to phone).