Resources - high drop after a walk
@dimitrios-kanellopoulos I created a custom activity view from “Other6” sport mode with duration and average HR field only. Nothing else.
I also tried “Yoga” sport mode. Same effect. It caused very high resource drop when used very early in the morning, in fact, right after wake up.
@dimitrios-kanellopoulos Ah sorry, regarding running… hm… good question, now when I am looking back at my early bird runs, it seems like the drop in resources after morning runs is reasonable… it could point to issue for morning activities without GPS? Just a guess…
@zadow the thing is if I recall correctly that some activities like yoga are considered “daily” for the firstbeat thingy.
So a little spike on HR or bad HR can ruin the stress.
I am creating a bug anyways for you guys. I can confirm it also affects me with some sport modes like yoga.
Lets try tomorrow some other sport mode and report back here
@dimitrios-kanellopoulos Hi I´ll try indoor running tomorrow and running the day after. For info I always use external heart rate on these walks. I did not in the beginning and thought that the drop was due to HR spikes created from the watch therefor I started to monitor this and it was the same with external HR. I´ll get back with info tomorrow
@helgonet12 thanks
@dimitrios-kanellopoulos I scrolled back in time thru my activities and found out that “Stretching” was also causing morning high resource drop .
(Before I created activity to measure morning HRrest from “Other6” I was using “Stretching”)
So it may be the same “day only” activity as Yoga, as you explained… -
@helgonet12 I had this too, see my post some months ago:
Cheers Christian
good morning guys.
What i also noticed is that if you do a reset on the watch (press upper button for x seconds) the ressource is automatically set to 50% after “reboot”.
is this the expected behavior?
@snusr yes. That is expected as it looses it inner state. They will come up or down to their level shortly after.
@dimitrios-kanellopoulos Hi! I used running app instead of walk and it did not have the same drop as before. I was out walking later today since I had to go to work earlier so I will try again tomorrow.
I looked for indoor running but could not find it? do you mean treadmill? I have looked twice for indoor running but it is not there.
There is also some wired behaviour when scrolling down the sports modes using the button down. after a while it start to scroll down buy it self really fast until it hits the last sportmode. It does not happen if using touch. I tried this I a couple of times and it was the same every time.
@dimitrios-kanellopoulos Hi! I have during the weekend tried different activities like running, hiking and walking but it is the same on all. Hiking had the big drop as walking. The strange thing tough is that when I used running instead go walking this Saturday the resources worked fine. but today I used running instead of walking and I got the same big drop as walking (see picture)
Just noticed the behavior this week because I decided to record my commute to work. Same huge drop in resources (today from more than 80 to 20) after a mellow 30 minutes bike ride.
@dimitrios-kanellopoulos Hi! Tested the walk activity today and same behaviour (big drop) happens on the new firmware 2.14.12.
@helgonet12 yes this was not fixed in this FW. Walking will produce the same issue if there are HR inconsistencies.
@dimitrios-kanellopoulos ok. I thought so. Just wanted you to know
. Hoping it will come with the next update. Happy Easter
to you and everyone else in the forum.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos Hi. Any news about the fix for recourse drop on the S9B? It’s been a while since the first report of the issue. I know it is not the most important issue but still it should have been fixed I think during this time. Thanks.
I think I had the same ‚feature‘ with my S9PP same days ago… I started ‚Trailrunning‘ for a short time in the morning when I walked on the parking area in front of my work… I wanted to calibrate the altitude… about 30 second and a lost of resources from about 70% to 30%… I nearly couldn‘t stop laughing…
It’s a bug that was and is present in s5p, s9p and s9 with latest firmware, but there is a workaround.
@André-Faria thanks for the info but it doesn’t work. I have tried different resting heart rate values but with the same result. I also think that correct resting heart rate should work buy default and not to find a work around. It is something wrong with the algorithm. It worked just fine before 2021 but after an update the resource drops to zero or close to. And it only happens if you do an activity in the morning/ before lunch. If I don’t do an activity before lunch the resources works just fine.
@helgonet12 said in Resources - high drop after a walk:
@André-Faria thanks for the info but it doesn’t work. I have tried different resting heart rate values but with the same result. I also think that correct resting heart rate should work buy default and not to find a work around. It is something wrong with the algorithm. It worked just fine before 2021 but after an update the resource drops to zero or close to. And it only happens if you do an activity in the morning/ before lunch. If I don’t do an activity before lunch the resources works just fine.
Thanks for the info. May help Suunto debug the issue. But if not mistaken this algo was from first beat.