VO2 Max
My new S9peak doesn’t record the VO2…any idea?
@akos-hajas how many activities, and which type, did you record?
@isazi today was the first activity…it was running…
Same, I did an overnight hiking that lasted 10.5 hours and there is no VO2Max.
@akos-hajas it may need more than one run. Try a few more. There are no reported issues on the Peak not recording VO2max.
@dušan-ković hiking and walking are more difficult for the Firstbeat algorithm. Running is better.
@isazi okay…I’ll try it…
@akos-hajas No. Try not. Do… or do not. There is no try.
@bulkan This is the way!
I think the first activity to calibrate the VO2 max had to be a basic run activity of 15 minutes minimum
@isazi I thought so. It just happened for a hike to be my first activity.
Same problem here! Did 2-3 walks of note then 15 minutes (one was 45 min) and still no vo2max in my Suunto 9 peak… i was in walking mode. Anyone with the same situation ?
@lulu_rica try running. I know it says that walking is fine, but collecting enough relevant data during walking is not always possible.
@isazi I did now 6 activities (running 45-60 min)…still not recording…
@isazi 3 months ago I got a S9B titanium…It was working the first time…
@akos-hajas Strange, I got VO2 max after first run with the peak and it was in line with the one from my old S9.
@akos-hajas you are on the latest firmware, right?
@isazi yes of course
Did you go on 3 different HR zone ?