Suunto 7
@aleksander-h said in Suunto 7:
For me, faster charging would be a bigger benefit than long battery life. If the shower after a run was sufficient to charge up the device, I wouldn’t notice longer battery life.
I’m pretty certain the S7 can charge from almost dead to full in about an hour. So unless it has run down to a very low level, then charging whilst in the bathroom (shower, shave, teeth, poop, etc) then you should (might?) get enough charge out of it, especially if you charge it like this every day.
(unless you do a long GPS activity each day then then yes, you may struggle).I drop S7 on charger in the 5-10 mins whilst ‘getting ready’ and when in shower and I rarely end up going lower than 50%.
Ahead of any longer run I just take care to juice to 100%…for a morning run that means powering to 100% the night before, and then the 10minute charge in the morning tops it up…or for an evening run I just whack it on the charger whilst working in the afternoon for 45mins or so.
@olymay I brought them to the service center. It is not rare and they should remove and change the screen. Hopefully it will works
@nigel-taylor-0 said in Suunto 7:
I drop S7 on charger in the 5-10 mins whilst ‘getting ready’ and when in shower and I rarely end up going lower than 50%.
Ahead of any longer run I just take care to juice to 100%…for a morning run that means powering to 100% the night before, and then the 10minute charge in the morning tops it up…or for an evening run I just whack it on the charger whilst working in the afternoon for 45mins or so.
Pretty much exactly what I do
If I find I haven’t got my timings right and it’s low before a run I charge it whilst getting changed and doing my warm up stretches.
The S7 charges to quickly that even a short charge gives it a fair old boost
@olymay I brought them to the service center. It is not rare and they should remove and change the screen. Hopefully it will works
Hopefully it all gets sorted for you
Maybe review using the AoD in future? I agree it’s nice to have the AoD, but it does hit the battery and now we are seeing some screen burn in, it might be work disabling it?
I used to use the AoD, but found that in the evenings it was too bright in a dark room, even with brightness set to minimum. I now run Power Saver Tilt instead and it works well
@nigel-taylor-0 said in Suunto 7:
I drop S7 on charger in the 5-10 mins whilst ‘getting ready’ and when in shower and I rarely end up going lower than 50%.
Ahead of any longer run I just take care to juice to 100%…for a morning run that means powering to 100% the night before, and then the 10minute charge in the morning tops it up…or for an evening run I just whack it on the charger whilst working in the afternoon for 45mins or so.
Pretty much exactly what I do
If I find I haven’t got my timings right and it’s low before a run I charge it whilst getting changed and doing my warm up stretches.
The S7 charges to quickly that even a short charge gives it a fair old boost
And this is where I had a problem - my morning routine got to the point where there just wasn’t enough time to recharge based on the level of activity I was doing.
This last month would have been fine - bruised some ribs so have been out of action for last month - without doing a couple of hours of activity per day would have been fine.
However have just started to get back into the swing of things, but slightly overdid it last week on holiday (fortunately not overly impacted on ribs), but going to take it easy this month slowly ramping up. But didn’t even need my charger last week on holiday as F6xPS handeled the week with ease - love not having to worry about charging. -
And this is where I had a problem - my morning routine got to the point where there just wasn’t enough time to recharge based on the level of activity I was doing.
This last month would have been fine - bruised some ribs so have been out of action for last month - without doing a couple of hours of activity per day would have been fine.
However have just started to get back into the swing of things, but slightly overdid it last week on holiday (fortunately not overly impacted on ribs), but going to take it easy this month slowly ramping up. But didn’t even need my charger last week on holiday as F6xPS handeled the week with ease - love not having to worry about charging.Yeah, the routine I have isn’t going to work for everyone, especially if doing the level of activity you are
Maybe you just need to take longer showers to give it time to charge
(joking obviously).
But thinking about that, could charging during morning routine (sh*t/shower/shave) as well as evening routine (brushing teeth etc) give you enough? I know not perfect solution, but worth a try?As much as I would love a watch to last the same as the F6X, and other Garmins and Suuntos, I’m not prepared to give up the functionality my S7 gives me. I want a full smartwatch, not just something that gives me notifications that I can’t do much with (can do full replies on the S7, either typed or by voice).
And Google Pay from my wrist is something I’m not sure I could live without now. (Garmin pay is utterly useless in the UK).
But I am jealous of the battery life -
Yeah, the routine I have isn’t going to work for everyone, especially if doing the level of activity you are
Maybe you just need to take longer showers to give it time to charge
(joking obviously).
But thinking about that, could charging during morning routine (sh*t/shower/shave) as well as evening routine (brushing teeth etc) give you enough? I know not perfect solution, but worth a try?Tried, and could extend out, but sooner or later I found myself having to wait for the watch to charge and or having to not wear it during the charge to let it charge.
I want a full smartwatch, not just something that gives me notifications that I can’t do much with (can do full replies on the S7, either typed or by voice).
Not a major issue for me, as cannned responses work 95% of the time for me. Occasionaly maybe once/twice a month may have the occasional use. Voice response always been a bit of an issue for me, due to my accent. Best on GA which is about 80-90%, wear os was around 75-90% (depends on what I was doing) - the rest including siri are virtually unusable. Thank god I can set up Alexa and coach it so get around 60% with it, plus have set up playlists etc, and can fairly easy get to that - but sometimes feel like throwing it through the wall…
And Google Pay from my wrist is something I’m not sure I could live without now. (Garmin pay is utterly useless in the UK).
Curve -came to my rescue - creates a digital card off your actual cards (you also get a physical one), and then can use that with Garmin everywhere - my cashback etc even works with it, and doesn’t cost me a penny to use it. But know what you mean as I was going to miss this until I found out about curve.
Battery - Was a slow week for me while on holiday as still recoverying and due to being on holiday, but didn’t take a charger (toped up to 100% before I left) - use pulse ox tracking with sleep at night, normal battery modes and usage, 16hrs of tracked activity across the week - and only bothered to check on the last day to discover I still had around 46% battery life which would be good for around another 6 days (could switch off pulse ox tracking during sleep and would extend out to around 12 days).- was nice to not even think or worry about it.
Tried, and could extend out, but sooner or later I found myself having to wait for the watch to charge and or having to not wear it during the charge to let it charge.
Yeah, it’s not going to work for everyone. But I still think it could work for the majority of users. I’m always surprised at the amount of smartwatch wearers who don’t charge the watch when showering (you’ve taken it off and put it on the table, just put it on the charger!) or even wear it in the shower!?!?
Not a major issue for me, as cannned responses work 95% of the time for me. Occasionaly maybe once/twice a month may have the occasional use. Voice response always been a bit of an issue for me, due to my accent. Best on GA which is about 80-90%, wear os was around 75-90% (depends on what I was doing) - the rest including siri are virtually unusable. Thank god I can set up Alexa and coach it so get around 60% with it, plus have set up playlists etc, and can fairly easy get to that - but sometimes feel like throwing it through the wall…
I’ve got lucky with Google Assistant as it recognises what I am saying probably 95% of the time (I have a pretty neutral English accent with a slight midlands twang). A buddy of mine has Alexa and he spends more time swearing at it for getting thing wrong than actually using it. Never used Siri but from what I hear I’m not missing out.
Due to this, I can use the voice mode in Gboard to send complete messages via WhatsApp or text and it’s often better than my typingAnd Google Pay from my wrist is something I’m not sure I could live without now. (Garmin pay is utterly useless in the UK).
Curve -came to my rescue - creates a digital card off your actual cards (you also get a physical one), and then can use that with Garmin everywhere - my cashback etc even works with it, and doesn’t cost me a penny to use it. But know what you mean as I was going to miss this until I found out about curve.
Curve sounds really interesting! I bought my gf a Garmin Venu for Christmas last year (she wanted a full smartwatch but also wanted something that could do decent fitness tracking. She wanted an S7 until she saw how ridiculous it looked on her small wrists
) and she was frustrated to discover her banks don’t work with Garmin (no)Pay.
Battery - Was a slow week for me while on holiday as still recoverying and due to being on holiday, but didn’t take a charger (toped up to 100% before I left) - use pulse ox tracking with sleep at night, normal battery modes and usage, 16hrs of tracked activity across the week - and only bothered to check on the last day to discover I still had around 46% battery life which would be good for around another 6 days (could switch off pulse ox tracking during sleep and would extend out to around 12 days).- was nice to not even think or worry about it.
Yeah, that’s pretty impressive battery life!
Curve sounds really interesting! I bought my gf a Garmin Venu for Christmas last year (she wanted a full smartwatch but also wanted something that could do decent fitness tracking. She wanted an S7 until she saw how ridiculous it looked on her small wrists
) and she was frustrated to discover her banks don’t work with Garmin (no)Pay.
You should definitely look into that for her, as it seems to work for most UK banks, and if you keep to the basic level it costs nothing (they even send a physical card).
I just received my S7, sad to say after a full charge, 1 hours 45 minutes later I have 90%, I only received notifications during this time, is there any way to disable the vibration?
@miguel-peralta the first time you use your watch there are so many background updates that battery life is very bad. Wait a couple of days using your watch normally.
@isazi Thanks for your reply, yesterday I received the last wear OS update i think, I have Wifi Disabled, Body Resources and Heart Rate active, I only enable the display with a touch, do I have to disable device location? I would like to know what your setup is, I will test the S7 this Sunday on a MTB ride.
@miguel-peralta one thing people usually do is disable automatic updates, to avoid that your apps get updated when you are on the way. Also, some apps are more battery hungry than others.
@miguel-peralta I asked about this long time back,right now it’s a vibrate all or no notifications at all.
Looks like we might be missing out on a few apps/updates in the future
So both YT Music and Strava will require Wear 3.0.
@miguel-peralta wear os has a heurstic battery formulae, so the longer it stays up (no restart) the better it gets at estimating your remaining battery life by how you use it. After restart always ignore it for the next 7-8hrs as its always based on too little usage.
Then overall battery life as per @isazi point - it takes a while for battery life to settle in. Would suggest no adding any apps for a week or two until you are happy battery life is settled. Then add any you need one at a time to check impact to battery life.
Note that non suunto watch faces can increase battery usage, especially facer ones.
Also check your wake settings - I found that touch to wake was my best option, as tilt to wake woke the watch far too often. If using a suunto watch face, and AOD off, then would put on the power save tilt, as that combo was slightly more efficient than AOD on with touch to wake only. However we are all different and others can have different results (some find touch to wake triggers due to clothing they wear (seldom if ever had that issue), and tilt to wake works better).
@miguel-peralta i would just like to echo what @isazi and @Jamie-BG have said.
When you first get any WearOS watch, there will be various system updates in the background.
Then, the watch will take a few days to monitor your usage and adapt the battery optimisation to best suit you.Regarding what setting get the most efficiency, this will depend on how you use your S7.
Mine are similar to Jamie’s for the most part.
Power saver tilt ON using the Suunto Solstice face (good looking watch face and power efficient)
Tilt to wake OFF
Touch to wake OFF (clicking buttons turns display on, but touching screen does not)
Bluetooth ON
WiFi ON AUTO (it is off when connected to phone. wifi only turns on when it loses connection to phone or goes on the charger)
Body resources ON
24/7 HR ON
Sleep tracking ONI put mine into cinema mode when sleeping, to stop the display lighting up or notifications buzzing my wrist. This does not stop the alrm going off, which is great.
Speaking of notifications, I allow pretty much all notifications to come through.
If I am not tracking any activity, I typically get 48 hrs battery life from the watch, which I am more than happy with.
Any other questions or help needed, please do ask
@olymay and I confirm with that set up (except for having touch to wake on) I got around 48hrs (and usually included around 30mins of activity).
Its around 36hrs if AOD is on, and doing about 1hr of tracking.
My issue was never with watch loved it, my issue is that my needs with insisting on having AOD on, and tracking most days approx 2-4hrs, and generally only having 15mins in the morning to recharge and no real opportunity during the day meant I was always worried about running out during a tracking session (been there and done that on previous watches). Hence change to something that has similar features but much better battery life.
@jamie-bg that’s good to know. So it seems that 48rs is easily achievable without having to restrict any of the smart features of the watch.
Out of pure curiosity (and honest curiosity, i’m not questioning your reasoning) why do you insist on AoD being on? I get that it looks nice and all, but it does mean the screen is lit while you are not looking at it.
Don’t get me wrong, I would have it on if it didn’t affect the battery (and the brightness could be lowered as I find it too bright in a dark room) but I can more than easily cope with the screen set to power saver tilt. The screen is responsive to activate and does so quickly enough.
I thought I might struggle not having AoD after coming from a TicWatch Pro, but I got used to it really quickly.And I tried the touch to wake function, but I found I got too many accidental activations, thus impacting battery life (or even menu/app activations too).
@olymay there are many reasons for someone to want to use AoD, design being the least important in my opinion:
- the raise to wake is slow and have many hiccups especially in Wear OS. Even the Apple Watch which has the best raise to wake is far from perfect
- maybe you carry something heavy with your hands and want to see time
- maybe you are in a meeting and want to have a quick glance to see the time without the others to noticed
And the list can continue.
I never considered to buy a smartwatch which doesn’t have the main function of a watch, to see the time without gesticulate with your hands.