Unable to connect / sync vertical with suunto app since last update
@freeheeler said in Unable to connect / sync vertical with suunto app since last update:
- the watch connects to SA? yes or no?
yes it connects, but sometimes (like this morning) it takes a lot even for updating the GPS and the Weather data, without any activity to be synced (I erased all of them from the watch)
- if yes, the watch does not sync activities?
before the 2.33.12 update it did, even if “hesitating” sometimes,
after 2.33.12 syncing become more hard to get,
2.33.14 didn’t solve that issue at all- does it sync e.g. custom sport modes?
yes, but it is cumbersome
and what about logs (if it’s possible to connect to SA of course):
have you been able to send logs from recent hotfix firmware 2.33.14?no, I didn’t send any logs
It would be good, for example, if here in this forum, a new Official Thread would ask people with sync problem to send their logs.
@Tieutieu said in Unable to connect / sync vertical with suunto app since last update:
I was only telling that if it was so easy to correct it would have been done already…Yes, it’s difficult, that‘s obvious!
But nonetheless they are responsible and have the duty to do something within a definit period of time. The length of this period is not ‚as long as it takes’, but is to be determined from the view of a reasonable costumer. After nearly two months it is close to be over.
If they have no idea what to do they could make an official announcement that people who are affected should send in their watches for exchange. And then do so.
I have sent logs weeks ago and I have tested out everything, I am tired of doing that again and again with no results.
If we should contribute in a certain way, we would need official information about that IMHO.
what I intended to do was to offer my help and at least collect the logs from all people experiencing sync issues with their watches and file a bug for Suunto.
let’s see how many users will PM me…
I don’t think a redundant thread is necessary.
(Suunto does not officially participate in this forum) -
@ortles It didn’t work and I tried to contact Suunto one more time.
"Okay apparently we have not received any information on bad BT yet. But yes we have tried all the possible steps to unfortunately we are not successful in any of those steps. And yes we have we still waiting for a update in Suunto app and in watch as well for the issue to fixed in the next update.Suunto 12:19
As a Suunto Race user myself I have tried all the possible steps but unfortunately one of our colleague’s watch it is still not synced with the app.
I know that you doing your best, but is there some time plan to solved the problem?
Suunto 12:21
It is to be estimated within this month.
Suunto 12:24
The update should be there within this month.
@Charles hello Charles, I send my watch to the service, please could I ask you, do you have any reference number or other identifier of your cases?
Check your messages -
@Lukáš-Blažek said in Unable to connect / sync vertical with suunto app since last update:
@ortles It didn’t work and I tried to contact Suunto one more time.
"Okay apparently we have not received any information on bad BT yet. But yes we have tried all the possible steps to unfortunately we are not successful in any of those steps. And yes we have we still waiting for a update in Suunto app and in watch as well for the issue to fixed in the next update.Thanks for sharing! Even though this sounds weird and confusing in my ears. The issue should be well known for Suunto (so it doesn’t make sense to say that they have no information). And it doesn’t make sense to say ‚they have tried everything and nothing works‘.
Given that, I don’t believe you can trust everything else. I would like to but I have doubts.
I’m sorry -
@ortles I absolutely agree, I just take it as another piece of confused information and obfuscation from Suunto. I am waiting for a statement from the service center here in the Czech Republic. I am very curious!
@tyj14 you are right man! In another Post there are Problems with the red line in the track, some parts are not visibile of you Go Back to find your way Back. There isnt a clear communication, too. The Problem in the Post there is known since Februar this year. And until today i dont know if the Problem is solved… No official Statement for this…
latest news for all experiencing sync issues with their watches. this might be as official as it can get:
Suunto has confirmed they have enough useful logs now and are digging into them as I write.
however: no roadmap or timeline will be published. -
@freeheeler thanks a lot for the information
infos about the red line Problem in the map If it is not visibile on the going track back?
no info about this issue. it bothered me recently, too and we have reported it, too, of course.
I think the sync issue has a higher priority now -
Thanks for sharing this, we appreciate your help, i am sure this is the best you could do
But in fact this is quite little information - after seven weeks they should be much more ahead then just having enough material to start an investigation… Hope for some more specific updates here in the next days.
With breadcrumb issue, yeah, i agree, a vital function as well, a fix is overdue, since it’s a long known issue.
I have the same issue as many others on this thread. After long activities with gps I’m unable to synch by bluetooth (android app on Samsung Galaxy s22 ultra). After couple of restarts of watch, app, phone and bluetooth connection it goes back to normal for a while, untill another similar activity (short activities without gps seems not to do any problems, as well as synching without any new activities). The problem started in april after last software update (I have my verticsl since september).
So it’s definitely very common problem. I’m waiting for any information whether we need to wait for bug fix or we need to send our watches back for repair/replacement.
Also noticed that this is quit weird issue that we have with the sync.
As former software tester for Suunto, I haven’t found the consistent theory of when the sync failes, and when not. One common thing is the GPS data, so for example indoor trainings have synced without any issues since the update, but the outdoor activities there is this random problem. Allthough 90% of the outdoor trainings will fail on sync, but the sync works if there is just one exercise to sync, but only after re-pairing the BT connection.
I have had 45min training, and 90min training but there is no correlation of sync fail. For me this is very annoying because like everybody is saying, with previous FW this worked ok!
I have managed to sync every exercise with repairing the BT but this is starting to get more frustrated, and I would like to stay with Suunto since I’m Finnish and I have like 1900 exercise in suunto database
And that also makes me wonder, does the number of exercises in suunto DB have anything to do with this?
@Pazfet Thanks for this very interesting and informative comment. It is weird issue for sure and I would be very much interested in the root cause (as I work in the IT company :D).
For me it appeared only two times and since the latest update I didn’t have this issue at all. Why is that? I have no idea! And I think that my database is also quite big but the issues somehow disappeared. -
I have an idea to test - at least whoever is willing to (and no - this is not based on any Suunto official procedure, it just came to my mind).
As the issue only affects a few people, but all over the range of mobile phones, and at the same time the FW is identical -> maybe it is a hardware variation.Here’s my idea (totally non-science based):
what happens if you try the sync with the watch at different temperatures? like watch in the fridge/freezer for 1h -> then try to sync.
Or watch in the sun for 30min -> then try to sync.Does it make any difference?
@GiPFELKiND In other threads this is acknowledged as known by Suunto. There will be a fix coming. You already know this. This thread is about syncing, let us not hijack the op!