Suunto Ocean general discussion
Had the Ocean for about a week now and must say, it is a beautiful watch and I’m really enjoying it. Very impressed with it so far. I haven’t been able to do any activities as I’m recovering from quite a major surgery at the moment, however the one thing I have been able to test is the sleep tracking. My sleep has been shockingly bad for the last couple of nights and the watch often reckons I’m asleep when I’m not. Last night for instance, it recorded that I fell asleep at 2am and slept until 8am with a couple of awake periods here and there when in actual fact I only fell asleep at around 4:45am. I was very restless and wide awake up until the point that I fell asleep and was also using the watch every now and then (I’m not 100% sure, but I think I was flicking through the menus at one of the points where it says I was sleeping - will pay more attention to that in the coming nights to see if it overlaps with an awake period or a sleep period). Hope this gets some improvement when the upcoming update gets released
Is it okay to take up diving just to buy a new watch?
@JonasLarsson Absolutely.
i had my Ocean to it’s first Dive now. All worked pretty well. The display is really good readable.
It however did somehow not track my dive path as promised (maybe because it activated due to getting 1,5m deep instead of manually at the top before diving, need to try out next time.
What i find a bit unpratical is the views underwater, there is no way getting into the compass view wich is confusing as this was possible with the Suunto D5. Maybe that would be something for a later patch?
I can also not say much to the tank pot as i had to lend a reglator due to forgetting mine at home.Greetings
Sven -
@svenbrnn the compass is coming in a future update, hopefully soon
@isazi nice to hear
Just noticed another thing. Coud it be that the calories calulation of the D5 and Ocean are vastly different?
My german health insurence accpts sports activity only at 200 kal/30min and my dives with the d5 were always around 700-1000kal/h diving. Hover the Ocean just tracked it with just about 100 which is really wired for me. -
@svenbrnn 700 - 1000 seems normal for a on hour run(!). But for Scuba I would say its to high. Maybe with very strong current. But 100kal per our is much to low. Should be around 400 regarding to Internet Sources and my own guessing…
Hi all,
i bought the ocean and the suunto tank pod together.
i made the connection, at the ocean display, i see the serial number of the tank pod.
how can i cahnge/edit it?
it possible with the other computers?
the ocean can connect to 5 tank pod’s, i need to remmber each serial number of them to whom they belong?Thx
@Filip-S - What do you mean by missing hours of total regeneration? I see from the comparison website it has some part of recovery metrics missing. Is this what you mean? If so, what parts are missing? Cheers Stuie
At the moment not possible to edit the names. This might be enabled with other FW updates and when multiple BT sensors of same type are allowed?! (just a speculation) -
I miss that screen that counted accumulated regeneration. You know, 48 hours of cycling, 8 hours of running, etc. Taking into account that there could be a break of e.g. 2 hours between activities. Which would give 48 - 2 + 8 on the screen. Just a quick tip for my old age not to overdo it.
I will add to my previous post a note about cycling. Setting the screen to always be on doesn’t solve the problem on a sunny day and wearing sunglasses. The screen does not disappear completely, but it fades/dim significantly, so although the numbers can be seen, navigation on the map is very difficult. Now I understand the comments from the SV people that the MIP screen works better.
Maybe they will fix it with an update with the option to choose without this screen dimming.
@Filip-S Thanks for the info.
I dont want to be hard, but I see a lot of empty space in the screen during dive mode. It is like suunto focused on design or fashion watch, in which the diver should press buttons during the to see important information. Pressing buttons are not cool when diving.
A new layout screen in the dive mode that includes: current depth (included), max depth, dive time (included), NDL (included), tank pressure and temperature would be great.
I know that some information can be found in the switchwindow, but it not the best way to present them.
Considering the algorithm, it would be perfect an update to include GF99 and SurGF.
Patrick Löffler 0 Bronze Memberlast edited by Patrick Löffler 0 7 Oct 2024, 13:01 10 Jul 2024, 13:01
I know these questions about timelines are at least a little annoying. Anyway.
Anybody here who can give a rough timing for the Ocean firmware including the dive compass. At least for me my diving season is starting.
Is there only one strap length in the packaging?
Does the personal breathing rate directly related to the tank pressure affects the NDL calculation time in Suunto Ocean when using transmitters?
For example in a shallow dive around 5m but with a tank pressure around 80bar, will the computer reduce the NDL to match it with the security value around 50bar?
Thank you
@diogao13 I hope not - as the NDL value should only show the No Decompression Limit. I agree it would be comfortable to have a kind of combined value. But it could be a mess, because NDL changes very quick if you go shallow. So maybe then it keeps switching between air and NDL - this would be irritating. Also for multi gas it would be complicated
Are there dive computers with such a feature on the market?