Suunto Race S general discussion
@Stoke80 HR sensor is different (1 light, 4 detectors).
Suunto Climb Guidance
@The_77 yes, there is a lock button (if you want, can be customized) in time mode. Will be there also for Vertical and Race soon.
Edit: also S9PP.
@EzioAuditore Are we 100 % sure ?! If so, great news ! But strange that the SR would be produced in China and the SRs in Finland !
@Tieutieu the watch I have is made in Finland.
@isazi that’s a very good news to me. At this range price, the RACE S is a very very serious competitor on the market !
Also I like the design much more than the SR. If I had no watch at this time or had to change, I would certainly consider it ! and if a TI version comes out someday…that would be the perfect watch in this size range !
To be noticed : “gorilla glass”, instead of saphire on the SR. What differences between both ?
Now, waiting for FW update !! -
@Tieutieu Ray says EU and Americas will be made in Finland, Asian in China.
@EzioAuditore makes sense also for distribution.
How cool is the pause screen. Yey I am now patiently waiting for the FW on both my SV and Race. Oh and when the multi BT sensors are added with some AI coach guidances that generates trainings for you… it will be top notch.
Very nice and good job Suunto devs/testers/designers and all. -
Hello & thanks for your revelations.
Per DCR: “Increased map zoom level up to 20km (from 2KM)”
Do we get contour lines above 200m zoom?
@EzioAuditore pause screen is very nice, there is quite some work going on the interface to make it snappier and more user friendly.
@Fenr1r unfortunately, at this point what I see is that there is 20km zoom but contour lines are still limited. I hope this will also improve.
@isazi I can imagine. One question if you are allowed to answer since it is more FW related. The climb notification is attached to specific sport profiles (hike, mtb, trail run) or you can enable it?
@EzioAuditore as far as I remember, climbing works with every sport if you are following a route. There is no on watch routable maps, so you need to follow a route.
Darn. Thank you for checking.
Awesome job, Suunto! It’s a really superb product; they nailed it!
Suunto Climb Guidance looks good, I hope to see it soon in the firmware update so I can test it in the next Skymarathon
@Fenr1r but I know that this is something that people at Suunto know about, and will implement if the watch (memory and resources) allows it.
Anyone have experience with gorilla glass? How much worse is compared to sapphire?
@krakra I am not commenting about the Race S in particular, but I managed to scratch all non sapphire watches I owned (both from Garmin and Suunto). So, if I bought the Race S, I would also buy a screen protector. But it is highly personal (my girlfriend does not scratch her watches).