Suunto Race S general discussion
regarding battery when not wearing the watch maybe turn on airplane mode. no idea but it might help
vaguely remembering I needed to do something when first creating the komoot route to get it to do turn-by-turn. Sorry I can’t remember better.
You do need daily HR enabled to track sleep, naps, hrv, daily resources etc.
I don’t know if you mean during an actual activity or beforehand but you can customise the activity screens beforehand in the app - go to the sync screen by tapping the top left icon, wait for a sync to complete then scroll down to the option to sports mode customisation. You can’t customise the default sports but if you create a new one you can setup the ‘pages’, choose what fields to show etc.
I agree NGP would be a good native field to have. I believe elevation might an option already. The Training Peaks suuntoplus app can show NGP.
the climb functionality is very new and I’m sure they are going to improve it - the colours show on the route elevation profile in the app so hopefully they will make it to the in-activity display too.
I think it would be tricky to predict climbs because, unlike garmin, the suunto watches don’t have the ability to auto-route within the watch. As such, they don’t really “know” about the road/path/trail you are actually on. It would be nice to have info on the climbs you have already completed, maybe. Or possibly they could do something with pushing the routing to your phone app if you have it with you.
I have been using Race S now for a week and am puzzled by the battery consumption. With 24/7 heart rate tracking and AOD off (raise to wake) battery consumption is about %1 per hour, which seems awfully high. And this is without any vigorous activity or training of any kind. Is this in line what you guys are getting?
@sracer said in Suunto Race S general discussion:
I have been using Race S now for a week and am puzzled by the battery consumption. With 24/7 heart rate tracking and AOD off (raise to wake) battery consumption is about %1 per hour, which seems awfully high. And this is without any vigorous activity or training of any kind. Is this in line what you guys are getting?
Have the same battery consumption…
@sracer no, I’m seeing longer battery life than that. I received my Race S last Tuesday, charged it fully, worn it 24/7 with daily HR, HRV, raise to wake (display on ‘low’), phone notifications turned on and also done 4.5 hours of activity (2.5 hours gps, external hr band, AOD + 2 hours no gps, internal HR and display off) and my watch is currently saying 25% battery remaining.
I got my Race S last Friday and I really love it! I’ve been using a Suunto 9 Peak Ti and before that a Spartan Sport, an Ambit, and my first was an Altimax. I love Suunto watches.
The only problem I’ve been having so far is with the map. For some reason it’s not showing up for me. I live in Connecticut and have downloaded the Connecticut map. I’m running the latest version 2.35.36. I’ve tried a soft reset several times. I’ve deleted and re-downloaded the Connecticut map. Yet still no map shows up during activities or in general.
For example, here is what I see for the map screen during a bike activity yesterday:
I have a good GPS signal, the compass is calibrated, I’m getting a GPS track, the software is current, it was a beautifully clear day, everything up-to-date, I confirmed the Connecticut map was downloaded, I synced with the Suunto app right before the activity, etc.This has been the case for all my rides, runs, and open water swims since I got the watch. The map hasn’t shown up for any of them, and it also doesn’t show up when not doing an activity.
Any suggestions??
@bnorthrop have you tried with a reboot first?
@isazi I think he stated several soft resets
@EzioAuditore then I would suggest a hard reset, or contact support. Not sure if there is anything wrong with the Connecticut map, or the particular area where @bnorthrop is
@isazi Thank you. I was hoping to avoid a hard reset simply out of laziness; I had already downloaded several maps, set up custom sport modes, etc. which I would have to do again with a hard reset. But I went ahead with a hard reset yesterday and now the map shows up perfectly both in general and during activities. So that’s good!
However, I’ve now had two other weird things happen. Last night I was riding my bike on the turbo trainer and about 1 hour into the ride I noticed the screen on my Race S had frozen (none of the data fields were changing, not even the time). None of the buttons worked either: I couldn’t pause, lap, or change the screen. Eventually I held the upper right button to initiate a soft reset. Once it booted up it had recorded the time of the activity, but none of the heart rate data. Weird.
Then this morning I did an open water swim and the Race S stopped recording a GPS track part way through. The time and heart were still recorded, but the GPS stopped about 400 m from where I actually finished (it thought I finished in the middle of the lake!).
I also did a trail run at lunch today and the Race S recorded everything perfectly, so hopefully the trainer ride and open water swim were just fluke events. Fingers crossed!
I’ve got same kind of situation too with Race S.
After doing that it went to “Service Mode” where I could restart the watch by holding upper button 12 sec.That didn’t help and it went again to Service Mode. Second time I reset the watch to Factory Settings after new restart. That helped for 10 to 15 min.
After that I sent the watch to Suunto service and they replaced it with a new Race S and that worked as it should…
…until today, after two weeks, it started doing same thing again. But tis time it doesn’t do anything. It just stays in Service Mode…
I’m using 24/7 heart rate monitoring and HRV measuring at nights, if that fills some memory quota too full. This could be relating with some setting I have, If this is not a problem with all Race S users…
…or I’m just that lucky to get two broken watches in a row…I hope the core reason is found and fixed soon. Hopefully in next SW update.
I’ve only ever had crashing issues with suunto watches when a suunto plus app is involved - I don’t suppose either of you were using suunto plus apps were you?
Does the S have running estimated and does it shoe your lactate threshold?
@Fabii85 yes, same as Race and Ocean.
@isazi I can see the race estimates on my S but I’ve not found the lactate threshold - where’s it hiding?
@far-blue On mine its below the race estimates - if you’re not seeing it, try doing a LT test via the S+ app
@far-blue if you do not see it, it is because the algorithm does not have enough confidence to give you a value. And, the quality of this algorithm is very bad IMHO. Better wait a couple of weeks and get something better than that.
@isazi I haven’t ever seen Lactate Threshold on the Race S, despite logging hundreds of km of running. I’m aware it’s on the Race, but is it supposed to be on the Race S also (not including the anaerobic threshold plus app)?
@Matt-Cooper-Kay I would need to ask, I was under the impression that Race S licensed the same algorithms of the Race, but could be that this is not the case (I would actually hope so, that threshold algorithm is not useful)
Hey there
Whats with the digital crown are there any common problems when it gets dirty? I had a Samsung Smartwatch years ago and i had much problem at the crown with dirt and saltwater.
I am working a lot with sand thats my problem…
Thanks for your answer.
Hi there
I think the sleep report in the morning on the Suunto Race S has too much of a delay (e.g. compared to the Suunto Vertical). With the Vertical, I received it quite quickly after getting up. With the Race S it takes about 10 minutes.
This morning I didn’t get a report at all because I put the watch on the charger about five minutes after getting up (this is my personal error analysis)
Basically, however, sleep tracking works for me without any problems.