Suunto Vertical Titanium Solar water/ moisture malfunction
Hi, I have just returned my 2nd Suunto Vertical Titanium Solar for replacement. I purchased this veery expensive watch back in July. I use the Vertical for Open Water only. The first watch began glitching, randomly rolling from menu to menu without me pressing any buttons. Buttons were also unresponsive. And so I returned it and received a replacement, which has sat idle in my draw as I have been hesitant to use it. A few days ago, I took the watch open water swimming. I completed the activity, a 3km swim, but then became totally unresponsive shortly after. Despite troubleshooting, the watch could not be powered back on and so it has been returned and I am currently awaiting my 3rd replacement. Clearly, the Suunto Vertical has a hardware fault when exposed to water. There are other posts on this forum that describe exactly the same thing. I expect after receiving my 3rd watch replacement that this same fault will reoccur and I will keep returning the watch until Suunto provides a fix for this problem along with compensation for wasting my time. That is to say that the returns process is lengthy and I am without a watch!
B Brad_Olwin locked this topic on
@todgerama Please do not initiate duplicate threads. I am locking this one as a thread is already started.