Max number of structured workouts
My coach has been prescribing me all sorts of variations of intervals for both running and cycling. Of course I would like these as structured workouts. I can create them in the app but, I’m having trouble with the Ocean syncing them.
The first probably 15 or so were no problem but at some point I don’t know the number but it seems like new ones are not syncing to the watch. Has anyone else run into this problem. Is there a very small limit to the number of structured workouts that you can have?
I’ve even tried “pinning a workout to the watch” and tried scheduling them for today but for some reason the ones that I have created recently won’t sync and show up in the watch.
I’m not aware of a specific limit for structured workouts (on my Race S the total number of ‘apps’ is apparently limited to 100 which I assume includes workouts) but I do know that the more you have the slower the watch sync’s and recent versions of the app for iOS seems to have some additional issues with syncing. At the moment I’m finding more than 10 or so apps (including workouts) gets pretty slow.
For a smooth experience I’d personally recommend limiting the number of workouts to 4 or 5 - maybe a week’s worth - and also setting dates on them (just so the watch asks when you start an activity which is convenient). You can have more setup in the app but just don’t have them pinned/sync’d to the watch. As a side note, you can reuse structured workouts so if you have a few that repeat through your training you can just change the date (for convenience) and pin/unpin them as required.
Specifically for iOS, it is slowing down based on the number of apps (and possibly workouts, not sure) even if those apps aren’t sync’d to the watch. Simply having them bookmarked/favourited seems to cause the issue.