Suunto Race not displaying duration correctly after Runalyze sync
Ok, my training scenario is this… I use Tacx trainer + Garmin Connect on my iPhone to record a training session. After the session, Garmin Connect syncs the training data to Strava, I export a .fit file from Strava and import that .fit to Suunto App using Runalyze. Everything else seems to sync correct except training log / duration of exercise for the whole week. Garmin, Strava, Runalyze and Sports-tracker all show the correct duration but weirdly it doesn’t seem to accumulate my weekly training duration displayed on my Suunto Race watchface.
Has anyone else experienced something like this? Is there a fix for this?
Of course the quick fix would be to change the watch display so that it doesn’t the incorrect weekly duration and annoy my statistical brain
And to be more precise - Suunto App shows the weekly duration correctly. It is only the watch that displays the logbook / duration incorrectly.
There is no sync between app and watch for imported activities.
Watch knows what it has recorded itself, not what is coming from outside. -
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@Mff73 To me this seems so inconsistent since for example TSS on the watch takes the imported training session into account and shows training effort on the training day. Also CTL, ATL and Form take the session into account.
But since this seems to be a known “feature”, I guess it’s easiest to change the watch face parameter so that it doesn’t bother me