Ukrainian language in Suunto
Hello! Will you add Ukrainian language to your watches and application? I can help you with that for free!
Many people using Suunto watches in Ukraine, but we can see our native language in your products (apps and site and support).
How we can help you with? -
@andry_ua I replied to the exact topic a few days ago. No idea where the thread went…
My reply was: you can help with showing the potential additional sales that Suunto could generate from the effort of adding another language.
@Egika 1 - how i can do that?
2 - you can search in youtube (for example) - how many popular blogers in Ukraine said about suunto)
3 - war in my country! but many people leave Ukraine and using suunto watches besides my country and lot of people using its in army too. -
No idea how you can do that.
But I guess, this will be needed for Suunto to decide if the extra translation and programming effort is paying off after a reasonable time.
Plus this potential probably needs to be higher than that from other features or functions.
In product management it is always a question of priorities…(The fact, that your language is not there may have resulted from Suunto actually researching the extra market potential from each added language… But I don’t know this for sure)
Very strange… Garmin have Ukrainian language. Suunto - no. USA company wins in Europe. Finland - loosing. Ok. No problem I’ll sell my Suunto and go to competitor. (I know some people, who did like that).
@Egika or Suunto could pull those data themselves: number of uses with accounts associated to Ukraine, based on IP lookup, or, number of users with Ukrainian detected as there phone’s language… or both, and then publish a list of languages, and their stack rank based on the number of users for the language.
You can contact Suunto support asking for it, maybe you’re not the only one and Suunto will plan to add it to the languages list.Here, as community forum, we can just guess and suggest.
@sartoric i did that, but they said - write on forum but earlier said (more than 1-1.5 year ago) what they sent it proposition to developers… like you can see - nothing
maybe suunto ignoring our language? (more than 50 million people speaking that language)
@andry_ua I think Ukraine is huge country with lots of real and potential Suunto customers. Ukrainian language will eventually come to Suunto watches.