Software update 2.39.20 (2024 Q4)
@thanasis said in Software update 2.39.20 (2024 Q4):
I am still not convinced that the multi GNSS on the vertical is any better of that of the AMBIT 3 peak.
I’d love to see some traces from the Ambit3 Peak, if you are willing to share (understand if you aren’t). My first Suunto was the 9 Peak, and its accuracy was definitely nowhere near the Vertical. Obviously the antenna design on the Ambit series is the big plus when it comes to accuracy. A larger, upward facing antenna is probably just as good, if not better, than a multiband one crammed into a small watch body.
But this is just for the GNSS traces. Activity distances always seemed pretty accurate with the 9P and 9PP I previously owned.
I’m still pleasantly surprised with the new GNSS updates. The removal of the “Suunto wiggle” seems to have resolved the issue I had with the watch often measuring (what felt like) just a bit long in some cases. I’ve noticed my regular routes are coming in about 0.5-1.0% shorter than previously. This seems about right to me. And the fact that Suunto doesn’t seem to use any additional metrics to calculate distance (GNSS distance = activity distance) gives me confidence in those totals.
A good test for GNSS accuracy are laps or hill repeats. Below is an example using my Vertical from a hill repeat session early this week with 5 laps (so 5 up and 5 down). The traces overlap pretty darn well, but not perfect. Still, one of the best performances I’ve seen from a watch.
Today I wanted to add news regions of maps to my SRs.
wifi network already connected was not recognized. I deleted it in the app to add it again => it fails, can’t connect anymore.
I hope next update will solve. -
@Tieutieu yes known issue. If you downgrade it works fine. I downgraded added the map I needed and then upgraded again. Battery life for me is definitely better with the update.
Good morning, I noticed the following malfunction in the Yoga/Pilates sport mode and also in the Stretching mode. At the beginning, before the training starts, the heart rate is shown in green (i.e. it is working). About 30 seconds after the training starts, the heart rate display stays at --. No more data is recorded. Is there anyone else who can reproduce this unwanted malfunction?
Is there are news on Suunto issuing an official firmware rollback for the S9PP, that was mentioned in this thread about 10 days ago?
I’m now only 7 days from a race that will take me about 35hrs, where I intended to use the S9PP as my primary navigation device, with a watch that drains 6-7%/hour in performance mode since (and only since) the firmware update.
I’ve seen the posts explaining how to complete an “unofficial” rollback but I’m reluctant to do that in case it 1) bricks the watch (is this likely/a real risk?) and/or 2) I successfully roll back only to find the watch forces the update before my race and (worst case) I don’t realise until it fails partway through my race.
@MKPotts I did the secret rollback. Everything is working as it should. Battery seems good. Version 2.37.48 was available on my watch. Just turn off auto updates in the app before you do it and it will not update on it’s own. Still waiting on a new software version without the issues.
@MKPotts My understanding is that the ‘unofficial’ downgrade option is still ‘official’ - it’s built into the watch and isn’t a hack. It’s just hidden from normal view. The capability simply lets you choose which firmware to install from the most recent few. The firmware is also the official firmware so should work fine.
Since I’ve been with Suunto for about a year and a half, I consider this update to be the worst of all those that have been presented.
It is true that any new feature is controversial, but in this case it is that no relevant function has been incorporated (and there is room for it, since there are many that users continue to demand), instead we have been given a pseudo carousel visual effect of dubious taste that no one was asking for. And, with it, as a gift, flaws in main aspects.
I don’t remember this massive flood of downgrades, which is proof of what I am saying, that it is the worst update of those presented. We will see what 2025 has in store for us.
@enriqueescoms there’s automatic compass calibration. And new GNSS firmware. And most importantly - green interface color for new watch faces.
And don’t forget it was thoroughly tested prior to release and public beta versions are unnecessary, because there’s an army of testers.
@Łukasz-Szmigiel said in Software update 2.39.20 (2024 Q4):
there’s automatic compass calibration.
yap, that new feature is really nice, it was really annoying to have to rotate the wrist every time
@Łukasz-Szmigiel, green color melts my heart, you are right.
@MKPotts I’ve done it without any fear and result is OK.
@Stefano-M64 I came back to previous version so can’t test it but as far as I remember with 2.39.20 it asked me to perform those twists aand rotation … I was not able to clearly understand the “automatic” calibration
@Triumph114 the automatic calibration is being done during the workout. If you’ve entered the compass when it’s uncalibrated, it’ll just show “–” instead of bearing, but as you move, it’ll calibrate itself in a few seconds / minutes.
I think that it works the old way outside the workout.
@enriqueescoms said in Software update 2.39.20 (2024 Q4):
It is true that any new feature is controversial, but in this case it is that no relevant function has been incorporated (and there is room for it, since there are many that users continue to demand), instead we have been given a pseudo carousel visual effect of dubious taste that no one was asking for. And, with it, as a gift, flaws in main aspects.
I wonder if this is the first sign of the changes in Suunto. They have laid off people in 2024 and maybe others are in charge now, with different priorities and taste. Yes, this is very speculative, but I do prefer brands for their design language and attitude, and the carousel effect is unnecessary, even distracting eye candy that in my opinion waters the Suunto design philosophy (that I do not know but that was shaped by the app, Spartan Ultra, and Vertical). I had just shrugged my shoulders and moved on if there weren’t the bugs in this update. I also cannot connect the SV to my WIFI to download maps. Still nothing on that the latest firmware causes issues – I would like to see a list of the known regressions there: it’s not my job to find them myself during usage.
@Łukasz-Szmigiel OK, many thanks. I will try it as soon as the new revision will be available
@Mauerwegler It’s comforting to see people who think the same way I do. I totally agree with your point of view.
@Mauerwegler sales and competition.
You can’t have 1% market and cheap and robust watches at the same time. Suunto could be a niche company, but that’s not sustainable, even if the watches were priced 300% of current prices. It needs to appeal to the masses.
And I believe that 80% users of sports smartwatches are seldomly doing any activity. It’s just a gadget, a modern piece of jewelry. Hence, the AMOLED, steps and sleep tracking, emojis and watchfaces.
@Łukasz-Szmigiel those people don’t buy a Suunto, Garmin, etc. They use an apple, pixel, Samsung, one plus, etc. watch. Way more functionality for the common person (calls, text, music, apps, etc), they are generally cheaper, easier to operate/navigate, and they can still do some tracking of activities if needed.
For a sport watch to fail at the few items you are paying a premium for via a software update is rather disappointing.
I know it will be fixed but imo it should have been already.
@powderdrop you are right man
and there are more bugs and wrong things after the last firmware Update. And Special the maps and the contour lines in the Bavaria alps above 500m zoomlevel is missing until today more than 1 year. Oops suunto perhaps forgot it while making another NEW Firmware and “Christmas Watchface”.
My Race s suddenly stops measure the heart rate on Yoga, Stretching Activity. Everytime… New and bad thing. Yesterday in Walking Activity too… No more comments. Suunto manage it and give solution for all Users