Suunto Race and HR10 issue
@valentin0711 don’t know if that’s the cause, but I read here that wearing synthetic shirts caused problems with HR Straps when rubbing up and down.
@valentin0711 Your belt could be worn out, they do not last forever. For me with about 600-700h of exercise per year a Suunto belt lasts 1-1.5y. The sensor is fine but the belts wear out.
@valentin0711 The H10 can connect to two bluetooth devices – that is a setting that can be activated in the Polar Beat app. I have read here that it can help to „forget“ (that is, disconnect) the H10 on the phone so that it only pairs with your Suunto watch. I also had some weird readings this year and my impression is that it helped to only pair the H10 with my Spartan Ultra.
I agree with @Brad_Olwin, this is very likely a worn out belt.
If you have (or create) a Runalyze account and upload one of the workouts, it’ll show you a plot of the r-r data. I’m almost certain you’ll see random scatter of the data points for the periods when ZoneSense isn’t calculating.
Given you’ve already tried changing the battery, have washed the belt and are wetting it each time, you can’t do much more than replace the belt. Anything else will likely be a temporary fix at best and you’ll never know if you’re going to get accurate data.
The same has happened with my most recent Suunto belt after about 3 months, around 150-200hrs of running. Also with the 3 previous Suunto belts. The H10 I had lasted a bit longer but not much - maybe 250hrs, nowhere near what some people get. In the end I gave up and switched to a Polar Verity Sense (optical armband) but that doesn’t help if you want to use ZoneSense.
@MKPotts I would also put a bet on the belt being worn out. It is typical behaviour with the fall in HR to very low numbers and then being able to recover if you shift the belt around a bit, lift it or press it hard against the skin. My previous H10 started behaving that way last season after ca 1 hour of running. This season also started to show the same error and Runalyze graph of the RR-stream looked like scattered buckshot, at first during the incidents but later all along the timeline. That strap I’d say survived ca 300-400 hours.
@ChrisA Interference from static electricity looks more like a short spike of the HR. I had one after four minutes at my last run (and using Suunto belt) which went from 120 bpm to a max of 148 and then down to 120 again over the span of 10 seconds.
@Inge-Nallsson ah I understand, thanks!
@Brad_Olwin @MKPotts @Inge-Nallsson you guys seemed to have nailed it, I uploaded some workouts to runalyze and the heart rate variability and r-r intervals of my last workouts are all over the place. Older workouts have accurate data.
@Mauerwegler thank you for your suggestion aswell, I had the polar flow app connected aswell and removed it (used it to check the battery levels on the sensor)
I ordered a new strap and will post an update when I had the chance to test it, but im fairly certain it will solve the issue.
The new belt arrived and I finally had the time to test it out. Two runs so far without issues. Thanks everyone for the help.
A bit disappointing since the worn out belt only lasted for about 200 training hours. Hopefully just an outlier and the quality of the new one is better.
Go complaining to the polar forum