Providing feedback and suggestions on features that are shared between multiple watches
What would be the best way to post feedback or suggestions that aren’t specific to a particular watch but are applicable to multiple models? Would it be OK to post under [Watches] as I am doing with this post? Should there be a new Forum folder for such discussions. For example, there is “Feature suggestions” section of the forum for the app, but there isn’t one for the watch features.
Also, I’d really want to know whether the feedback has reached the Suunto team. I am an experienced software developer myself is a large and well known software company and I can provide a quality feedback, but without knowing whether the feedback has reached someone who can act on the feedback or at least take it into consideration, there isn’t much motivation to spend time to do that in the first place. All I need is some sort of acknowledgment that I’ve been heard and there is a chance it would be considered.
Feel free to move this post to a more appropriate part of the forum.
Thank you!
@sky-runner as far as I learned over the last weeks this is the correct forum for your suggestions and feedback. As I learned as well there are some persons in here that work for Suunto or beta test for them, so I guess it will reach them…