Share your experience with the Suunto app here!
@kristoffer-graff said in Share your experience with the Suunto app here!:
Have a few suggestions about improvements to the app.
Possible to navigate in the graph (like on the web-site) for HR, speed ect. so it will be easier to check the data more accurate. Maybe possible to tilt the phone for bigger scale while navigate. and put graphs over each other like the web-site. Would make comparing terrain and HR easier for example.
Let more information sync to the app from the clock. Here I mean step-count, calories, sleep and HR. Would be easier to keep track of everything if it got saved to each day in the app/web. Also easier to check and compare restingHR for example. Now it just lay one week in the clock and will be gone.
More information in the workout-summary. Would love to see max/min speed, HR ect. Now it just show average for all. And its not that easy to check this in the graph as I mention over here.
Also have suggestion to the clock. Its about the smart notifications. Here i would love to find massages ect on the clock when its not check on the phone. Now they just show a few sec on the clock and then disappear. If I’m in a middel of a set and get a text, its not that easy to check it. Would be great to check the massages on the clock after the set without need to find the phone.
I really like to support these ideas
@slashas MC app
Did try to sync with MC app but did not work great in my case.
Edited: Android MC App/Galaxy S7 -
@nicolasp on iOS it is syncing equally I would say
The app is significantly better than the previous one (movescount app)
There are always still errors regarding the heart rate described by the app… especially HF max (Strava takes the corrects one,that from my Suunto Spartan ultra watch)
Even as regards the ascent in meters is quite out of phase ….
The rest of the proposed graphics are not bad but it is not always clear how they work but I think it’s better to stay more minimalist and not do complicated things …
I hope in the future I can pass the data to Strava directly from the app, since now in beta phase is not possible
The App in general is well designed and much more stable than before (Movescount app)
The function that created video would be nice to get it back #suuntorun
Check the battery level of the heart belt using the app wouldn’t be bad
Marius Jacobsen Eggerud Silver Memberslast edited by Marius Jacobsen Eggerud 4 Sept 2018, 17:34 9 Apr 2018, 17:34
Latest version of the app is a huge step in the wrong direction. Connection is lost, at least that it was the app says, but workouts are still synced.(after a while and turning off/on blutooth a couple of tiumes, force closing app) I hope that things basic functionality will be fixed very soon!
Likes in the app still disappear when scrolling.Phone: Samsung Galaxy S8.
Hi, update yesterday to 3.27 and now I always get the “terms and conditions“ page. Unable to accept it, page always return
Any ideas ? Reboot phone and new login done
@holger-watzl said in Share your experience with the Suunto app here!:
Hi, update yesterday to 3.27 and now I always get the “terms and conditions“ page. Unable to accept it, page always return
Any ideas ? Reboot phone and new login done
We have detected this issue and is under fix
@holger-watzl in my case I did close the app and reopened it successfully.
Maybe try few attempts to get in the app.
Good luck -
This is Cosme I entered in the beta program last Friday. My watch is a Spartan Ultra and I usually run between 20/30 km per week plus some MTB (here I do not use the Suunto I use a SIGMA gps, with both devices I upload the moves/exercices to Strava). I use Android 8.1 in my mobile phone where I have installed Movescount and Suunto app (if not possible I would have opted out of the beta program).
Here my opinions and views with the version 3.27 of the Suunto app:
- The app is quite nice regarding the UI. Big step forward from Movescount. Nice way of showing the info.
- I do not like much the “Facebook integration”, I don’t use Facebook and in my opinion is too much present. I’m not against its presence but should be more hidden.
- The battery drain of the app in Android is not admissible. This needs an urgent fix.
- There is a sync error when arrives the GPS optimization.
- When the app is synchronizing there is no indication in the watch. When Movescount syncs yo can see an animation in the watch but with the Suunto app this animation is missing. Please add it.
- Strava integration needs to be added as soon as possible, then a lot of us will only use the Suunto app.
I also have some questions and concerns of where the moves are stored and how the app works (I’ve read some info in the forum but it isn’t clear to me yet).
I have installed the app twice, first time last Friday and I uninstalled it after some hours. Yesterday I reinstalled it again with Movescount. Movescount got all the moves from the server which is great, I’m not afraid of losing my moves because I know that my moves are in Suunto servers. But when I synced the Suunto app it got all the moves from the watch not from any Suunto server. I understant that the moves will be stored in some cloud or server but now is not working? I’m right? There will be any web application? Will the moves be upload from the Suunto app to web Movescount?
Can any body explain how this will work?
Will we be able to modify some parameters of the watch through the Suunto app as we are able now with Movescount? Or because the sync is failing I do not see the options? Now if I modify some watch sports modes in the web Movescount I can be sync them to the watch throught the Movescount app, without cable (or at least It happened with the Ambit3 Vertical that I had), will be the same with the new Suunto app?
I see a lot of potential but I do not see or have read which is the objective of the new Suunto app (a part from the much needed renovation of UI of Movescount). I mean, more than a beta it looks like an alpha version. To be a beta version all the Movescount features should be in the app and there are too many missing and even more questions of which will be the final status of the app. I see the changelog of the different versions and I do not see too much features added, more bug fixes that other things.
I hope all this things will be solved, I have total trust on the Suunto team, because if not I do not see any reason to swap from Movescount to the Suunto app (a part from the nice UI)
Anyway I’m very happy to test the app and help to improve it.
I am just about to be more familiar with app. But for me there is missing any possibility to manage app notofications as we can do via movescout app. For example i want to have incoming calls and that is all. Dont need have others…
@tomas-slotik Welcome! This issue is known and was already reported (see the thread below), lets hope they fix it soon!
@alberto-yoldi thankx mate
@tomas-slotik Welcome welcome!
Good Morning!
I really liked the idea of the new app. I already have a lot of progress compared to “Movescount” just because I can see the partial speeds in the appp itself.
But there are some problems that still persist in it:
1º - Training intervals - it is not possible to visualize “by interval” of the trainings. something very important to analyze later.
2nd - migration of records - allow to bring of the “Movescount” the activities with all the data And photos. Because many use the app as a “history” of all activities. Something many do not want to lose.
I hope I have contributed in some way.thx!
@toshio-omura Yeah, the interval topic is a very popular requirement here. I cross my fingers
@toshio-omura Welcome and yes you have contributed!
@alberto-yoldi Laps should also be considered! Suunto Help! haha
Hi, did my first workouts with the SF3 - so heart rate sensor is useless on wrist - u HAVE to but it 1-2 fingers above your wrist which is imho very uncomfortable - but then it works - better wrist based heart rate would be cool , others also deliver this - and this is Valancell ! cmon !
so one regarding app and watch:
Trainig : Watch says - 11 missing Target of 1 hour a week and app says +19. Which one is correct now ? sync issue ?EDIT - no Issue here - synced now …
but the Optical Sensor on wrist is usesless
@markus-eisen are you sure. The results from a lot of tests over a lot of months where great. Perhaps more tight or less tight ?
@dimitrios-kanellopoulos Hi i did a workout over 35 Minutes now - Cycling. Wore it like i would wear it everyday and it gave me readings 45-80 from normal wrist, tightened it up a bit and losened it also a bit - also no correct readings
after that i stopped and moved it up my wrist one finger and from there on it seemed to work fine - but other brands (like the fitbit ionic) give better readings here without adjusting the watch upward -
you can see it in the image here where i moved it up the arm after that it worked fine.
One other thing: i have one of those in between wrist sizes
where one notch loser is a bit to lose (imho) or one notch tighter is a bit too tight and leaves marks - how should it be worn ? during day and workout ?
Thanks in advance