Suunto 7
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos ok thx.
@Prenj DC rainmaker is someone I really trust. His reviews are great and not too biased. He’s been talking about the software issues with Suunto for some time now. He’s not trying to shit on Suunto, he’s saying what we all know: Even if Sunnto update the firmware, it’s still Wear OS. This is a one day watch at best. That’s fine though, this watch isn’t for me, it’s for the smart watch crowd, so a one day battery life is not a deal breaker for that crowd.
Okay, so it would be possible.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos said in Suunto 7:
@jthomi you can I think but many things will be dumbed down. The suunto things work without a google account afail. You could create though a “fake” one
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos said in Suunto 7:
@jthomi google fit is not working until you login with your google account (or an email coupled with a google account)
I dont use Google FIT and have deleted my data from there FYI
Still a difference in giving them all data willingly or not, at least for me. But thats another topic…
@NickK said in Suunto 7:
@Fenr1r Both I’m afraid. Given they track your location even when location services are explicitly disabled, I’d say fighting El Goog (and Apple by the same token) is kind of pointless. This battle has been lost. Besides, here in the US carriers are busy keeping track of your location by triangulating your phone’s signal and selling this data to anybody who asks. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of those is Google. Perhaps they even have a nice and friendly data sharing agreement of you scratch my back, I scratch yours variety.
@ChubbyCrusher said in Suunto 7:
@Prenj DC rainmaker is someone I really trust. His reviews are great and not too biased. He’s been talking about the software issues with Suunto for some time now. He’s not trying to shit on Suunto, he’s saying what we all know: Even if Sunnto update the firmware, it’s still Wear OS. This is a one day watch at best. That’s fine though, this watch isn’t for me, it’s for the smart watch crowd, so a one day battery life is not a deal breaker for that crowd.
I really like Ray’s style, how intense his reviews are, how detailed everything is shown and how the articles is written, not to forget how responsive he is. Nevertheless in the last years my impression about him being biased has changed, as there is a quite fair assessment e.g. about Garmin products (and its software) including issues, but - and I am no longer the Suunto fanboy I have been - other producers (including Suunto) are criticized more intensively. BTW: this is not about declaring that the S7 (or any other watch) is the .best watch ever , which it is most certainly not. Just my two cents and personal opinion - and yes, I am reading his articles every week, and am going to do it for the foreseeable future.
the .best watch ever
is the watch which fits the personal requirements of the user.
And finally all reviews are opinions of the testers. Nothing more and nothing less.
I am sure it will be my best smartwatch for all days usage and for my two or three hours of daily sports.
the .best watch ever
is the watch which fits the personal requirements of the user.
@pilleus 100% agree with you!!
This reminds me when you look for a new running shoes and you buy something based on the reviews but doesn’t work for you and then you try other shoes with worse opinions but it suits you better.
@cosmecosta thats me and about 1K of e at wrong bought shoes
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos @cosmecosta Haha, me too. Another pair turned up a few hours ago in fact
Topo Zephyrs… I’ve got high hopes for these bad boys!
Dear All, S7 manual in .pdf:
I am the only one to think the 7 is now the same as android when everyone used Nokia brick phones? Not perfect, not that good battery life, but after some years the mass device.
As many, it was not the device I wanted , but I think it will sell well and be a victory to suunto -
@André-Faria Probably Suunto have market studies. I hope they sell a lot. But for some markets almost 500€ per unit is heavy. The world is overload of gadgets. And competition is hard. You have to propose a very good package to convince customers.
@Luís-Pinto I can only add that being Wear OS, the device is implicitly Android bound. Which implies dozens of competing watches, some with very similar specs in terms of screen, memory, storage, and CPU, – all at roughly half the price. This is before we even count other usual suspects such as Fitbit, which is still very much around, and Garmin with its ever smarter ConnectIQ platform.
Hell, maybe even Polar gets in a defensive play and releases an M600 follow up, but now with all the goodies that delivered in the past 12-18 months.
I’ve heard a lot of times the phrase “If suunto would launch an smart watch with their hardware they’ll sell a lot” The people from where I hear it was the ones frustrated with AppleWatch or WearOS.
I want to see the S7 if WearOS is a problem or not, but the S7 is a very nice daily watch for the city.
Amazon music app is available to install in S7 via Wear OS?
@Luís-Pinto I don’t think so. I don’t think it’s available for any Wear OS watches.
@NickK but just Spotify?
@Luís-Pinto Nope. Sorry. Actually check out
I decided to bite the bullet and tell it like it is, based on my latest Wear OS experience
@Luís-Pinto Yeah… It’s playback for your phone controls. Not the real offline sync and playback on the watch without a phone. At least that’s what it was up until now. DCR had a few words to say about this in his overview comments too.