My 103's year old great mother's barometer
Hello today a counterproposal of the SUUNTO PLUS WEATHER screen.
Although I LIKE A LooOOOOOT !!! this new SUUNTO PLUS Weather screen and I would liek to have it as a strandard screen always available from default watch face (see another post I wrote), let me still propose you a alternative to it
I tested this screen during my sunday trip in Mountain and I realized that in fact the graph on pressure evolution was in fact not so easy to appreciate the current weather situation.
I remembered then when I was a kid being at my great mother place and we were looking playing every day with her old barometer … each night before going bed we were setting the small pointer to the current pressure and when I was waking up the next day we were looking to the new pressure and enjoyed predicting which will be the weather for that day.
You can do this with your SUUNTO if you just replace the pressure evolution graph by a more “old school” drawing with just 2 pointers
PS : it is my great mother who is 103 years not her barometer (even so may be
My proposal was just done by assembling elements in a power point page … .so for sure a far much better look&feel could be done … keeping it with minimum info to maximize readibility … -
@pierre-yves-colle are you aware of the outdoor watch face, that actually has this information about current pressure and pressure history? -
Hello Egika
Sorry I do not catch your question, my limited english here !Let me just rephrase my point and please tell me yours.
This watch is awesome and I bough this BARO version especially because it contains a real barometer sensor which means normally that even without the GPS signal which is the alternative to compute an altitude … the watch can still give you a real altitude (of course owning the fact you calibrate the altimeter when you start your journey (my father teached me when I was a young kid following him in mountain that a barometric altimeter is a lying barometer, but which is also an advantage)
Now my point
The graph of barometric evolution is awesome and I like to get a look to it when I’m on the alitmeter view.
For sure, we may say it is by far giving much more informations than a simple pointer showing the current pressure as it shows an evolution … .
this is true … but it has just a small drawback … in term of pure feeling and fast interpretation, the old school altimeter with just this pointer was easier to catch if we are on a “depression” (pointer on the left) or an “anticylclonic” moment (pointer on the right)… and more the poitner was goign to th extreem more you can sure it will be a nasty weather arriving …
this catch … In exactly 1 millisecond your eyes put on it.Of course … I super mega like this new SUUNTO plus Weather screen, so much that I’m asking why don’t you offer to add it as a standard additional screen directly when one setup our personalized exercises view … or also availble through just few clicks always available from the default watch face where you read the current time
==> See my other poste here :