Backlight settings/Wrist Detection
the S9P is by far the best sportswatch I had (switched from F6), it has great UX and “it just works”
I have finally tried them during an ultra race and there are two things I came across during the race:
The wrist movement detection, which turns on the backlight, seems to be extremely sensitive. The backlight turned on even during normal run without any deliberate movement that would resemble looking at the watch.
I was worried about battery (the majority of the run was through the night, so the backlight was strong), so I tried to turn the wrist detection off during the activity but I didn’t find this option in Shortcuts. Is there a way how to turn it off during activity to save battery?
@jakubdr I don’t think there is a way to control the “Raise to wake” setting once you started the activity. By long pressing the middle button you can control the backlight setting, but that only toggles between “Off” and “Normal”