V2O Max also tracked on tread mill runs?
Today I ran on a Peloton tread. I have used the Suunto 7. The accuracy of the distance and the heart rate was amazing. I guess the 9 Peak would be the same. Any experience on that? Next time I will try it with the S9P. Will the S9P also measure V2O Max on a tread mill run?
@patrick-löffler yes it’s tracked on threadmil
@patrick-löffler do you place your treadmill in your backyard sky open? LOL otherwise not sure how you get good distance, HR I believe you
@herlas When I tested S7 on dreadmill a while back, it did differently depending on a pace dialed in. The best results were around 8:30 min/mi, give or take, when it was still ways off, but not terribly so.
Who knows? It’s possible if you do the vast majority of your running outdoors, S7 would learn enough about your stride length and gait to be calibrated enough for a treadmill, especially something high-end like Peloton.
@nickk my wife’s S7 is always under measuring distances on the treadmill (as expected) she does the majority of runs outside though
I was really surprised! The accuracy was over all speeds. Ah at least my speeds.
And I was especially surprised about the heart rate. Because on the Peloton bike the heart rate accuracy over all Suuntos I have tried (7, 9B, S9P) is not good at all. Probably because of gripping the handle bar. But I have the hope that for the S9P maybe future firmware updates could improve WHR accuracy?
@patrick-löffler all in all, S9P’s WHR acurracy is one of its selling points so to speak, WHR sensor is from same brand as S7’s, it has been well documented how great WHR on the S9P is
With what said , I find myself still using the Suunto smart heart rate belt for quality high effort running training where instant HR response is needed, and that’s a pun on its own, as HR is a rearview mirror of what’s going on with our bodies/heart effort
@herlas You are right. I tried the S9P again on the stationary bike. For me it depends a lot where the watch sits on my wrist. Further away from the joint leads to much better results! And back to the original thread title. Garmin cannot track V2O Max on tread mill runs. So for me another reason for Suunto.