Software update 2.18.18 Sept 28 2021
@cosme-costa yes I know, but the battery drain is to big for me to wait till the next update…
@nseslija Downgraded yesterday to 2.16 without any problems, battery drain back to good, old times.
I noticed on may S5 that last few months (probably from release of firmware with autobacklight on every action and button) that battery life is much worse too so i think it is not only S9B problem.
@skydancer Did you have to set the sport modes again?
@pavlas yes…everything from the scratch!
it’s so annoying - suunto please fix the battery drain issue asap
Well, re-creating of all custom Sport modes is pretty frustrating. I experienced that few times and each time it was pain and frustration.
I created a Feature request in Polls for Backup/Restore option in SA.
Any of you are invited to vote for this option, if you find it usefull.
@zadow voted!
where is the next update?
@zhang965 soonish
If Suunto repeats it usual dates I think we will have it in 2/3 weeks. Next week we will have new Suuntolink.
@skydancer Hi,
i would also like to downgrade to 2.16 but i can’t find the zip file.Any help will be appreciated! -
Thank you! I really appreciate it! -
@pavlas yes, custom sport modes were wiped out.
@skydancer Thanks! I’ll try to wait for the next update. But the discharging is annoying.
@cosme-costa Suuntolink got an update on 30/11, so far your timing seems to be confirmed !
@martin this update was announced a while ago.
S suzzlo referenced this topic on
Come on, update, come on!
I feel like the watch is draining faster and faster. -
I’ve received a storm alarm in the middle of the night. I woke up, did not know what happened, but knew immediately that my beloved Suunto wants something from me.
I looked at the display, saw nothing because the display was dark. I knew from the sound pattern it must be the storm alarm. Since I did not want to wake up my wife I pressed in panic some buttons in order to stop the alarm. It took several trials of pressing buttons before the alarm stopped… display light did still not switch on…
once the alarm stopped, I stopped pressing buttons like a maniac. but only few seconds later: another very very familiar sound appeared (my tired eyes still on the unlighted display). I’ve started some sport with my wild button presses… and finally the display light came on.Rare situation, I would say… BUT, again: did anyone else notice something similar, EVER?!
I mean storm alarm not stopping when pressing buttons but instead going to sport mode and no appearance of the light. -
I’ve had something similar recently. The light came on to reveal I was about to start indoor cycling