Suunto 9 Peak Pro?
@trailcafe said in Suunto 9 Peak Pro?:
Release date seems to be 13. September.
The local dealer here in my region is listing it including the different models: ?!
@trailcafe true. But in the specs all models have the housing material listed as “Titan 5”
another leak said it was end of September… and this page isn’t accessible anymore… they say 13th September as “available” but Suunto hasn’t announced anything at all (!) yet… as long as nothing is confirmed by Suunto, well, nothing is for sure -
I think 13.9 is pre-order and 27.9 is release.
Snorkeling is nice and all, but look at another attractive feature: 'compatible with suunto app and store! Probably we’ll get those suunto features from partners we were promised long ago. Hopefully, S9 will also be compatible. Haha, now it’s understandable why the update is taking so long. -
- Snorkeling mode tracks deep in the water??
- 97 sport modes instead of usual “more than 80”
- Dimensions are exactly the same
- Screen has same resolution and size
- Awesome battery upgrade
Regarding the Suunto store, I imagine that Suunto Plus Extensions (now that they can be added/removed) and Suunto Plus Guides (like Zegama and others) could be content…
I think we will see an evolution of the S9P and not a revolution. I hope I’m wrong!!!
@suzzlo I think you’re not wrong about an evolution. But you know what, I’m fine with that!
It seems suunto puts a ton of time into their app development, maybe even more so than into the hardware. And it also make the whole package more competitive in my opinion. Sure, maybe the watch doesn’t have offline music or dual GPS, but quite a lot of nice things in the app.
Exactly, suunto store would consist from the guides and features. But I think it’s going to be from 3d parties also. I also wonder whether the store would be ‘sitting’ inside suunto app or whether it’ll get a whole another app of its own. -
I bet the app
@sartoric me too
@Brad_Olwin interesting to hear that. Why you do not find them usefull? I noticed when i am having demanding hikes somehow i do not have energy or will to browse a map. I find breadcrumb more usefull or easy to read in that cases. Maybe i am getting old and chunky in that regard.
@DMytro said in Suunto 9 Peak Pro?:
I think 13.9 is pre-order and 27.9 is release.
Snorkeling is nice and all, but look at another attractive feature: 'compatible with suunto app and store! Probably we’ll get those suunto features from partners we were promised long ago. Hopefully, S9 will also be compatible. Haha, now it’s understandable why the update is taking so long.Hmmm, it seems that we have to wait a bit longer.
@Theo-Lakerveld ye, it was too quiet last few days. But let’s way till 2pm or so, maybe we’ll at least get an FW update.
@DMytro possibly totally unrelated …
‘September 13th, 6PM CET marks the first day of a new era for Salomon.’
I know they are not connected to Suunto anymore but interesting?
isn’t today 13 September?
where is PRO ??
if online shopping wasn’t so popular these days we all would be camping in front of Suunto flagship stores now -
@freeheeler like in front of apple stores.
@freeheeler are there any?
only in my imagination…and I did have apple stores in mind… or cinemas, when star wars movies were released
@krakra said in Suunto 9 Peak Pro?:
@Brad_Olwin interesting to hear that. Why you do not find them usefull? I noticed when i am having demanding hikes somehow i do not have energy or will to browse a map. I find breadcrumb more usefull or easy to read in that cases. Maybe i am getting old and chunky in that regard.
I am agreeing with you. I find the breadcrumb tracks sufficient on a small screen. Maps much less so. When I need maps it is the phone or paper.
somehow quiet… and still nothing