Suunto Plus apps
@DMytro I guess because no settings support in S9, but I’ll check
Nice to see new Apps in the store
Question :- RaceNutrition and RaceCompanion: are you able to sync the info?
- score soccer : the description mentions to add score to me by the upper bottom and lower to the opponent. The watchface shows the opposite. It be good to update the description.
Very nice indeed to see Suunto is still developing new SuuntoPlus apps.
It would be great however if there was a notificaiton in SA when new apps are released.Are these new apps also cause a huge battery drain on the SV since the original bug hasn’t been fixed yet?
Just tried the multi verse of training zones, the fused zones S+ that is
@Likarnik button is there for me. Android 4.76.2 also I need to add that my Android configuration includes 3 languages(for the keyboard) Spanish and English included
@suzzlo weird, I’m on same version but no button. No biggie though, I’m just confused on peak power app - if I literally translate back to English it says watch shows two screens, first has peak power for 10. and 30. years?, second has peak power for 1min and 3min. I honestly can not imagine what is first screen showing
@freeheeler There was an application that allowed fields to be configured and was compatible with S9 (
The guides allow you to put a note for each step, and it is also compatible with S9.
I don’t understand why these apps are not compatible with S9. -
What’s your phone system language ?
I guess it depends on that -
@sartoric well I changed system language to English, now I have English translations (1s and 3s power is translated to 10.year and 30.year in my language lol). Reverted back to my native language and description is still in English. No button in both cases. But now I know what this app does
RaceCompanion how to save info after i add it? the info become blank after i press back button. after sync to the watch SV there’s nothing appear.
Tried out S+ HR zones duration and Peak power together during my run today and they didn’t seem to work at all and 1 or 2 km in both screens disappear and S+ menu was not disabling or enabling any S+ after that, basically S+ functionally was broken for the whole run.
@babychai said in Suunto Plus apps:
RaceCompanion how to save info after i add it? the info become blank after i press back button. after sync to the watch SV there’s nothing appear.
I have reported this to Suunto already. Hopefully fixed soon as I have a 100 mile race on Friday I would like to use this for.
@Brad_Olwin owh, thank you so much
All the best and enjoy your run
@babychai Race Companion and Race Nutrition were just updated, sync watch and try again
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