Suunto App rating in Google Play Store
Today Suunto App, has suggested me to rate SA 8n Google Play Store.
I have just clicked and Google Play Store opened. Then I have seen that SA Android has a 2.7 rating
I don’t want to start a discussion but for me, this is just not fair
We all want to have more features (each of us had a clear roadmap for SA) but I simply cannot agree with a 2.7
If you (like me) doesn’t agree with this, I encourage you to go there and add a fair rating.
It seems the rate is calculated by region?
Or it has dropped 0,3 in 30mins
I believe that the majority of forum users use the beta version, right? And reviews from beta users are visible to developer only… Is there any way to overcome this?
@zhang965 rechecked, 2.7 for me: Spain + Beta
@inkognito si… You mean beta version is rated at 2.7 and stable is 2.4?
@suzzlo I don’t really know how it works. It’s one huge blackbox. Anyway, the rating shown to me is 3.4
Plus they write this:
Suunto App has 4.7 rating in App store. I guess user experience is based on OS.
Check also the reviews.
We had an expected huge drop after MC closed down.
So yeah of you guys wanna rate it go ahead.
I isazi moved this topic from Feature Suggestions on