Suunto Vertical is here
@BrunoH Yes I agree it’s a sport watch, but I’m still wondering why you can confgure everything in sport modes and nothing in watchfaces. I have only one watch on my wrist every days, at work, at home, for sport practise and this is Suunto Vertical. And all my sport colleagues have an unique watch too. It should not be so difficult to allow displaying particular datas on the screen…Garmin does that with Fenix models… Wait and see !
@Enrique-0 configuring complications is in very alpha test, but it has been tested, and it may come later this year.
@isazi Thanks a lot for this information ! Good new
@Enrique-0 of course, like other things that have been tested in the past, it could also never come to production because of many reasons.
@MiniForklift my S9B also has crazy high HR readings. I always have to use a strap except if I’m just walking/hiking when it’s OK. My Suunto 7 is actually not too bad OHR. Not great, but reasonable.
Best OHR I have is my Forerunner 245. It’s brilliant. HR readings are always within a beat or so of my H10 strap. Maybe it’s the small size? Sits better on the wrist? Either way I love the look and size of the Suunto’s so I don’t mind needing to wear a strap 90% of the time.
@MiniForklift Same for me. OHR was unusuble on S5,S9B,S9PP and now SV. Whatever I do goes zone 5 all the time.
I have been always wearing my chest strap since before OHR was invented so not a big deal form but definitively is a shame. -
Another thing I noticed:
The 24/7 heart measurement doesn’t show all upswings in the graph on the watch, nor in the app…
I have a short climb on my way to work where the watch shows a pulse of 140 - 145, but just for a short period.
However, as mentioned above, this is not shown on the graph on the watch, nor in the app?Will this be fixed with the coming hotfix?
@Stoke80 as far as I know the graph is still the simplified one for when measurements were every 10 minutes, a new graph has been mentioned somewhere here, not sure if it needs watch update or just app update.
The hotfix coming out this month is just to fix the crash that some users are experiencing. -
@isazi Thank you for the answer. I also have the Impression, that for the daily calories calculation (beside trainings), the steps are still more important than the 24/7 HR measurement.
Is that possible? And will it maybe been changed (or fixed) somewhen?
What would change in the firmware at future? In the routes on a map, a field to see how many kms are left to the destination, and in the settings, something where you could choose the active GNSS systems, as is possible in the Peak, even in double frequency in the specific case of the Vertical.
hi friends i have hidden wifi networks everywhere. Unfortunately, the Suunto app does not have the functionality to add a hidden SSID.
I have had SVTS since the day it was launched. It is a big watch but for me comfortable to wear. Design is robust and elegant. I like the materials. I think it is the first sport watch it has not caused any allergic reaction on my wrist due to moisture, sweat etc. The screen is big and readable for me, colours I find vivid enough. I like the new watchface, I can display all the information I want to see during the day. Addition of new watchfaces and more customization would be very useful. User interface is simple but well structured, lag is noticeable but not annoying. With 1st battery charge I reached 21 days of use with running/walking activities just below 20 hours with best GPS. I do not use notifications but I have 24/7 HR tracking on. I had 1 crash on the second day of use when switching between widgets. I did 2 soft resets, one because I lost connection to SA, the other one I don’t remember. During running/walking activities I did not have a single crash. For running/walking I didn’t not use Suunto apps, but I did use custom sport modes. GPS tracking is perfect. I didn’t have problems with loading maps via wifi, but it took quite some time to download 2 maps. I mostly run/walk on same paths, so maps are not essential for me. I didn’t have any problems with maps, like black screen. However when switching between screens during sport activity map is loaded with a small lag, first black screen with white grid is shown then map is uploaded. For sport activities I use chest strap so I cannot evaluate OHR. For daily use OHR seems great. In HR graph in SA I do not see dropouts like I did with S9P. There are also no dropouts in Resources. Resources values reflect my feeling quite well, whether I am stressed at work or I rest on couch at home, trend going up or down. However, it seems I have not found correct RHR yet, as I have never reached 100 % Resources. Also big drops in Resources appear after sport activity. Sleeping tracking is OK, but it could be improved. Occasionally start of sleep is not detected correctly. End of sleep is triggered by morning alarm. Step tracking is too generous. It does not matter if the watch is for hard core users. If the function is there it should work as good as possible. Regarding bugs, I have noticed recovery time seems broken, everything else seems fine for my usecases. Maybe I missed something, but I find SVTS a great watch for my use. Software definitely needs some polishing for better and faster experience. Overall I miss more information from Suunto how to define HR/pace/power zones for beginners to get good insight on training from Suunto coach. Sleep tracking I find as one field that could and should be quite improved as it is input for Suunto coach. Suunto coach is great, I wish it would evolve further with daily suggestions and training plans. For me music and pay options are not relevant, for sport watch development should be focused on sport functions. I think Suunto released a great watch and I hope a good base is set up for further development of sport functions in the coming years. The watch does not need to have every possible data, but data that are tracked should be solid, reliable and give good feedback to the user. Suunto should not follow Garmin, producing new models every 6-12 months with prices above 1k €. Great job Suunto.
Hey folks !
I have a question concerning maps updates.
A few days ago, I have added a few trails on OpenStreetMap, that where missing around my place.
They are now visible in SA, so I went to the conclusion that they should be available on the “last” version of the map of my region.
So I uninstalled the map I had downloaded at first a month ago, and reinstalled it.
But my corrections are not visible.
So my question is : does someone knows how often are the maps updated ? Or is there a way to know map “version” (date ?)
Thanks ! -
the maps in the watch are not the same as the maps in SA, they are optimized and by my understanding with a lot of effort.
as usual, there’s no schedule -
@freeheeler said in Suunto Vertical is here:
the maps in the watch are not the same as the maps in SA, they are optimized and by my understanding with a lot of effort.
as usual, there’s no scheduleOk thanks, I knew they where « optimized » but I had imagine they were updated at a similar rythm than OSM.
@freeheeler this sounds like some poor guy has to manually do all the work
I hope they get to the point that they have an algorithm for optimizing that is fast enough to periodically (at least weekly) check and optimize maps and then push it to SA
@Tieutieu not for now, but the backend for faster map updates, an update process that will not require you to delete and download again the whole map, is being worked on.
@Tieutieu how do you add such informastion on OpenStreepMap?
with a report directly to them -
@freeheeler said in Suunto Vertical is here:
with a report directly to them It is very easy to contribute. You easily can import a gps track and use it as a layer to correct existing map or add new objects (tracks, roads….)