Add Strava Segments Guide
@isazi Great thanks! Worked like a sharm
But i still have my original problem where some segments doen’t sync to suunto. Have tried with a couple of different segments, some sync just fine but some just don’t show up in the suunto app. Testing with both run and ride segments, and only a few(<5) since i have a S9B. Any ideas of anything i can try?
I have the problem that i had remove my strava bike segments in the app. I have removed the segments in strava, synch the watch, put back the segments on strava… another synch of the s9pp and there are no strava guides in the app or on the watch
@smedberg same (similar?) issue. One segment does not want to come across. Three sync’d well ( and resynced, when I removed all of them in Strava and added them back), but one does not. It seems that i tried everything and still it is not there.
@Set_218 now that the feature is public, and you already tried the workaround we know, it is better to contact support and ask for guidance.
@smedberg Strava does not allow live segments for downhill segments. You can star downhill segments but they do not show in Suunto app. The same is for Garmin and others. I think the limit is -0.5 degrees. Maybe this is why some show and others don’t?
@Vylli ah interresting! I checked the segments that would not sync to suunto - they all have a negative avg. grade.
Thanks for the info! -
Suunto should probably make this a little clearer as its not entirely obvious to the end user that negative grades are not synced to devices. I’m sure this has caused some user frustration.
This is directly from the Strava website:
We do not sync downhill segments to devices for Strava Live Segments. Please keep in mind that our system recognizes even the slightest negative grade so there may be segments that display a 0% grade that is considered downhill and therefore will not sync to devices.
@Vylli How interesting. I guess it helps to read the manual
. Thanks to @deserthike20 for finding the info.
@deserthike20 In my experience Strava does sync negative (downhill) running segments but perhaps not negative cycling segments.