Segment strava
Now i am payed version of strava. I want to add segment in my 9pp.
My app is connected to strava but in guide section non segment (strava is not in partenaire section…) …
What is the procedure ? (i already re install strava and suunto app but no effect… )
Thanks for your help ! -
@Bouli Did you star the segments?
@nseslija yes
28x running and 2x montain bike -
@isazi I made the procedure but nothing about strava in suunto guide…
@Bouli Did you try to disconnect and cont Strava in Suunto app? If that does not resolve the problem you can also try with unstar all the segments and star them again…
@Bouli have you also tried this:
first, try to add a new segment in Strava, and then go to Suunto App and refresh the guides. If this does not work, another trick that used to work in the past (cannot tell you if still works) was to go to Strava, delete all segments, go to Suunto App, refresh guides, go back to Strava, add segments, back to Suunto App, refresh again.
@isazi perfect the second trick is ok !
I have similar problem, but little bit different. I can only see one Strava segment in my Suunto App. It is always the first listed in “Starred segments” on Strava. I have tried to un-star, re-star both, then the same combined strava disconnection, still the same. Don’t you have any idea why? I think I should see them more on 9 Peak Pro.