Proposal to change UI for Suunto Race
@wmichi me, coming from Polar, I can state that this less than 10 minutes “do you really want to save?” is also quite annoying… Happened to me many times that I actually wanted the activity even as short as it is and accidentally pressed the “back” button which acts as no here…
If Discard was added to mimic Polar, it’s not done correctly.
I simply don’t see the need for this at all.
Just End and delete on the next screen by scrolling to the end. It’s just as fast.
Actually, when thinking about this - the delete on the summary is quite dangerous as its confirmation is touch enabled and half of the screen means “yes”. I do not understand why important things like this are not purely Button press to avoid accidentally touching the screen…
@Olaf-Gottschalk My opinion on both Discard and End, these should have secondary warnings. Discard does but End does not. I agree with the crown it is easy to be in the wrong selection.
A countdown could also be added, similarly to how software update is implemented at the moment.
Press “Discard”, display a 10s (or 5s) countdown with information that the workout will be discarded in 10s with a big “Cancel” at the bottom.
I did not really want to start a full blown “change the Suunto UI” discussion.
All I am saying is three things:
A) given the digital crown, having End at the end of the list of options makes it much easier to correctly select.
B) having a Discard is at least IMHO completely unnecessary in the first place.
C) End should have a confirmation question just like Discard has today, because it is also “dangerous” when selected inadvertently.Rearranging the items should be trivial for Suunto.
Removing Discard should also be a trivial no-brainer task.
Adding the same confirmation question to End is “some” minor work. -
@Olaf-Gottschalk There must have been a reason for Discard and I remember that being requested. But I think a good idea to move End to the end:) This menu was formalized prior to most of the development of the Race and if the Crown is used on future watches, which I assume it will be your suggestion seems like a very good one.
@Brad_Olwin I would really like to know what the reasoning behind discard was… Nobody gets hurt by a false recording - easy to delete in the next step already. If there is any good reason, I can’t figure this one out…
In my opinion, the best think to do is to stop recording and you have to push the crown for at least 3 seconds to confirm your order.
In red if you want to discard, in green if you want to register.
I like this Discard but agree move End to the end.
After i did false recording or sometimes i do some testing, i don’t want to save it and delete it later but prefer to discard it immediately.
My SA are linked/synchronised to Komoot, Strava, Wikiloc etc. I don’t want manually go to those FEW website/apps to delete my false recording/testing which is quite troublesome.
Also this false recording/testing, my friends will receive notification after my activity was auto uploaded/sync to those apps. I don’t want this to happen. -
@babychai correct - this seems to be the only difference between discard and delete - BUT - if you delete the recording on the summary screen by scrolling down to the end, it is also not synchronised.
So, technically Discard is IMHO still not needed.
Here’s a pro tip for Strava enthusiasts like me: the default setting for visibility should always be private - not public.
Because you should edit the title, add pictures, etc and decide whether this activity is worth a post.
I honestly hate my friends who auto publish “Lunch run” and “Morning ride” stuff. It is the most boring and utterly unnecessary “social media” garbage I can think of.
It is equivalent to a Facebook status “I just had lunch”.My workflow: Strava is set to private only.
I do my stuff - once I am done, I hop over to Strava, edit the title, add pictures, set the equipment right and then switch to public (if it’s valuable).
I do not publicly post indoor swims or yoga sessions without any “social” aspect. -
@Olaf-Gottschalk same here with Strava. Xxx farted for 2 mins. That’s why I don’t use it anymore.
For me, I come from Garmin env. and “End” = Nothing.
You should rename it by “Save”.
Add an option to enable Hold feature on “End” and Discard" choices to prevent mistake as you have set this function on a crown button.
And add a second option to select how many sec do you want to hold them, 1-3-5 sec.
I would like to be able to set 1sec for “End/Save” and 3sec for “Discard”. -
I do like the ide of renaming End to Save
@MiniForklift compared to the other ideas and my original idea to reorder to make End easier and safer to reach, I couldn’t care less about the actual name of the option… 🫣
@Johann It’s funny how everyone’s got their own ideas…
I’m 2000% in favour of moving the End/Save to the end of the list as proposed by @Olaf-Gottschalk and I really hope that this will be the subject of a firmware update.
But I also hope that Suunto never injects configurations with 10000 parameters like Garmin, so the “choice of the number of seconds to Hold each menu function”… never please. Honestly never ! Never !
I want to spend time running or doing sport. Not setting my watch or finding out how to set my watch on the sofa.
@Arnaud-Lclr I agree. Garmin is probably a good option if you’re an overthinker! There were some things I liked on the Enduro, but in general there was just too much going on and the Suunto app, IU and user experience is simply better IMO. But I do understand the struggle people would have if they’ve come to Suunto after years of using Garmin
@Arnaud-Lclr I’m trying to understand your point of view.
What makes you enjoy it when someone proposes an idea?
Is there a rule that prevents us from sharing our opinions in the Suunto community?
What is the problem with having an extra option that you don’t want to use? (even though they probably won’t add it anyway)
It doesn’t mean that nobody needs a certain feature just because you don’t.
I just found out that there is another screen for confirmation after the Discard option, which is fine by me.
However, the question remains for End/Save.
And I’m like you, at least in one aspect, I want to focus on my sport (trail), and not on worrying about whether I’m going to press the right option with the right key after several hours of activity when my brain is tired. -
@Olaf-Gottschalk i like the discard option , as i have had a scenario multiple times which i shall outline…
I started a walk session and forgot to put it to pause as i reached my train station and got in… and then in-between the journey I saw the session was still on and calculating even though I was motionless (but I guess since gps tracking was enabled the watch might have thought I was moving at super-speed) !! the discard option being there allowed me to discard the activity.
@paranoidrunner I have also used the discard function gazillion of times and tbh do not see the need to get rid of it. Imho the UI is perfectly fine as it is. Also it doesn’t bother me that the End option is where it is
@tomasbartko said in Proposal to change UI for Suunto Race:
@paranoidrunner I have also used the discard function gazillion of times and tbh do not see the need to get rid of it. Imho the UI is perfectly fine as it is. Also it doesn’t bother me that the End option is where it is
FWIW after hundreds of activities I have never accidentally discarded one or pressed it by mistake. And as also mentioned you get a second screen to confirm that you do want to discard it
Often I’ll start an activity when checking screens if I load new data fields, so it’s useful (not to mention easier and faster) to be able to discard it there and then rather than have to end/save it and then have to go back and manually delete it
@MiniForklift I don’t know how many times I need to repeat this…
It is not about the presence of Discard - it’s about the problematic position in comparison to End, unarguably the more useful option.And your “use case” is simply just a work around for another poor point: designing screens is cumbersome and wild. Nothing I really like and enjoy. But I get your point. If I wanted to do this (maybe once …) I’d start the activities and afterwards just delete the useless recordings. I would not need discard at all and would not miss it.
I don’t really get all the fuzz here.
Having a crown you can easily turn till the virtual “end” of a list of options makes the very last and the very first options the “prime options” with the easiest reachable positions of all.
As a UX designer it is easy to deduct from this that clearly the most common options need to be placed exactly here: top and end. Not somewhere in the middle.And for your last point “the discard even has a confirm question”: I also found that rather strange: why is Discard the only one to have that question?!? End is also dangerous if you do not want to end but select the options.
All in all: Suunto as propagating very good usability should try harder to convince me they have UX designers working for them…