Proposal to change UI for Suunto Race
I certainly don’t feel I am “suffering” with Suunto. I can’t get over just how good the Vertical is. An amazing bit of kit. Others may prefer Garmin or other brands, the choice we have are fantastic.
As a 57 year old who can still remember map, compass and handheld barometer and purchased the first Suunto Barometer watch (Vector?) I have to pinch myself at the tools we have available and just how good they are.
I’m certainly a long way from suffering. -
@Olaf-Gottschalk is actually looking for custom made smart+sport watch for himself
I think @Olaf-Gottschalk is not asking for a different watch OS or architecture for the Race – I believe he suggests that Suunto should differentiate between watches with and without crown. That is also what @herlas wrote above:
In my opinion, having END at the bottom makes sense for RACE but it’s not the best UX for the other two
️ watches
@Mauerwegler yes, a very good request which I don’t disagree with or to be fair really care about, either would be fine. It’s more I’m being told I am suffering if I do not have the exact opinion.
@Todd-Danielczyk do you know how the world of embedded devices works?
Of course developers differentiate during build time as to what target the build is for. This is not unnecessarily stuff, it is essential - it’s call build variants.
Without it a Race could not even have a digital crown while other models based on the same OS have not.
@babychai said in Proposal to change UI for Suunto Race:
@Olaf-Gottschalk is actually looking for custom made smart+sport watch for himself
This is just a completely unnecessary comment. Just like this one. If you don’t want to contribute to the matter, why not just leave it?
@Olaf-Gottschalk bad or good it’s his own opinion… c’mon
What should we do now? Vote for mute someone?
@Olaf-Gottschalk buddy, I know how efficient companies run.
What you are asking for is a bespoke product from Suunto that is specific to your wants.
As far as I’m aware; they do not offer that. -
While I kind of like the options we have and where we have them, color coding them would be of benefit:
- resume: green
- options: blue (or something other than yellow or red)
- end: red
- discard: leave monochrome(?)
Or switch them around somewhat, but for those of us with aging eyes, the color coding goes a long way in ensuring we select what we intend to select.
I’d really like the ability to turn off vibration alert for notifications but still have it on for laps whilst in sport mode. Oh and be able to read the screen with just 2 data fields please
@David-l said in Proposal to change UI for Suunto Race:
I’d really like the ability to turn off vibration alert for notifications but still have it on for laps whilst in sport mode. Oh and be able to read the screen with just 2 data fields please
seconding this: having the vibration on in sports mode is very useful, as when you train in quite noisy environments it’s quite difficult hearing beeps…
It could be also useful having the possibility to change (most of the time: increase) the volume of sound alerts during sport modes.