Suunto 9 Peak Pro?
@Highlands the widget syncs every now and then, and stores future forecast (not sure if 12, 24, or 48 hours).
@Highlands maybe you want to have a look first.
Then you will see that the widget next to the weather forecast also is showing the time elapsed since last sync. -
@isazi I think I figured how it works - refreshing the SA refreshes the data in the widget as well but just going in the widget doesn’t readership the data in it. All in all, the widget works very well for me. Only have to figure how often it refreshes by itself if I don’t touch the SA.
@Egika Yes, when you scroll in the widget first thing you see is the time of sync. In my upper post I meant to ask whether if just going through the first page of the widget refreshes data but I wrote when you go in the widget. So, my bad. -
For the last update of the data in the weather widget it took a bit more than two hours. Then it got updated by itself without opening the SA.
Is it possible to send a sync request from the watch to the app without opening the SA? -
@Highlands the watch syncs itself, you do not need to open the app, but the forecast is not updated every minute
There are hours passing before a new update is available.
@isazi I’m not expecting the watch to update the widget every minute. My question is, is there a way to tell the watch to update the widget without opening the app.
@Highlands this is what I already said. The watch updates on its own when talking with the app, no need to open the app. If you trigger a manual sync opening the app, then of course the forecast is also updated. Also, the data itself is not updated every minute because weather forecasts do not work like that, update time from weather models are 3 hours or more, so there is no need for you watch to update more often than that.
@isazi All this is more than clear to me. What I don’t know is, is there a way I can manually sync from watch to SA.
@Highlands the widget always displays latest forecast and there is no way to force sync from watch. Although in normal conditions, it shouldn’t update less often than once per three hours.
It’s typically around 40 minutes in my case.
@Łukasz-Szmigiel Thanks a lot for this clarification. Hopefully they add force sync from watch to SA in the next update(s).
With my short Suunto experience, I appreciate any info I get from you, guys. -
@Highlands ok but why? Why would you want to force sync from the watch if it’s being automatically refreshed?
@Łukasz-Szmigiel The automatic refreshing doesn’t happen frequently enough which on Friday gave me totally unreliable forecasting: the day was sunny and the widget was giving me raining. If I have to go in the SA to refresh it, before I get to the app itself, I’ll have had a look already at the widget of the weather app of my phone which gives more or less ok-ish data. And if the weather widget refreshes less often at say 2-3-4 hours, that’s not enough when the weather is more prone to changes. I noticed that if I go away from the phone and the BT disconnects, then when I come back and the BT reconnects, the weather widget updates. Ideally, it would be great if the watch force syncs to the app when you go to weather widget. Thus you know you get the latest possible data.
@Highlands There is a Suunto+ App for weather that should pull a current and projected forecast when you start an activity. Check it out, this may be what you need.
@Brad_Olwin I know it but when I’m in the mountains, I don’t bring with me the other phone which is paired to my 9pp. @Łukasz-Szmigiel has answered my question. All clear to me now.
Hi all, sorry it may already been reported but I don’t follow anymore this thread since I have the Vertical.
The owner of my previous S9PP has a strange bug. When on charging dock, the watch has the battery logo with the lighting but it doesn’t increase in percentage. When unplugged, the percentage decrease normally.
This bug has been already reported ? How can he fix this ?
Normally the watch is up to date.Thanks
Yesterday while I was swimming the watch expectedly lost the connection with the satellite. That’s why I try to swim in a way that my hand spends more time near the surface or now and then I pull my hand out of the water to help the contact with the satellite. I follow this by looking at arrow in the breadcrumb screen. The arrow tells whether you are connected or not. But yesterday after 1.4 km swimming in the sea and during one of my attempts to help the watch restore the connection to the satellite I noticed that the line wouldn’t reestablish after keeping my hand nearly 10 minutes above the surface of the water. Eventually I stopped and saved the activity with those 1.4 km. During the activity I was in performance mode, using fat burner and weather insights apps. Just now and then experimenting with different apps. But since I updated to the latest stable version I always run two apps. Sadly, I couldn’t send logs from the sea (no phone with me and I was far from the shore). I started another swim activity, swam for a bit more than 4 km, again running those two particular apps but by using my tricks for maintaining satellite contact, the problem of the watch not wiling to reconnect to the satellite didn’t repeat. I would lose the connection to the satellite now and then but as on previous swims, the watch would always reconnect.
I wonder was that a one-off or a bug within the latest software? -
By the way, an awesome offer for the watch: -
@Highlands The issue I described in my former post happened again today.
gnss signals really really don’t like water.
I didn’t try to swim a longer distance with hands below water yet, but I will try something later -
@freeheeler No problem with the other watch, though.