Sensors full of Bubbles, Plastic peels off.
@AntoniusGaius wow, this sounds frustrating.
Actually the HR chip (LifeQ? - I don’t know) is just an extra piece of hardware sitting inside the watch and looking through the windows. the area that has been developing bubbles for you is part of the casing and not of the HR chip.
My Vertical and Race are spotless (and just have some wrist dirt ;))
I have exposed them to Sauna, swimming pools, baltic sea and the normal sweat and shower as I take them off only for charging evera now and then.
Anything like solvents or other chemicals your watch could have come in contact with?
@freeheeler Hi, I used them on my left hand for hiking and running. No shower or so. Rinsed after use. Normal conditions, normal temperature. Absolutely regular use 24/4. I can’t imagine more regular… SN 2316xxxxxx
It does not look bad, but bubbles are present. When it was replaced it was clear. At the moment it does not affect the function, so I will continue using it, until it will be bad again…
Congratulations you have in your surrounding problem free products. It does not mean that other users can´t face defective ones. Thank you for sharing your experience. I will update the state after longer period of time. -
was your watch repaired or replaced? -
@freeheeler Was repaired - back case was completely replaced with new one (new SN).
@Egika OK you’re right, LifeQ is in this case not the case of the problem. It is defective casing. It looks like it is clear coated or so. I don’t understand why this part is not made of glass.
And to your question – no aggressive solvents were in contact with watch. -
I would recommend, despite the disadvantage, to send it in again.
Suunto can only take note of the scope if they are aware of each case.same as @Egika , my watch goes off my wrist for charging only.
it has seen sunscreen, saltwater, sand, and chlorine water etc…
edit: ok, you answered this question meanwhile.
is there maybe something you would suspect as a root cause? since you’re using it only few days you will remember what the watch was exposed to -
I can just say that nothing special was made with the watch during this four days.
I think that it is defective batch of the casings, difference between first one and new one is 5 weeks.
I don’t want to be without my watch another 30 days (legal deadline in our country - after this you will get full refund) because I like to use it. I did not found better for my needs.
But I’m afraid it will has no other solution. SUUNTO doesn’t care. If so, they will not use defective casings for replace. And I’m sure that they know, that there is a problem. Central European service center knows about it. They said that they can’t affect what batch of back casings they will get from SUUNTO.
I think that the cause of the problem can be body heat that causes different flexibility of the layers (no layers is the solution :-))). -
@Egika hey Egika you go inside sauna with the both watches?! Or left the watch Outside from the Sauna?
I know it’s a long time waiting. I can only recommend to send it in again before warranty expires.
I’m sure Suunto doesn’t want low quality products in the market.I’m crossing fingers for you
@freeheeler Thank you, I will definitely do that. My watch is only three months after purchase (one month repair is not calculated to warranty period) so I have enough time. I’m afraid that bubbles must be more visible to be able to set is again as dispute. Will check all forums and experiences of other users with this. I like S Race a lot as a possible replace but… My loyalty is very disturbed. I don’t want to be disappointed again. My Ambit3 Peak Sapphire works still OK after 7 years of heavy use. I don’t understand why my last experience is so different.
@GiPFELKiND Yes, I go into Sauna wearing the watches. As I say, they only come off for charging.
German chat/ Message here?
aren’t you sure it is not like an additionnal plastic film (like a protective one) on the surface which is causing bubbles ?Not easy with just photo, but is there anything which could be peeled ?
@Mff73 It looks like it but not, there is clear coat. It peels by particles. See my picture of the first defective casing below :-(. It would be nice to just peel off the protective film and to have a nice smooth surface.
@GiPFELKiND GaPa local?? Nice
Meine Lieblings Dorf ist Wallgau. Ich war dort mindestens zehnmal mit Kinder, als sie klein waren.
@AntoniusGaius It really seems to be the protective plastic film…I remember it was like that on my Wife’s s9pp. I also though It was not be be removed at first.
@Tieutieu Sorry, there is nothing to be removed. See my first experience, there is some kind of clear coat on it. It peeled et the end. You can remove it with sand paper
I absolutely don’t understand why it this clear coated.
You have peeled off something from your wife’s 9PP? It is firs time somebody mentioned something like this in this forum. I have second piece of these and there was nothing to be peeled off. Maybe display film I don’t remember.
I thought that there is something to be peeled off on the first piece till it starts to peel off itself by pieces…
Anyway thank you for your idea.
@AntoniusGaius OK ; strange. Yes I remember I removed a protective film but at first have almost not noticed it.
Hope it will be fixed.
As others, My SV or my wife’s S9pp are worn H24, and exposed to everything : hot, cold, rain, sun, swimming pool…and we don’t have any bubbles or think like you have. -
@Tieutieu That’s good to hear, so it is still hope out there for me
I’ve just bought a refurbished unit (coming from an almost dead Suunto Spartan Sport WHR) and after reading this I’m a bit worried…