Software update 2.30.32
It appears like the weather widget is still bugged (small weather icon on the left of the widget missing).
This was a problem that support was aware of… but but but…
Tilt the wrist to activate mode is now absolutely brilliant! Very responsive.
@General_Witt Race it’s now a solid product!
@Luís-Pinto said in Software update 2.30.32:
@General_Witt Race it’s now a solid product!
Unfortunately, there is still very poor heart rate reading. I hope Suunto is working on it…
@gizmo well I went for a run for the first time without chest strap,I always use chest strap,in my Fênix 7 solar,955 and on previous watches I owned, because most of the watch in high intensity workouts don’t work properly,and even on steady runs if you have some hills tend to lag a bit to rise or down the HR. I tried to confirm if the statement of people of this forum about unreliable HR from Suunto Race is true. I took my Garmin forerunner 955 in right wrist and Suunto Race on the left,10 kms in both watches,05:27 pace average,139 bpm with a maximum of 149 on both,so for me is accurate,works fine. But again,if people want accuracy on HR readings make like i do, always use chest strap,is the only way.
@tiago said in Software update 2.30.32:
@gizmo well I went for a run for the first time without chest strap,I always use chest strap,in my Fênix 7 solar,955 and on previous watches I owned, because most of the watch in high intensity workouts don’t work properly,and even on steady runs if you have some hills tend to lag a bit to rise or down the HR. I tried to confirm if the statement of people of this forum about unreliable HR from Suunto Race is true. I took my Garmin forerunner 955 in right wrist and Suunto Race on the left,10 kms in both watches,05:27 pace average,139 bpm with a maximum of 149 on both,so for me is accurate,works fine. But again,if people want accuracy on HR readings make like i do, always use chest strap,is the only way.
I disagree with you, because Garmin 935/945/955, Fenix 6/7, Coros Pace 3, Apex PRO, Apple watches indicate the heart rate so precisely that an HR belt is not needed for regular running. In Race and Vertical it’s much worse. The WHR in these watches is so inaccurate and unstable that it is not suitable for any sport or even for measuring sleep parameters.
I agree that Race and Vertical are great watches, but the WHR is significantly inferior in terms of quality. I still believe that this problem will be fixed with new software. If not, I will have to sell my Race and go back to Garmin or Coros. -
@gizmo said in Software update 2.30.32:
@tiago said in Software update 2.30.32:
.I disagree with you, because Garmin 935/945/955, Fenix 6/7, Coros Pace 3, Apex PRO, Apple watches indicate the heart rate so precisely that an HR belt is not needed for regular running. In Race and Vertical it’s much worse. The WHR in these watches is so inaccurate and unstable that it is not suitable for any sport or even for measuring sleep parameters.
I agree that Race and Vertical are great watches, but the WHR is significantly inferior in terms of quality. I still believe that this problem will be fixed with new software. If not, I will have to sell my Race and go back to Garmin or Coros.I completely disagree, my Apple Watch Ultra and the past Epix 2 were not accurate enough to use without a chest strap. I have the data where both are worn together. I have never owned Coros so I don’t know. Apparently you have owned them all since you state this as a fact? Sorry but from what we see here OHR is different for different individuals. The underlying biology for detecting HR are radically different for the strap and any optical no matter where located.
@gizmo if you read what i said,I don’t told 955 or fenix 7 was not accurate, they are accurate enough in steady runs. On intervals is hit and miss. Sometimes work,others not. Thats why i use chest strap. If I don’t considered the 955 accurate on steady runs,I won’t compared with the Suunto Race, what i said was today in my run, Suunto Race and forerunner 955 using the OHR get the same readings,137 bpm in both with a maximum of 149 in both. In my point of view,is accurate. But we all know OHR for some people works fine,for others not,so I’m only sharing my experience.
@tiago if you read what i said… all the watches I wrote about are a level better at reading heart rate for steady runs and you can rely on them. Race and Vertical are unreliable, I did about 30 steady, easy runs in various conditions, using different straps and none of the measurements were stable and reliable. In short, WHR in Race and Vertical is currently useless. If the watch sometimes shows the true HR value, and most of the time it shows the wrong value, then it is completely useless. If the watch calculates a lot of parameters based on such a useless reading, then these parameters are also useless.
The navigation is great, the screen is excellent, the compass is incredible, the battery is amazing, but the WHR sucks. That’s the truth
If Suunto doesn’t perform a miracle and improve WHR, unfortunately I don’t predict a great future for these watches. -
@gizmo Vertical and Race OHR are fine for me up to steady pace runs, for quality workouts, strap is always the way to go.
The only time I do see spikes and wrong values is during -0c runs, but hey, thin wrist and bad weather is a killer combination
It’s been said many times, OHR is very personal, in my case it works great only on my right wrist (I’m a lefty, so go figure) and when used at least one finger above wrist bone and the right level of tightness.
Those complaining about Vertical and Race OHR clearly didn’t use previous Suunto OHR such as the one on the Suunto 9, that was really really bad, it was belt needed all the time for me, even for easy runs.
With that said, things are improving with Suunto on the OHR front
See last Sunday 15K run , did a 2km zone 1 warm-up, followed by pacing on zone 2 and closing the run on zone 3.
@herlas said in Software update 2.30.32:
With that said, things are improving with Suunto on the OHR front
And this is undeniable truth and I agree with it 100%
But there is still a long way to go to the acceptable level that the competition achieved long ago.
Unfortunately, my measurements look completely different. A straight path, constant pace, real heart rate around 160bpm… and the graphs look like this:Values on the chart: 110-180 bpm… real value stable 155-165bmp…
Keep in mind we are entering colder temps and all ohr units have less accuracy. You cant compare testing a watch in summer to testing another watch in winter. The would perform differently.
@Dimitrios-Kanellopoulos said in Software update 2.30.32:
Keep in mind we are entering colder temps and all ohr units have less accuracy. You cant compare testing a watch in summer to testing another watch in winter. The would perform differently.
I agree with that, of course. I disagree with the statement that the WHR reading works well. In my opinion, it works very poorly and is the weakest link in these great watches.
I just want the WHR readings during easy running to be realistic and stable, nothing more.
And I agree that for high-quality training there must be a HR belt. -
@gizmo said in Software update 2.30.32:
In short, WHR in Race and Vertical is currently useless.I’m not sure why people, like me and others, who have had good experience with OHR,are able to say ‘In my opinion, it works well for me…’, while others, like @gizmo, who are on the negative side, must make declarative statements like this.
I hope in future posts people on the negative can acknowledge:
- That OHR DOES IN FACT work ok for some, as they/we are saying.
- That they please try to say its your personal experience when you make a statement like above. Simply toning it down to something like ‘Well, in my experience OHR doesn’t work, and in my opinion, WHR in Race and Vertical is…’
Would help keep the mood a bit more chill.
@gizmo for me worked well,so this is the kind of things work well for me but for others maybe not. So if doesn’t work for you you have to find something who works for you
@gizmo OHR is going to be highly user dependent! I found the Epix 2 no better than the Race for me. Apple for me and for others is clearly better but still not good enough. Just because it does not work for you does not mean it is general for others. There are a fair number of field testers that get great OHR from Suunto devices, I do not but Garmin is no better for me either. Please don’t generalize your OHR data for everyone, the underlying technology is simply not good enough for that no matter who makes the sensor.
For monitoring HR daily (no exercise) and sleep, OHR on all devices I have tested are equivalent. -
I don’t have the Suunto Race or Vertical but from what I saw as feedback from 3 known testers, the accuracy of the WHr is not good, at least less than with Garmin or Coros.
For the rest, they are cited as very good watches.
I recognize that this slows me down from buying because on long distances I like not to use an HR belt -
@Rob33 for me, the OHR for suunto race works as well as my Garmin 965, ultra and COROS pace 3. Only thing is you have to wear it slightly higher where there is more flesh and snugly
The interface is much smoother now. Great !
Raise to wake also works much better than before. Also Great !
There are new symbols for notifications… ok… now Suunto… implement those Emoticons for the next firmware so the SR would be near perfect for me.
Weather widget should include the forecast for the next few days - i really miss this option.
So all in all i am happy with the new firmware. Thanks Suunto !