Unfortunately time to go back to Garmin.
Well finally I decided to go back to Garmin. The Race is an amazing good looking watch but somethings are difficult to understand…
Who knows… maybe next Suunto watch.
@Luis-Andés-Olmedo Good luck
@Luis-Andés-Olmedo why don’t you wait for the next fw update before moving on? a missed opportunity, imo
@robis with suunto it’s always wait for the update
@Likarnik said in Unfortunately time to go back to Garmin.:
@robis with suunto it’s always wait for the update
Why don’t they distribute minor bug fixes from time to time? And do they have any difficulties with software testing because most of the bugs are so easy to reproduce and should have been fixed before an update
These are rhetorician questions of course. As someone previously said - due to not so long lifespan of modern gadgets it’s really not funny to wait for so long for bugs to be fixed. I.e I was using my 9pp for 11 month before the last firmware update came and now I’m waiting for 2,5 months for bug fix
@robis said in Unfortunately time to go back to Garmin.:
@Luis-Andés-Olmedo why don’t you wait for the next fw update before moving on? a missed opportunity, imo
Waiting without knowing what will be in that next update? I have had a good offer to buy an F7X and I have decided not to wait any longer. I have already sold the Race
@Luis-Andés-Olmedo said in Unfortunately time to go back to Garmin.:
I have had a good offer to buy an F7X
glad you found your way, have fun!
@Luis-Andés-Olmedo it would be great to got time frame official from SUUNTO when new updates will roll Out. The official update infos from the Support Team are very bad. That would help many people here in the Forum. Posts like “in my tester Software there are no Problems” are not helping us all. The testers should not say only i dont have Problems that makes the “normal” users sad cause they have some problems. Suunto please work to fast updates!!!
@GiPFELKiND said in Unfortunately time to go back to Garmin.:
@Luis-Andés-Olmedo it would be great to got time frame official from SUUNTO when new updates will roll Out. The official update infos from the Support Team are very bad. That would help many people here in the Forum. Posts like “in my tester Software there are no Problems” are not helping us all. The testers should not say only i dont have Problems that makes the “normal” users sad cause they have some problems. Suunto please work to fast updates!!!
Have you thought that maybe it’s the reality of the testers, that they really haven’t found the issue?
User base is usually much bigger than tester base.
If you are around the forum for sometime guess you already understood that suunto doesn’t seem to change for giving visibility on updates or delivering faster ones. It’s their brand they do how they want…if they believe it’s the better way and it matches their internal resources…
Then it’s upon each customer to accept it or move. -
@GiPFELKiND what’s wrong with saying my watch works? perception of problems is very subjective and what bothers you doesn’t imply the same for others. both situations are still legitimate though. yes, mine has bugs as well but again, I don’t care that much because the basic functionality works as intended for me or I do not care of that issue. like everyone else here I reported my problems and complaints once and now I sit and wait. What else can I do? bore others by asking the same things ad nauseam? no, this forum cannot help me to solve the known problems. try to flood support with your complaints or change brand if you’re so disgusted
@GiPFELKiND said in Unfortunately time to go back to Garmin.:
@Luis-Andés-Olmedo it would be great to got time frame official from SUUNTO
You’re beating the rotten horse here (dead a long time ago) you know that, isn’t it?
@robis said in Unfortunately time to go back to Garmin.:
@GiPFELKiND what’s wrong with saying my watch works? perception of problems is very subjective and what bothers you doesn’t imply the same for others. both situations are still legitimate though. yes, mine has bugs as well but again, I don’t care that much because the basic functionality works as intended for me or I do not care of that issue. like everyone else here I reported my problems and complaints once and now I sit and wait. What else can I do? bore others by asking the same things ad nauseam? no, this forum cannot help me to solve the known problems. try to flood support with your complaints or change brand if you’re so disgusted
Agree, I am very happy with the Vertical, it does what I bought it for very well. And if it has any bugs I am not aware of them or they do not matter to me.
I came from Garmin, they are also excellent buys. You have to choose what fits in with you. Ironically I do always remember people complaining on the Garmin forum that they wouldn’t give a timeframe for bug fixes and people saying they were beta testers.
Enjoy which ever brand you choose, we have the most amazing choice of outdoor watches.
@robis the way I see it the product is usable and not bricked. Suunto fixes through iteration and these are done for a substantial “lifetime” of the product. They stand by it.
If I wanted open source to tweak everything at the risk of bricking it, there are products out there. If I wanted quick fixes but forced to buy the latest features, that is also out there.
Maybe Suunto plays in to my sense of delayed gratification, but the updates improve the usage for me and I’ve come to know it’s always during the two “sports seasons” winter and summer.
@Luis-Andés-Olmedo said in Unfortunately time to go back to Garmin.:
Waiting without knowing what will be in that next update?
Thats how it works in Suunto. No one here change things for a update. No one knows in which way some people here write the problems from some users to the official support Team. You have to sent log Files and some admin write everyone to suunto. I dont know. So we as the “normal” people will not know what there will come in some next Updates. And WE never know if the next update come… For example: the Vertical is out since may 2023 and until today the new CTL TSB ATL widget isnt corrected until today.
Really? 10 month!? If i thing about that than i dont know if suunto had proof the software before rolling Out or they didnt!? But we could hope that some problems gonna solved with the next Update, but how much new bugs will come? Last bad thing the missing contour lines in the new updated maps Higher Zoom level as 500m. Why suunto? But the new coop with the utmb …
They have to solve their Software Problems very fast
@GiPFELKiND said in Unfortunately time to go back to Garmin.:
@Luis-Andés-Olmedo said in Unfortunately time to go back to Garmin.:
Waiting without knowing what will be in that next update?
. For example: the Vertical is out since may 2023 and until today the new CTL TSB ATL widget isnt corrected until today.
Really? 10 month!?
For me on production firmware with Vertical my CTL, ATL and TSB are correct so this is not affecting everyone! I have this to you before but you ignore it. Maybe a more complicated bug than you think. Here the testers try to help by informing you that something is corrected. When all you do is complain I am less inclined to say anything. We are under an NDA so we probably shouldn’t. Suunto has decided how they want to implement updates whether or not we agree. Perhaps accept this.
Je suis d’accord avec vous 10 mois pour un bug ? Pas normal du tout et toujours rien au niveau mise à jour j’ai le sentiment que une fois la montre vendu et payer 800e suunto continue sont petits chemins il sorte des nouvelles couleurs de race
Les bugs dedans c’est cadeau mais c’est pas grave sa sera réglé dans la prochaine mise à jour
Je pense qu’il sont perdu niveau logiciel et incapable de résoudre ces problèmes c’est tout -
I’m a Garmin & Suunto ‘wearer,’ and must admit I like different things about each one.
For Suunto:
- my 9PP looks great - much nicer than my Forerunner 955
- I’m only interested in one watch face (the one showing 24 hour ‘sunrise/ sunset’ with midday being at 12 o’clock) which has all I need
- I like the simplicity for general use, and really appreciate the ethos behind the brand
- the app provides an excellent long-term view of fitness (much like Intervals. ICU)
- for me, sleep tracking is very good, although I know this is very dependant on the wearer
- the route planning in the app is much better than Garmin in some aspects - particularly when you are in a new city and want to plan a route to see the highlights of the area!
For Garmin:
My 955 is an excellent runners watch, with a number of features that I would love to see in the 9PP, such as:- the ability to ‘generate’ a running route using the watch itself (I’m guessing using local tracks) which is great if you travel a lot to new areas and just want to run…
- a large clear screen, which is just easier for me to read (when running) compared with the 9PP
- the ability to set multiple zones as targets for a run - i.e. zone 1 & 2, rather than just zone 2 - along with a tone/ vibrate alert for too high, combined with a vibrate alert for ‘back on target.’ This allows you to just run without looking at the watch all the time, which is what running is all about - no?
- having multiple targets for a run, including pace and zones etc.
- being able to provide ‘activity’ data to Intervals.ICU (etc) in addition to training data
All in all, I swap between the two quite a lot, but favour the Garmin for running.
Looking forward to the next firmware update to see what it brings! -
Je viens de chez Garmin j’ai eu 2 phénix et forerunner 945 et 955 ma 955 a fonctionner 2mois et ensuite hs j’ai donné 1 coup de téléphone et 2 semaine après j’ai reçu une montre neuve et ensuite je suis passé sur la vertical rien à redire sur la montre en elle même elle est top pour moi mais au niveau communication il y a un problème chez suunto j’ai contacté le sav pour le ctl … Il mon dit qu’il était pas au courant alors que le problème était connu… j’ai posé 2 questions au sav il y a 2 semaine et pas de nouvelles
C’est juste qu’il pourrait communiquer un peu plus avec leur client si il tienne à les garder
Et résoudre les problèmes avec plus de réactivité -
@sartoric said in Unfortunately time to go back to Garmin.:
@GiPFELKiND said in Unfortunately time to go back to Garmin.:
@Luis-Andés-Olmedo it would be great to got time frame official from SUUNTO
You’re BEATING the rotten horse here (dead a long time ago) you know that, isn’t it?
I don’t know if people downvoted because of the typo (being / beating)
We don’t and will never have the same sensibility and definition for bugs.
Ok CTL one day difference is a point. But honestly…what does it change for training ???
When I want to get some analyse I go anyway into the app.
And when you know that your ctl is at 87 or 86, what difference it makes ??
About contour lines, it’s a choice for now, not a bug…if it would have been this way from launch, it would be asked as a requested evolution.
I have few « bugs » sometimes : when exercicing with personnal sport mode with touchscreen activated, sometimes touchscreen doesn’t work. Happened yesterday. Can’t relate it to any particular action. But It doesn’t make my SV unusable. But It’s annoying.Every software company his dealing with bugs and has to sort them by priority.
- what is critical (crashes…)
- what is not working (apps selection that was not working…)
- what is annoying but doesn’t avoid to use it (I would place « CTL » here).
And all aside you have all the new features development.
And every release can bring some « regression bugs ».
Enjoy your watches, keep reporting every bugs.
I will continue to do so, with kind mind.
But I’m not a Suunto developper so I will never ask them why they don’t go faster for update realese !I personally never had a single crash since I bought SV. It works awesomely